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Detect synced area marker from inside an editor logic?

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Hi guys,


lets say from editor logic modules I do calls like "[[0,0,1,1],100] execvm "spawnUnits.sqf"" which would spawn me 100 units on the whole map (from 0,0 to 1,1 of worldsize).

Now I'd love this: If I sync this editor logic to an area marker, I'd love to detect this and pass the marker size and position to the execvm'ed script.


So: Can an editor logic module detect if it's synced to something? If so, can I get the synced markers properties? I'm always wanted to have that and I wonder if I missed something.



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You can't sync logic object into a marker, so you would have to use a trigger.
Also not entirely sure does 'editor logic module' mean the game logic object or some custom module?

Unless I'm completely misunderstanding:

If game logic you can run something like this in it's init:

private _trigger = (synchronizedObjects this) # 0;
0 = [
        getPos _trigger,
        triggerArea _trigger
] execVM "spawnUnits.sqf";

If custom module you can run the same in it's expression:

expression = "\
	private _trigger = (synchronizedObjects _this) # 0;\
	        getPos _trigger,\
	        triggerArea _trigger\
	] execVM 'spawnUnits.sqf';\

Of course this is just a simple example so that for example assumes you're always syncing a single trigger to it.

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