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Need a Script to better Randomize Grenade Explosion Sounds

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Need a quick script to better randomize grenade explosion sound in my JSRS sound replacement mod.


This should be straight forward and fairly easy to do if you have any scripting knowledge with the A3 Scripting Engine. Any help with this is greatly appreciated.


Sound File Names: Close_Distance (1).ogg, Close_Distance (2).ogg, Close_Distance (3).ogg, Close_Distance (4).ogg, Close_Distance (5).ogg, Close_Distance (6).ogg, Close_Distance (7).ogg, Close_Distance (8).ogg, Close_Distance (9).ogg, Close_Distance (10).ogg


You will get co-credit on my Steam Workshop page for this mod.


You can check out the mod here: 




Thx so much,







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Hey, fan of your little mod, makes a difference as JSRS grenade sounds are too loud.

I'm a noob when it comes to config files, but have slowly dwelling  been delving into it more and more.

I'm sure your solution would be better if config based and here's a possible solution, try it out:

class CfgSoundShaders
	class ACPC2_closeShot_SoundShader
		samples[] = 
			{ "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Acpc2\ACPC2_closeShot_01", 1 },
			{ "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Acpc2\ACPC2_closeShot_02", 1 },
			{ "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Acpc2\ACPC2_closeShot_03", 2 } // example: sample has a higher chance of being picked
		volume = db3;
		range = 50;
		rangeCurve = closeShotCurve;

source: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Sound:_SoundShader


Edited by RCA3

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Thx so much for your response.


I will give that a shot! 


Never really looked at solving the sound randomization problem via the config but your example looks very promising.


I will update the mod config just as soon as I can with the new parameters.


Thx a lot for your input.





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