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Kyle Hoey

ADR / P90 Nerf . Here me out

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Right I know people love this gun and I apologize but I don't no if it needs nerf or fixing slightly . 


The reason I say it needs nerf is most of the time when me and my buddy get killed by a p90 it's almost instant . Sometimes I don't get damage registrations , I just go down before I even new I was shot . I no this could be down to a number of things.


1. Lag or delay of the sever . 

Could it be that the gun has that much rate of fire that the guy shooting you had already landed a couple shots before it registers on your end ? But then I ask myself other guns have almost the same rate of fire and they don't seem as bad , well they aren't bad at all .


2. To over powered ? 

Could it be that the gun is to over powered ? I no it's ment to be good because it's the last auto gun to get but I think it is abit to good . I'm not saying nerf it down to the ground maybe a slight power decrease just so you have a chance to return fire like most guns.  I mean the accuracy is amazing so maybe balance the power alittle bit . 



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First off the adr is a special issue weapon it’s supposed to be good. Second this issue of instant deaths is not restricted to just the best guns in the game it’s an issue across all rarity’s of guns. Amount of times I’ve been insta killed by an akm or a Thompson is ludicrous. If anything the adr is a weaker choice already now commons were boosted in the last patch. The problem isn’t the adr but headshot magnetism in general. 

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  On 2/9/2020 at 12:12 PM, Matthew Aiken said:

First off the adr is a special issue weapon it’s supposed to be good. Second this issue of instant deaths is not restricted to just the best guns in the game it’s an issue across all rarity’s of guns. Amount of times I’ve been insta killed by an akm or a Thompson is ludicrous. If anything the adr is a weaker choice already now commons were boosted in the last patch. The problem isn’t the adr but headshot magnetism in general. 

Yh in noticed alot more now I'm getting headshotted easy . One instance where I was shooting a guy in the back with the Thompson and every shot was landing but he spun around shot and instakilled me with a headshot with a Thompson also .


Iv started to notice it's not just the ADR but I would say it's by far the worst. 


You mentioned headshot magnetism . What do you mean by this ? Is it the instants of the cross hairs snapping onto the head due to aim assist or is it that if you aim near the head and shoot your bullets will find there way to head head like a gravitational pull ?

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Adr is hella weak compared to most guns I've tagged a guy 10 times I could tend each hit market also my buddy got a couple on him as well and there is no way he was able to get heal off I've also am a victim to lighting someone up getting lots of hits just to have then snap into a 180 faster than I can turn myself and I have high sensitivity and just one tap me like there is no way and hell that's possible 

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