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Dubbzi HD

Input on the new update and game itself

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Helo :) This is a pretty long list of suggestions, changes and fixes all based on what I can see playing the game. Suggestion are my own and I think even the smallest consideration would be cool. :)

1. LTMs are a big part of a consistent player base in some games and I think this is a perfect platform for some fun to be had with LTMS, That being said I'd like to see a Loot cache point gamemode that would consist of say there are 5 points in the map all with the highest tier loot (not overkill obviously) and having to fight for it for 10-15 minutes. You can choose to go for multiple or grab one and leave ( you could also maybe have a gate on the exits until a certain time is up,say 5 minutes in). There would be no airdrop and radiation would come in quickly to force players to hurry and make a decision to leave or continue fighting. Double XP would be a great incentive for these LTMs to be played considering the way the Battlepass level up works.

2. You could also consider adding a weight stat in the inventory in an encounter so that the weight of everything makes sense. All we know is the guns weight and that is pretty useless when everything in the inventory weighs me down.

3. I know the dev team has considered Shelter customization but please introduce that with bringing friends to the shelter as well.

4. Here's a big one... Proximity chat. I know it's asked for over and over but it really would make the game so much more fun. You'd be able to ask someone to leave you alone, and let them know you don't want trouble. You could entertain them which would be great for content creator in and out of the partner program. It obviously can make for intense moments like hearing a team above or below you and trying to stay quiet. But there's also the toxicity part which, I say, it's the internet, you can't expect everybody to be nice, simple as that.

5. Dropping items from your inventory. Players want this but I know it's not that easy. Making models for the the things to be able to drop them is a tall order. BUT, it would make for better loot distribution across teams, less teamkilling, and cool scenarios when you could stick up a player combined with proximity chat ad ask them for loot to leave them alone. It would make the game more survival based. You should value your life more than loot.


1. I have already seen a lot of players complaining about the quickplay and Batterie only option. To me, that's a good change for what the change is intended for. I do think it needs to be reverted unfortunately because you don't want players going in and out of matches to find a map they want. That would make "quick play" a joke and it would make players who stay really bored with the lack of people. (at least the aggressive ones)

2. I really want Challenges to get a refresh. If I get a challenge for making 10 pistols, why does that give me the same XP as "kill a Threat", Difficulty = Reward, (I know the reward is meant to be a crate vs 2 wire, 1 glass, and 4 chemicals but xp is just more important right now with the battlepass) Every development company knows this is a wanted thing but unfortunately not a lot do it.

3. The symbol for a scoped weapon in the stash is really confusing when a lot of other games use the same logo for accuracy or kills. I think it should literally be a scope from a side on view to escape confusion.

4. When it says capacity, am I the only one that thinks of the amount of room it takes up? Just put Magazine Capacity there to make it more clear.

5. Where it says "Bonus Ammo", I think it should say "Bonus Ammo when crafted", as well as the actual ammo type symbol. ex.Bonus Ammo when crafted: 'Purple ammo type Symbol' 7.62x54 (10) to make that more clear.

6. Having the ability to sort your stash would be nice. Please give us the choice to sort by: Gun Type, Sort by: Rarity and Sort by: Ammo Type. The stash in my opinion is a mess.

7. I don't even know when the ammo costs were changed but they are way too expensive now, I refuse to use my ADRs , simply becuase I don't want to make the ammo for them. some prices need to be lowers and others raised. I think Rare should be 8,  Military Grade 12  to 15 and Special Issue 20

8. Food box. I know this one is tough for you devs to try and get right and I understand but just leave it at 30,000-40,000. The way you got the crates before was good and I found myself making it no further than 30,000 but I don't play for 8 hours a day like some other people. 1-4 hours is often a time range of how long I play and last box I only put in 25k because there is no point losing the rest of my food when I can save it for next time.

- Pistols fly out of your hands when in left shoulder view (aswells as Scorpion)

- I found that the Silver Pigeon peaks and make an awful sound when my headset is at full volume, could just be the headset but I think the audio for the gun should be adjusted

- On prone to crouch, my hand is in the way of Suomi KP/-31, SKS and M2 Carbine in 1st person

- AUG A1 seems awfully close to chest when prone

- scoped weapons Arm bug when ADS and prone to crouch 3rd person-left shoulder

- 1 Person issues with MGV-176

- Stats board cannot see the bottom three stats in leaderboard unless clicked on and name above the stat does not show above leaderboard


Thank you for reading :)

Edited by Dubbzi HD
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