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Registering damage on prop objects

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So I am trying to create a situation where there is critical information on computer terminal that the players are trying to get. The catch is that if the players accidentally shoot the computer during the firefight it is destroyed (they wont get the option of accessing its files). My problem is how to achieve this. The computer (or as far as I know all prop items like barrels, crates, soda cans etc) objects do not register damage from bullets/grenades so a simple trigger with if (damage computer <0) condition will not work. I will however note that it is possible to manually set the damage on the object using the setDamage command (from example from debug menu) while in-game. However I would rather not have to worry about such minutiae if I am zeusing a hectic mission.

The 'Hit' and 'Dammaged' eventhandlers are also not registering on the prop objects so using them will not work. An alternative I thought was to use the 'Fired' and/or 'EpeContactEnd' eventhandlers to track the bullets fired by the players to see if they end up hitting the computer. This however does not sound to me like a performance friendly solution, especially since I would also like to have possibility for an AI to damage the computer by accident (thus greatly increasing the tracked bullets). I guess I could try to only add the eventhandler to units only when the move to the vicinity of the computer and removing the EHs afterwards in an effort to reduce the amount of bullets tracked.

If someone here would have a more elegant solution in mind please share your thoughts.

Edited by Reeveli

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1 hour ago, 7erra said:

What about allowDamage false?

Not sure what you are referring to. I specifically want to allow the prop to be damaged.

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You want to disable the damage of the computer but still be able to damage it? What?

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Poor wording on my part, first post updated to correct this. What I meant is that the players are not allowed to damage the computer in order to get the intel out of it. From a scripting perspective I definitely want to allow the computer to be damaged. The problem is that short of manually setting the damage I haven't found out any good ways of achieving this dynamically.

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The "HitPart" EH fires for these kind of objects.


1 hour ago, Reeveli said:

What I meant is that the players are not allowed to damage the computer in order to get the intel out of it.




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6 minutes ago, 7erra said:

The "HitPart" EH fires for these kind of objects.

Beat me to it, was just checking and it works nicely.

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10 minutes ago, 7erra said:

The "HitPart" EH fires for these kind of objects.


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Didn't know that, I was assuming the 'HitPart' was using same detection model as 'Hit' or 'Dammaged'.

Just because you can recover stuff afterwards from a hard drive doesn't mean careless fire discipline is the desired form of gameplay on every mission.

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1 minute ago, stburr91 said:

Could you post exactly how you set that up?


this addEventHandler ["HitPart", {
    (_this select 0) params ["_target", "_shooter", "_projectile", "_position", "_velocity", "_selection", "_ammo", "_vector", "_radius", "_surfaceType", "_isDirect"];
    systemChat "You shot the laptop, dummy.";


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Of course, you can get as complex as you'd like regarding how you handle the hitPart events.

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