Nichols 243 Posted October 16, 2019 Need some help adjusting the flight characteristics. The UAV is too responsive to input and crashes unless it is in auto hover mode. If someone can point me at the correct portion of the config or the wiki to learn what I am doing wrong I would appreciate it. class CfgPatches { class EBU_BlackHornet_F { addonRootClass="A3_Drones_F"; requiredAddons[]= { "A3_Drones_F" }; requiredVersion=0.1; units[]= { "B_BH_01_F" }; weapons[]={}; }; }; class CfgFunctions { class ebu { tag = "ebu"; class pickup { file = "BlackHornet2\function"; class pickup {}; class place {}; }; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class ItemCore; class InventoryItem_Base_F; class ACE_ItemCore; class CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo; class blackhornetitem: ACE_ItemCore { scope=2; author="Nichols"; displayName="Black Hornet PRS"; descriptionShort=""; picture=""; model="\BlackHornet2\blackhornet.p3d"; class ItemInfo: CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo { mass = 2; }; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Man; class CAManBase: Man { class ACE_SelfActions { class blackhornet_place { displayName="Place Black Hornet PRS"; condition="'blackhornetitem' in (items _player)"; statement="[_player,'blackhornetitem'] call ebu_fnc_place"; exceptions[]= { "isNotSwimming" }; showDisabled=0; icon=""; }; }; }; class Air; class Helicopter: Air { class Turrets; class HitPoints; }; class Helicopter_Base_F: Helicopter { class Turrets: Turrets { class MainTurret; }; class HitPoints: HitPoints { class HitHRotor; class HitHull; }; class AnimationSources; class EventHandlers; class ViewOptics; class ViewPilot; class Components; class ACE_Actions { class ACE_MainActions; }; }; class BH_01_base_F: Helicopter_Base_F { features="Randomization: No <br />Camo selections: 1 - the whole body <br />Script door sources: None <br />Script animations: None <br />Executed scripts: None <br />Firing from vehicles: No <br />Slingload: No <br />Cargo proxy indexes: None"; author="$STR_A3_Bohemia_Interactive"; mapSize=4; class SpeechVariants { class Default { speechSingular[]= { "veh_air_UAV_s" }; speechPlural[]= { "veh_air_UAV_p" }; }; }; class ACE_Actions: ACE_Actions { class ACE_MainActions: ACE_MainActions { }; }; textSingular="$STR_A3_nameSound_veh_air_UAV_s"; textPlural="$STR_A3_nameSound_veh_air_UAV_p"; nameSound="veh_air_UAV_s"; _generalMacro="UAV_01_base_F"; editorSubcategory="EdSubcat_Drones"; scope=0; displayName="$STR_A3_CfgVehicles_UAV_01_base0"; isUav=1; uavCameraDriverPos="pip_pilot_pos"; uavCameraDriverDir="pip_pilot_dir"; extCameraPosition[]={0,-0.25,-0.3499999}; //{0,1.5,-5}; //picture = "\A3\Drones_F\Air_F_Gamma\UAV_01\Data\UI\UAV_01_CA.paa"; extCameraParams[]={0.93000001,10,30,0.25,1,10,30,0,1}; formationX=10; formationZ=10; memoryPointTaskMarker="TaskMarker_1_pos"; memoryPointDriverOptics="pip_pilot_pos"; driverOpticsModel="A3\drones_f\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UGV_01_Optics_Driver_F.p3d"; driverForceOptics=1; disableInventory=1; unitInfoType="RscOptics_AV_pilot"; unitInfoTypeRTD="RscOptics_AV_pilot"; damageEffect="UAVDestructionEffects"; damageTexDelay=0.5; dustEffect="UAVDust"; waterEffect="UAVWater"; washDownDiameter="0.1f"; washDownStrength="0.1f"; killFriendlyExpCoef=0.1; accuracy=1.5; camouflage=1; audible=0.1; armor=0.1; cost=20000; altFullForce=50; altNoForce=100; LODTurnedIn=-1; LODTurnedOut=-1; epeImpulseDamageCoef=5; fuelExplosionPower=0; vehicleClass="Autonomous"; model="\BlackHornet2\blackhornet.p3d"; icon="\A3\Drones_F\Air_F_Gamma\UAV_01\Data\UI\Map_UAV_01_CA.paa"; picture="\A3\Drones_F\Air_F_Gamma\UAV_01\Data\UI\UAV_01_CA.paa"; class Reflectors { }; startDuration=3; maxSpeed=100; // maxSpeed = 100; precision=15; steerAheadSimul=0.5; steerAheadPlan=0.69999999; predictTurnPlan=2; predictTurnSimul=1.5; damageResistance = 0.00555; bodyFrictionCoef=0.01; fuelCapacity=25; maxFordingDepth=0.0; threat[]={0.1,0.1,0.1}; mainRotorSpeed = -7.0; // mainRotorSpeed = -7; backRotorSpeed = 7.0; // backRotorSpeed = 7; liftForceCoef = 1; // liftForceCoef = 1; cyclicAsideForceCoef = 0.6; // cyclicAsideForceCoef = 2; cyclicForwardForceCoef = 0.3; // cyclicForwardForceCoef = 1.2; backRotorForceCoef = 5; // backRotorForceCoef = 5; mainBladeRadius = 0.01; maxMainRotorDive= 70; // maxMainRotorDive = 70; minMainRotorDive= -7; // minMainRotorDive = -7; neutralMainRotorDive=0; // neutralMainRotorDive = 0; gearRetracting=0; tailBladeVertical=1; radarTargetSize=0.0; visualTargetSize=0.01; irTarget=0; lockDetectionSystem=0; incomingMissileDetectionSystem=0; weapons[]={}; magazines[]={}; irScanRangeMin=0; irScanRangeMax=0; irScanToEyeFactor=1; class TransportItems { }; destrType="DestructDefault"; driverCompartments="Compartment3"; cargoCompartments[]= { "Compartment2" }; class HitPoints: HitPoints { class HitHull: HitHull { armor=0.1; }; class HitHRotor: HitHRotor { armor=0.30000001; }; }; class Damage { tex[]={}; mat[]= { "A3\Drones_F\Air_F_Gamma\UAV_01\Data\UAV_01.rvmat", "A3\Drones_F\Air_F_Gamma\UAV_01\Data\UAV_01_damage.rvmat", "A3\Drones_F\Air_F_Gamma\UAV_01\Data\UAV_01_destruct.rvmat" }; }; class ViewPilot: ViewPilot { minFov=0.25; maxFov=1.25; initFov=1; initAngleX=0; minAngleX=-65; maxAngleX=85; initAngleY=0; minAngleY=-150; maxAngleY=150; }; class Viewoptics: ViewOptics { initAngleX=0; minAngleX=0; maxAngleX=0; initAngleY=0; minAngleY=0; maxAngleY=0; minFov=0.25; maxFov=1.25; initFov=0.75; visionMode[]= { "Normal", "NVG", "Ti" }; thermalMode[]={0,1}; }; class MFD{}; reportRemoteTargets=1; reportOwnPosition=1; class Components {}; attenuationEffectType="OpenHeliAttenuation"; class Turrets {}; soundGetIn[]= { "", 1, 1 }; soundGetOut[]= { "", 1, 1, 50 }; soundEnviron[]= { "", 0.031622775, 1 }; soundDammage[]= { "", 0.56234133, 1 }; soundEngineOnInt[]= { "A3\Sounds_F\air\Uav_01\quad_start_full_int", 0.056234133, 1 }; soundEngineOnExt[]= { "A3\Sounds_F\air\Uav_01\quad_start_full_01", 0.056234133, 1, 50 }; soundEngineOffInt[]= { "A3\Sounds_F\air\Uav_01\quad_stop_full_int", 0.056234133, 1 }; soundEngineOffExt[]= { "A3\Sounds_F\air\Uav_01\quad_stop_full_01", 0.056234133, 1, 50 }; soundBushCollision1[]= { "A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\crashes\helis\Heli_coll_bush_int_1", 0.01, 1, 50 }; soundBushCollision2[]= { "A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\crashes\helis\Heli_coll_bush_int_2", 0.01, 1, 50 }; soundBushCollision3[]= { "A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\crashes\helis\Heli_coll_bush_int_3", 0.01, 1, 50 }; soundBushCrash[]= { "soundBushCollision1", 0.033000001, "soundBushCollision2", 0.033000001, "soundBushCollision3", 0.033000001 }; soundWaterCollision1[]= { "A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\crashes\helis\Heli_coll_water_ext_1", 0.01, 1, 50 }; soundWaterCollision2[]= { "A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\crashes\helis\Heli_coll_water_ext_2", 0.01, 1, 50 }; soundWaterCrashes[]= { "soundWaterCollision1", 0.05, "soundWaterCollision2", 0.05 }; Crash0[]= { "A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\crashes\cars\cars_coll_big_default_ext_1", 0.01, 1, 50 }; Crash1[]= { "A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\crashes\cars\cars_coll_big_default_ext_2", 0.01, 1, 50 }; Crash2[]= { "A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\crashes\cars\cars_coll_big_default_ext_3", 0.01, 1, 50 }; Crash3[]= { "A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\crashes\cars\cars_coll_big_default_ext_4", 0.01, 1, 900 }; soundCrashes[]= { "Crash0", 0.25, "Crash1", 0.25, "Crash2", 0.25, "Crash3", 0.25 }; class Sounds { class Engine { sound[]= { "A3\Sounds_F\air\Uav_01\quad_engine_full_01", 0.044668359, 1, 50 }; frequency="rotorSpeed"; volume="camPos*((rotorSpeed-0.72)*4)"; }; class RotorLowOut { sound[]= { "A3\Sounds_F\air\Uav_01\blade", 0.031622776, 1, 50 }; frequency="rotorSpeed"; volume="camPos*(0 max (rotorSpeed-0.1))"; cone[]={1.6,3.1400001,1.6,0.94999999}; }; class RotorHighOut { sound[]= { "A3\Sounds_F\air\Uav_01\blade_high", 0.031622776, 1, 50 }; frequency="rotorSpeed"; volume="camPos*10*(0 max (rotorThrust-0.9))"; cone[]={1.6,3.1400001,1.6,0.94999999}; }; class EngineIn { sound[]= { "A3\Sounds_F\air\Uav_01\quad_engine_full_int", 0.056234133, 1 }; frequency="rotorSpeed"; volume="(1-camPos)*((rotorSpeed-0.75)*4)"; }; class RotorLowIn { sound[]= { "A3\Sounds_F\air\Uav_01\blade_int", 0.056234133, 1 }; frequency="rotorSpeed"; volume="(1-camPos)*(0 max (rotorSpeed-0.1))"; }; class RotorHighIn { sound[]= { "A3\Sounds_F\air\Uav_01\blade_high_int", 0.056234133, 1 }; frequency="rotorSpeed"; volume="(1-camPos)*3*(rotorThrust-0.9)"; }; }; class Library { libTextDesc="The FLIR Black Hornet PRS equips the non-specialist dismounted soldier with immediate covert situational awareness (SA). Game-changing EO and IR technology bridges the gap between aerial and ground-based sensors, with the same SA as a larger UAV and threat location capabilities of UGVs. Extremely light, nearly silent, and with a flight time up to 25 minutes, the combat-proven, pocket-sized Black Hornet PRS transmits live video and HD still images back to the operator."; }; hiddenSelections[]= { "camo1" }; class TextureSources { class Indep { displayName="$STR_A3_TEXTURESOURCES_INDEP0"; author="$STR_A3_Bohemia_Interactive"; textures[]= { "\A3\Drones_F\Air_F_Gamma\UAV_01\Data\UAV_01_INDP_CO.paa" }; factions[]= { "IND_F" }; }; class Opfor { displayName="$STR_A3_TEXTURESOURCES_OPFOR0"; author="$STR_A3_Bohemia_Interactive"; textures[]= { "\A3\Drones_F\Air_F_Gamma\UAV_01\Data\UAV_01_OPFOR_CO.paa" }; factions[]= { "OPF_F" }; }; class Blufor { displayName="$STR_A3_TEXTURESOURCES_BLU0"; author="$STR_A3_Bohemia_Interactive"; textures[]= { "\A3\Drones_F\Air_F_Gamma\UAV_01\Data\UAV_01_CO.paa" }; factions[]= { "BLU_F" }; }; }; }; class B_BH_01_F: BH_01_base_F { author="$STR_A3_Bohemia_Interactive"; editorPreview="\A3\EditorPreviews_F\Data\CfgVehicles\B_UAV_01_F.jpg"; _generalMacro="B_BH_01_F"; displayName="Black Hornet PRS"; scope=2; side=1; faction="BLU_F"; crew="B_UAV_AI"; typicalCargo[]= { "B_UAV_AI" }; accuracy=0.5; class ACE_Actions: ACE_Actions { class ACE_MainActions: ACE_MainActions { selection="taskmarker_1_pos"; class ACE_Pickup { selection=""; displayName="Pickup Black Hornet PRS"; distance=5; condition="(alive _target)"; statement="[_target,_player] call ebu_fnc_pickup"; showDisabled=0; exceptions[]={}; icon=""; }; }; }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "BlackHornet2\hornetFLIR_CO.paa" }; textureList[]= { "Blufor", 1 }; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites