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Need advice on the use of remoteExec

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Hi everyone, it's been a while for me.


I've gone over the biki page on remoteExec, read about remoteExec and remoteExecCall and all that, and I can't figure out two things:

1. When should I use remoteExec? The missions I make are always online co-op. Do I just use remoteExec for everything? Should I only use it for specific functions?

2. Is there harm in using remoteExec with bis_fnc_call all the time? It's easier to write '{blahblahblah} remoteExec ["bis_fnc_call"]', but I feel it'd be naive to assume it's a good practice.


Thanks in advance, sorry if anyone facepalmed. I'm getting there.

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4 hours ago, Rebitaay said:

When should I use remoteExec?


when you want to tell one PC from another PC to execute some command


The wiki has some good examples. For example if you want the server to tell all clients to show message you use code like this (in the server):


// runs hint "hello" everywhere but server 

"hello" remoteExec ["hint", -2]; 


then all clients show hint "hello"


Edited by gc8
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4 hours ago, Rebitaay said:

Hi everyone, it's been a while for me.


I've gone over the biki page on remoteExec, read about remoteExec and remoteExecCall and all that, and I can't figure out two things:

1. When should I use remoteExec? The missions I make are always online co-op. Do I just use remoteExec for everything? Should I only use it for specific functions?

Only use remoteExec where locality commands it.

The wiki usually displays command/argument locality for each specific command at the top.

Most usual cases for remoteExec are playing sounds via say/say3D, chat commands, hints.

Then there are some other commands that require to be executed where an object is local.


4 hours ago, Rebitaay said:

2. Is there harm in using remoteExec with bis_fnc_call all the time? It's easier to write '{blahblahblah} remoteExec ["bis_fnc_call"]', but I feel it'd be naive to assume it's a good practice.


Thanks in advance, sorry if anyone facepalmed. I'm getting there.


Not sure I've seen bis_fnc_call before, maybe it's deprecated similar to bis_fnc_mp?

Looks like it's adding another call/spawn command, so doubt it's doing anything different to just using the function/command itself, definitely needs someone else to clear that up though.



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