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Problem with the command setbehaviour, help!

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gormen1 SetBehaviour "SAFE"; gormen1 setspeedmode "limited"; gormen1 domove getpos airob1

but gormen1 runs, but how to force its go slowly?

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Where did you put the command? The other question is why 'gormen1 domove getpos airob1' couldn't you do this with a waypoint? It would be easyer. A little more information would help in answering your question.

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Maybe gormen1 is part of group with another speedlimit. Try to use move instead of domove.

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you should do this if you want him to move slow:

gormen1 setcombatmode "BLUE";

gormen1 setbehaviour "CARELESS";

then call:

gormen1 setspeedmode "limited";

gormen1 domove getpos airob1

Your unit should move slow after that.

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I think you best do it with a waypoint like said before.

He s in safe mode, gun on back but not walking slowly whatever i try.

Would be good to know how you exactly want to use it.

But if it s an AI player you want to move to a certain point or other AI unit when you enter a certain zone do it with a waypoint.

Make your two units, gormen1 and airob1.

Give gormen1 a waypoint next to or onto airob1 and make it a "move" waypoint, behaviour safe, never fire.

Now make a trigger and make the conditions how you want them to be. Or just leave them to "this" if you want gormen to walk to robair as soon as you enter the trigger.

Activation : West ( or the side you re on )

Type : switch

Now synchronise that trigger with the "move" waypoint.

Now he walks slowly.

Hope this help, it s just guessing with the little info you gave us m8.


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I interest only that possible do in scenario *.sqs

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