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Spawn unit in each vehicle?

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How do I get each vehicle's AI so it's full? Yes, I get a full group in one vehicle, but not 3 at the same time. 

Are there any suggestions on how I could be done?


script which i am using


_Pos_1 = SP_Mission_Pos;


_Pos_Spawn = [[[_Pos_1, 25 + random 250]],["water"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos;


_Group = createGroup SP_Missions_Enemy_Side;

_Group_Crew = createGroup SP_Missions_Enemy_Side;

_Light_Vehicle = selectRandom SP_Patrols_Vehicle_Array;

_Spawned_Light_Vehicle = for "_x" from 1 to 3 do {_Light_Vehicle createVehicle _Pos_Spawn;};


_Seats_Number = [_Light_Vehicle,true] call BIS_fnc_crewCount;   

_Seats_Number_Crew = [_Light_Vehicle,false] call BIS_fnc_crewCount;


for "_x" from 1 to _Seats_Number_Crew do 



    _unit_Crew = _Group_Crew createunit [SP_Civilian_Array select floor(random count SP_Civilian_Array), _Pos_Spawn, [], 0, "None"];

    [_unit_Crew] JoinSilent _Group_Crew;

    _unit_Crew moveInAny _Spawned_Light_Vehicle;

    (leader _Group_Crew) setSkill 1;

    _Spawned_Light_Vehicle forceFollowRoad true;

    _Spawned_Light_Vehicle setConvoySeparation 30;


    removeAllWeapons _unit_Crew;

    removeAllItems _unit_Crew;

    removeAllAssignedItems _unit_Crew;

    removeVest _unit_Crew;

    removeBackpack _unit_Crew;

    removeGoggles _unit_Crew;


    _Headgear = selectRandom SP_Civilian_Headgear_Array;

    _Goggles = selectRandom SP_Civilian_Goggles_Array;

    _Vests = selectRandom SP_Civilian_Vests_Array;

    _Backpacks = selectRandom SP_Civilian_Backpacks_Array;


    _unit_Crew addHeadgear _Headgear;

    //_unit_Crew addGoggles _Goggles;


    //  add possibility 

    if (floor (random 30) < 6) then {_unit_Crew addGoggles _Goggles;};

    if (floor (random 30) < 5) then {_unit_Crew addVest _Vests;};

    if (floor (random 30) < 15) then {_unit_Crew addBackpack _Backpacks;};


    _Primary_Weapon = selectRandom SP_Civilian_primaryWeapon_array;

    _secondaryWeapon = selectRandom SP_Civilian_secondaryWeapon_array;

    _handgunWeapon = selectRandom SP_Civilian_HandGunWeapon_array;


    _Primary_Weapon_Magazines = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" / _Primary_Weapon / "magazines");

    _Spawn_Primary_Weapon_magazines = selectRandom _Primary_Weapon_Magazines;


    _unit_Crew addWeapon _Primary_Weapon;


    for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {_unit_Crew addItemToUniform _Spawn_Primary_Weapon_magazines;};

    for "_i" from 1 to 1 do {_unit_Crew addItemToUniform "FirstAidKit";};

    for "_i" from 1 to 1 do {_unit_Crew addItemToUniform "LIB_Shg24";};


    for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit_Crew addItemToVest _Spawn_Primary_Weapon_magazines;}; 

    for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit_Crew addItemToBackpack _Spawn_Primary_Weapon_magazines;};


    _unit_Crew selectweapon primaryWeapon _unit_Crew;

    reload _unit_Crew;


    //  add possibility 

    if (floor (random 10) < 4) then {_unit_Crew linkItem "ItemMap";};

    if (floor (random 10) < 4) then {_unit_Crew linkItem "LIB_GER_ItemCompass";};

    if (floor (random 10) < 4) then {_unit_Crew linkItem "LIB_GER_ItemWatch";};



_Seats_Number_Cargo = _Seats_Number - _Seats_Number_Crew;


for "_x" from 1 to _Seats_Number_Cargo do 



    _unit = _Group createunit [SP_Civilian_Array select floor(random count SP_Civilian_Array),_Pos_Spawn,[],0,"None"];

    [_unit] JoinSilent _Group;

    _unit moveInAny _Spawned_Light_Vehicle;

    (leader _Group) setSkill 1;


    removeAllWeapons _Unit;

    removeAllItems _Unit;

    removeAllAssignedItems _Unit;

    removeVest _Unit;

    removeBackpack _Unit;

    removeGoggles _Unit;


    _Headgear = selectRandom SP_Civilian_Headgear_Array;

    _Goggles = selectRandom SP_Civilian_Goggles_Array;

    _Vests = selectRandom SP_Civilian_Vests_Array;

    _Backpacks = selectRandom SP_Civilian_Backpacks_Array;


    _Unit addHeadgear _Headgear;

    //_Unit addGoggles _Goggles;


    //  add possibility 

    if (floor (random 30) < 6) then {_Unit addGoggles _Goggles;};

    if (floor (random 30) < 5) then {_Unit addVest _Vests;};

    if (floor (random 30) < 15) then {_Unit addBackpack _Backpacks;};


    _Primary_Weapon = selectRandom SP_Civilian_primaryWeapon_array;

    _secondaryWeapon = selectRandom SP_Civilian_secondaryWeapon_array;

    _handgunWeapon = selectRandom SP_Civilian_HandGunWeapon_array;


    _Primary_Weapon_Magazines = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" / _Primary_Weapon / "magazines");

    _Spawn_Primary_Weapon_magazines = selectRandom _Primary_Weapon_Magazines;


    _Unit addWeapon _Primary_Weapon;


    for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {_Unit addItemToUniform _Spawn_Primary_Weapon_magazines;};

    for "_i" from 1 to 1 do {_Unit addItemToUniform "FirstAidKit";};

    for "_i" from 1 to 1 do {_Unit addItemToUniform "LIB_Shg24";};


    for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_Unit addItemToVest _Spawn_Primary_Weapon_magazines;}; 

    for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_Unit addItemToBackpack _Spawn_Primary_Weapon_magazines;};


    _Unit selectweapon primaryWeapon _Unit;

    reload _Unit;


    //  add possibility 

    if (floor (random 10) < 4) then {_Unit linkItem "ItemMap";};

    if (floor (random 10) < 4) then {_Unit linkItem "LIB_GER_ItemCompass";};

    if (floor (random 10) < 4) then {_Unit linkItem "LIB_GER_ItemWatch";};



[_Group_Crew, _Pos_1, 5000] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;

[_Group, _Pos_1, 5000] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;

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not sure if I get the question but there's different commands when it comes to crew 


Create crew for empty vehicle:



Create vehicle with crew:



Get vehicle's empty positions:

(Useful for manually creating each crew member)




hope that helps

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i don't use the top two because array creates units for vehicles.

emptyPositions it was not good thing, because they was outside vehicles


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Maybe, just loop 3 times the script where you create the vehicles and use alternative synthax of createVehicle command.


Finally add some distance between spawned vehicles to avoid collisions.


 _Pos_1 = SP_Mission_Pos;

 _Pos_Spawn = [[[_Pos_1, 25 + random 250]],["water"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos;

_Light_Vehicle = selectRandom SP_Patrols_Vehicle_Array; // This line can be inside the "_i" loop to get random vehicles for the groups **

for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {

    // ** here

    _Spawned_Light_Vehicle = createVehicle [_Light_Vehicle, _Pos_Spawn, [], 0, "NONE"];

    _Seats_Number = [_Light_Vehicle,true] call BIS_fnc_crewCount;   

    _Seats_Number_Crew = [_Light_Vehicle,false] call BIS_fnc_crewCount;

    _Group = createGroup SP_Missions_Enemy_Side;

_Group_Crew = createGroup SP_Missions_Enemy_Side;

    for "_x" from 1 to _Seats_Number_Crew do 


        _unit_Crew = _Group_Crew createunit [SP_Civilian_Array select floor(random count SP_Civilian_Array), _Pos_Spawn, [], 0, "None"];

        [_unit_Crew] JoinSilent _Group_Crew;

        _unit_Crew moveInAny _Spawned_Light_Vehicle;

        (leader _Group_Crew) setSkill 1;

        _Spawned_Light_Vehicle forceFollowRoad true;

        _Spawned_Light_Vehicle setConvoySeparation 30;


        removeAllWeapons _unit_Crew;

        removeAllItems _unit_Crew;

        removeAllAssignedItems _unit_Crew;

        removeVest _unit_Crew;

        removeBackpack _unit_Crew;

        removeGoggles _unit_Crew;


        _Headgear = selectRandom SP_Civilian_Headgear_Array;

        _Goggles = selectRandom SP_Civilian_Goggles_Array;

        _Vests = selectRandom SP_Civilian_Vests_Array;

        _Backpacks = selectRandom SP_Civilian_Backpacks_Array;


        _unit_Crew addHeadgear _Headgear;

        //_unit_Crew addGoggles _Goggles;


        //  add possibility 

        if (floor (random 30) < 6) then {_unit_Crew addGoggles _Goggles;};

        if (floor (random 30) < 5) then {_unit_Crew addVest _Vests;};

        if (floor (random 30) < 15) then {_unit_Crew addBackpack _Backpacks;};


        _Primary_Weapon = selectRandom SP_Civilian_primaryWeapon_array;

        _secondaryWeapon = selectRandom SP_Civilian_secondaryWeapon_array;

        _handgunWeapon = selectRandom SP_Civilian_HandGunWeapon_array;


        _Primary_Weapon_Magazines = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" / _Primary_Weapon / "magazines");

        _Spawn_Primary_Weapon_magazines = selectRandom _Primary_Weapon_Magazines;


        _unit_Crew addWeapon _Primary_Weapon;


        for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {_unit_Crew addItemToUniform _Spawn_Primary_Weapon_magazines;};

        for "_i" from 1 to 1 do {_unit_Crew addItemToUniform "FirstAidKit";};

        for "_i" from 1 to 1 do {_unit_Crew addItemToUniform "LIB_Shg24";};


        for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit_Crew addItemToVest _Spawn_Primary_Weapon_magazines;}; 

        for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit_Crew addItemToBackpack _Spawn_Primary_Weapon_magazines;};


        _unit_Crew selectweapon primaryWeapon _unit_Crew;

        reload _unit_Crew;


        //  add possibility 

        if (floor (random 10) < 4) then {_unit_Crew linkItem "ItemMap";};

        if (floor (random 10) < 4) then {_unit_Crew linkItem "LIB_GER_ItemCompass";};

        if (floor (random 10) < 4) then {_unit_Crew linkItem "LIB_GER_ItemWatch";};



    _Seats_Number_Cargo = _Seats_Number - _Seats_Number_Crew;


    for "_x" from 1 to _Seats_Number_Cargo do 



        _unit = _Group createunit [SP_Civilian_Array select floor(random count SP_Civilian_Array),_Pos_Spawn,[],0,"None"];

        [_unit] JoinSilent _Group;

        _unit moveInAny _Spawned_Light_Vehicle;

        (leader _Group) setSkill 1;


        removeAllWeapons _Unit;

        removeAllItems _Unit;

        removeAllAssignedItems _Unit;

        removeVest _Unit;

        removeBackpack _Unit;

        removeGoggles _Unit;


        _Headgear = selectRandom SP_Civilian_Headgear_Array;

        _Goggles = selectRandom SP_Civilian_Goggles_Array;

        _Vests = selectRandom SP_Civilian_Vests_Array;

        _Backpacks = selectRandom SP_Civilian_Backpacks_Array;


        _Unit addHeadgear _Headgear;

        //_Unit addGoggles _Goggles;


        //  add possibility 

        if (floor (random 30) < 6) then {_Unit addGoggles _Goggles;};

        if (floor (random 30) < 5) then {_Unit addVest _Vests;};

        if (floor (random 30) < 15) then {_Unit addBackpack _Backpacks;};


        _Primary_Weapon = selectRandom SP_Civilian_primaryWeapon_array;

        _secondaryWeapon = selectRandom SP_Civilian_secondaryWeapon_array;

        _handgunWeapon = selectRandom SP_Civilian_HandGunWeapon_array;


        _Primary_Weapon_Magazines = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" / _Primary_Weapon / "magazines");

        _Spawn_Primary_Weapon_magazines = selectRandom _Primary_Weapon_Magazines;


        _Unit addWeapon _Primary_Weapon;


        for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {_Unit addItemToUniform _Spawn_Primary_Weapon_magazines;};

        for "_i" from 1 to 1 do {_Unit addItemToUniform "FirstAidKit";};

        for "_i" from 1 to 1 do {_Unit addItemToUniform "LIB_Shg24";};


        for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_Unit addItemToVest _Spawn_Primary_Weapon_magazines;}; 

        for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_Unit addItemToBackpack _Spawn_Primary_Weapon_magazines;};


        _Unit selectweapon primaryWeapon _Unit;

        reload _Unit;


        //  add possibility 

        if (floor (random 10) < 4) then {_Unit linkItem "ItemMap";};

        if (floor (random 10) < 4) then {_Unit linkItem "LIB_GER_ItemCompass";};

        if (floor (random 10) < 4) then {_Unit linkItem "LIB_GER_ItemWatch";};



    [_Group_Crew, _Pos_1, 5000] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;

    [_Group, _Pos_1, 5000] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;

    _Pos_Spawn = [(_Pos_Spawn select 0) + 5, _Pos_Spawn select 1, 0]; // Make space between spawned vehicles to avoid BOOM! ^^


Hope this help 😉

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