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HI All,


I cannot get the AI to move to the top level waypoints of a tower.


The AI seems to stay on the ground level.


How can I get the AI to move to each building position on the top floor? for example:


player addAction ["<t color='#f44298' size='1' > BUILDING SEARCH</t>", {

	_posTestGrp = screenToWorld [0.5,0.5];	
	_building = "Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_No1_F" createVehicle _posTestGrp;
	sleep 1;
	_testgrp = createGroup WEST;
	_soldier = "B_Soldier_F";		
	_newUnit = _testgrp createUnit [_soldier, _posTestGrp   , [], 0, "NONE"]; 

	_buildingPositionsArray = [_building] call BIS_fnc_buildingPositions;	
	_buildingPositionsCount = count _buildingPositionsArray;
	for "_i" from 10 to _buildingPositionsCount - 1 do {	
		_wp = _testgrp addWaypoint [AGLToASL (_building buildingPos _i), 0];
		//_wp waypointAttachObject _building;
		_wp setWaypointHousePosition _i;
		_testgrp setCurrentWaypoint _wp; 
		//_wp setWaypointType "MOVE";
		_arrow = createSimpleObject ["Sign_Arrow_F", AGLToASL (_building buildingPos _i)];
		hint format ["moving to %1", getPosATL _arrow];
		waitUntil {
			sleep 1;
			hint format ["%1m to %2", round (AGLToASL getPos _newUnit distance AGLToASL (_building buildingPos _i)), AGLToASL(_building buildingPos _i)];
			((AGLToASL getPos _newUnit distance AGLToASL(_building buildingPos _i)) < 2)
		sleep 3;
		deleteVehicle _arrow; 

I also tried without waypoints and used ATL


player addAction ["<t color='#f44298' size='1' > BUILDING SEARCH</t>", {

	_posTestGrp = screenToWorld [0.5,0.5];
	_building = "Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_No1_F" createVehicle _posTestGrp; // Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F  
	sleep 1;
	_testgrp = createGroup WEST;
	_soldier = "B_Soldier_F";		
	_newUnit = _testgrp createUnit [_soldier, _posTestGrp   , [], 0, "NONE"]; 

	_buildingPositionsArray = [_building] call BIS_fnc_buildingPositions; 
	_buildingPositionsCount = count _buildingPositionsArray;

	for "_i" from 0 to _buildingPositionsCount - 1 do {
		_buildingPos = [(_building buildingPos _i) select 0, (_building buildingPos _i) select 1,((_building buildingPos _i) select 2) + 5] ;
		_arrow = "VR_3DSelector_01_default_F" createVehicle _buildingPos; 
		_arrow setPosASL _buildingPos; 
		sleep 0.1;	
		_wp = _testgrp addWaypoint [[(getPosATL _arrow) select 0,(getPosATL _arrow) select 1, ((getPosATL _arrow) select 2) + 5], 0];
		_wp waypointAttachObject _building;
		_wp setWaypointHousePosition _i;
		_testgrp setCurrentWaypoint _wp; 
		_wp setWaypointType "MOVE";
		_newUnit move getPosATL _arrow;
		waitUntil {
			sleep 1;
			hint format ["%1m to %2", round (_newUnit distance getPosATL _arrow), getPosATL _arrow];
			(( _newUnit distance getPosATL _arrow) < 3)
		sleep 3;
		hint format ["I am here at %1", getPosATL _arrow];
		deleteVehicle _arrow; 

But soldier does not climb up the stairs to get the first building waypoint!

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Have you tried removing the AGLToASL in your code? I think addwaypoint likes ATL positions more


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I tried without the AGLToASL, but still not working?

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I'm sorry but did you find a way to make it work ?

I'm trying the same thing in my mission with an object but i can't get the addwaypoint working too.



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Try to use the move command with the exact values that you get with BIS_fnc_buildingPositions. Don't do a getPosAtl of the arrow.


Works fine here.


EDIT : not working, I've just tested but I don't understand why because I already done that with that script :

_group = _this select 0;
_tower = _this select 1;
_side = side (leader _group);
_arrayPos = [14,11,16,7,4,2,8];
_arrayPos sort false;


// leader should not issue attack orders
_group enableAttack false;

_nameTower = format ["%1", _tower];
_units = [];
{if (_x getVariable _nameTower and alive _x) then {_units = _units + [_x]}} forEach allUnits; // list tower units
_towerGroup = group (_units select 0);

while {{alive _x} count units _group > 0} do {
	private ["_position"];

	_countUnits = {alive _x} count units _group; // count units group attack

	//systemChat "AI_CLEARBUILDING";

	_units = [];
	{if (_x getVariable _nameTower and alive _x) then {_units = _units + [_x]}} forEach allUnits; // list tower units

	// get nearest ennemy unit
	_arrayEnnemyUnitsDist = [];
	for "_i" from 0 to (count _units)-1 do {

		_arrayEnnemyUnitsDist set [_i, [leader _group distance (_units select _i), _units select _i]];
	_arrayEnnemyUnitsDist sort true;
	_unit = (_arrayEnnemyUnitsDist select 0) select 1;

	_positions = [_tower] call BIS_fnc_buildingPositions; // list building positions

	// get the nearest pos of the nearest ennemy unit
	_arrayDistancePos = [];
	for "_i" from 0 to (count _positions)-1 do {

		_pos = _positions select _i;
		_dist = _pos distance _unit;

		_arrayDistancePos set [_i, [_dist,_pos]];
	_arrayDistancePos sort true;

	// give units wps in building
	if ({alive _x} count units _group > 1) then {

		// get the nearest friendly unit from the pos
		_aliveUnits = [];
		{if (alive _x) then {_aliveUnits = _aliveUnits + [_x]}} forEach units _group - [leader _group];

		_arrayAliveUnitsDist = [];
		_position = (_arrayDistancePos select 0) select 1;
		systemChat str _position; // TEST !!!

		for "_i" from 0 to (count _aliveUnits)-1 do {

			_arrayAliveUnitsDist set [_i, [(_aliveUnits select _i) distance _position, _aliveUnits select _i]];

		_arrayAliveUnitsDist sort true;

		for "_i" from 0 to (count _aliveUnits)-1 do {

			((_arrayAliveUnitsDist select _i) select 1) doMove ((_arrayDistancePos select _i) select 1);

	} else {
        _position = (_arrayDistancePos select 0) select 1;
		leader _group move _position;

	{_group reveal _x} forEach _units;

	_timer = [] spawn {
		sleep 180;

	waitUntil {{alive _x} count units _group < 1 or {alive _x} count units _towerGroup < 1  or scriptDone _timer or !alive _unit};

	if ({alive _x} count units _group < 1 or {alive _x} count units _towerGroup < 1) exitWith {};

	if (!alive (leader _group)) then {

		_unitGroup = (units _group select {alive _x}) select 0;
		_group selectLeader _unitGroup;
		systemChat str (name _unitGroup); // TEST !!!
		playSound "event"; // TEST !!!

	if (!isNil "timer") then {terminate _timer};



if ({alive _x} count units _group > 0) then {

	{_x doMove getPos _tower} forEach units _group;
	leader _group move getPos _tower;

while {{alive _x} count units _group > 0} do {
	systemChat "waiting for unitready";
	if ({alive _x} count units _group == {alive _x and unitReady _x} count units _group) exitWith {systemChat "ALL UNITS READY!"; playSOund "event"};
	sleep 1;


if ({alive _x} count units _group > 0) then {

		_x setUnitPos "AUTO";
		_x doFollow leader _group;
	} forEach units _group;


_group setVariable ["capturing", false];
_group enableAttack true;

sleep 5;



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