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my convoy dont works

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When i do a convoy only one vehicle go to the waypoint and others will go out of the vehicles without the no reason i tried everything

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Are you looking each vehicle with the lead vehicle? Start with the one at the back and move towards the lead. Don’t link to the one in front. I also had issues with empty vehicles. Check out White Raven tutorials on YouTube

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@DogePlaysCZ Hey DogePlaysCZ, welcome to the forums!

Convoys are not a standard feature of the Arma 3 A.I., unfortunately. There are a few ways you can "trick" a few vehicles into staying together. Sometimes it helps to split up the drivers into groups, putting cars in right place/distance, setting the A.I. to careless, or setting special waypoints... 

But if you want a reliable solution, then I suggest you use this script:


^ It works with all kinds of vehicles, with soldiers in cargo, on any roads (or maps). The convoy reacts pretty okay to attacks, and after fighting, will keep driving. But you will have to do a some typing in script files. I didn't make this script: cannot guarantee it will work. But it does for me.

Good luck sir!

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