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Hide display when dialog closes with keyboard Esc (Solved!)

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I need help my friends, it is an issue with my game, that couldn’t solve myself.

I'm using the IFA3 Lite mod.

The problem is:


I made a dialog to spend the resources won by capturing and holding the flags areas, and put a display over de dialog to show the disposable resources. When I close the dialog with the [close] button, the command closes the display, but when I press keyboard Esc, the dialog closes, but the display dont. The question is, how do I get a return that the dialog is closed, so the script can terminate the display?


The mission is very cool, it is a Battlefield like game, mixed with company of heroes,  I'm still developing, and I wish to prepare it to multiplayers, if someone could help me with it, I would be much glad.


Sorry by the English, I'm from Brazil, and love this game since cold war crises launch, it was love at first sight.




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Sounds like you could use the dialog "onUnload"


example code:


class ExampleDialog
 idd = 1234567;

 onUnload = "call onCloseMyDlg"; // <- executed when dialog is closed (ESC or other)


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Thank you! This will solve my issue, I'll post de mission here later, or there is a proper place so I can post it?

I'm using a bolean variable to order close the display, it will work for sure.



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I just try it and didn't work...

    idd = 2300;
    movingenable = 0;
    name = "TAG_DIALOG_SH_GROUP4";
    onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['TAG_DIALOG_SH_GROUP4', _this select 0];";
    onUnLoad = "resDisplay = false;"; 

    class Controls


Any idea?

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Case solved,


I was missing something trivial,

	onUnLoad = "2 cutRsc ['default','PLAIN'];"; 

and found this bolean internal variable that tests whether any user dialog is open. True if a dialog is open, false if not


Changed the HUD script and, it works!

waitUntil {!isNull (uiNameSpace getVariable "HUD_RESOURCES")};
_display = uiNameSpace getVariable "HUD_RESOURCES";
_setText = _display displayCtrl 4011;

while {dialog} do {
	_setText ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText format ["USA %1 | GER %2",USAFactionResources,GERFactionResources]);
	_setText ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,0,0,0.5];
	sleep 0.1;

when I press Esc, the Dialog "2" is instantaneously closed.




Thanks again gc!

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