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Opening and Closing Dialogs with CBA (addKeyHandler)

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For the longest time I've been using a Spawn for opening and closing dialogs IE:


[player] spawn {
	waitUntil {sleep 0.1; !isNull(findDisplay 46)};
	(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", {
	if(_this select 1 == 0x21) // key F		DIK_F 
	then {



But I've since been migrating all my dialogs and even scripts to a function based unscheduled environment using both CBA and ACE 3 guidelines. ( https://ace3mod.com/wiki/development/coding-guidelines.html#72-scheduled-vs-unscheduled ).


I am currently facing a problem finding the most optimized, simple and  unscheduled way of opening my custom UI by using:

vMenu_keyHandlerID = [33,[false, false, false],vMenuOpen] call CBA_fnc_addKeyHandler; //33 = F key

Instead of:

displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown",

So here is my whole previous working code:(Executed via: [player] execVM "vScripts\vMenu\vMenuOpen.sqf";)


// Open Radial Menu Script
[player] spawn {
	waitUntil {sleep 0.1; !isNull(findDisplay 46)};
	(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", {
	if(_this select 1 == 0x21) // key F		DIK_F 
	then {
	_Show_RMenu_ctrl = (_this select 0) displayCtrl 9001;
	if(isNull(_Show_RMenu_ctrl)) then {
	_Show_RMenu_ctrl = (_this select 0) ctrlCreate ["RscText", 9001];
	_Show_RMenu_ctrl ctrlShow false;
	_shown = ctrlShown _Show_RMenu_ctrl;
	closeDialog 2;	
	#define IDC_CANCEL 2
	closeDialog IDC_CANCEL;
	private ["_vehicle","_noEscort"];
	_vehicle = cursorObject;
	_noEscort = count attachedObjects player isEqualTo 0;
	if (isNull _vehicle && _noEscort) then {
	0 = createDialog "val_menu_1";
	} else 
		switch (true) do
			case (_vehicle distanceSqr player > 4^2 && _noEscort): {0 = createDialog "val_menu_1"; systemchat "To far"};
			case (!alive _vehicle && _noEscort): {0 = createDialog "val_menu_1"; systemchat "Not Alive"};
			case (!_noEscort): {0 = createDialog "val_menu_2"; systemchat "Has Escort"};
			case (!isPlayer _vehicle && {_vehicle isKindOf "Man"}): {0 = createDialog "val_menu_2"; systemchat "AI"};
			case (isPlayer _vehicle && {_vehicle isKindOf "Man"}): {0 = createDialog "val_menu_2"; systemchat "PLAYER"};
			case (_vehicle isKindOf "LandVehicle") : {0 = createDialog "val_menu_3"; systemchat "LAND VEHICLE"};
			case (_vehicle isKindOf "Car") : {0 = createDialog "val_menu_3"; systemchat "CAR"};
			case (_vehicle isKindOf "Tank") : {0 = createDialog "val_menu_3"; systemchat "TANK"};
			case (_vehicle isKindOf "Motorcycle") : {0 = createDialog "val_menu_3"; systemchat "Motorcycle"};
			case (_vehicle isKindOf "Ship") : {0 = createDialog "val_menu_3"; systemchat "Ship"};
			case (_vehicle isKindOf "Helicopter") : {0 = createDialog "val_menu_3"; systemchat "Helicopter"};
			case (_vehicle isKindOf "StaticWeapon") : {0 = createDialog "val_menu_3"; systemchat "Static Weapon"};
			case (_vehicle isKindOf "Plane") : {0 = createDialog "val_menu_3"; systemchat "Plane"};
			case (_vehicle isKindOf "Building") : {systemchat "Building"};
			case (_vehicle isKindOf "Wreck") : {systemchat "Wreck"};
			case (_vehicle isKindOf "ReammoBox_F") : {systemchat "A BOX"};
			case (_vehicle isKindOf "MineGeneric") : {systemchat "A Mine"};
			default {};
	//hint "vMenu worked!";
	//________________ Menu already open ________________
	closeDialog 2;
	#define IDC_CANCEL 2
	closeDialog IDC_CANCEL;
	_Show_RMenu_ctrl ctrlShow !_shown;



So what could be a more optimized way of doing this?


Like a CBA unscheduled way (more akin to a Event Handler rather than a spawn/ExecVM).


PS: Also, since I am using the "F" key for opening the menu, is there a way to auto unbind the previous "F" so that letter is exclusive to opening the menu?


PS2: Thanks in advanced guys!

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Also they have their waitUntilAndExecute function to keep everything sweetly in unscheduled environment. If you just need display 46 and are doing this from a mod and might need this in many scripts I suggest you create a XEHpostinit called after init and call everything from this. Browse the ace 3 github to have an example.

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1 hour ago, Mr H. said:

Also they have their waitUntilAndExecute function to keep everything sweetly in unscheduled environment. If you just need display 46 and are doing this from a mod and might need this in many scripts I suggest you create a XEHpostinit called after init and call everything from this. Browse the ace 3 github to have an example.


Thank you Mr. H.


I am opening the dialog just from the mission folder (no mods).


I've been searching for examples in the ACE 3 github but their macros make it hard for me to understand anything.


Everything I've learned comes from the Overthrow and Dynamic Civil Wars githubs. Both missions are amazingly coded but I cannot find the specific functions that they use for opening their custom menus.


What I could really use is an actual example given my particular situation and having the previous working script as a reference (posted of the first post).

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In your description.ext:

class Extended_PostInit_EventHandlers

   class TAG_MyKeyBindsInit
      init = "call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers 'CBAKeys.sqf'";

in CBAKeys.sqf

#include "\a3\editor_f\Data\Scripts\dikCodes.h"
["TAG_Your_Mission","TAG_setting_openYourMenu" ,["Open my very cool menu", ""],
	call TAG_MyMenu_fnc;

}},{},[DIK_NUMPADPLUS , [true, true, false]]] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; // CTRL + SHIFT + NUMPAD+ will open your menu change to whatever, will appear in cba options once in game so can be custom set

in wherever you declare your functions:

TAG_MyMenu_fnc = {


	_Show_RMenu_ctrl = (findDisplay 46) displayCtrl 9001;
	if(isNull(_Show_RMenu_ctrl)) then {
	_Show_RMenu_ctrl = (findDisplay 46) ctrlCreate ["RscText", 9001];
	_Show_RMenu_ctrl ctrlShow false;
	_shown = ctrlShown _Show_RMenu_ctrl;
	closeDialog 2;	
	#define IDC_CANCEL 2
	closeDialog IDC_CANCEL;
	private ["_vehicle","_noEscort"];
	_vehicle = cursorObject;
	_noEscort = count attachedObjects player isEqualTo 0;
	if (isNull _vehicle && _noEscort) then {
	0 = createDialog "val_menu_1";
	} else 
		switch (true) do
			case (_vehicle distanceSqr player > 4^2 && _noEscort): {0 = createDialog "val_menu_1"; systemchat "To far"};
			case (!alive _vehicle && _noEscort): {0 = createDialog "val_menu_1"; systemchat "Not Alive"};
			case (!_noEscort): {0 = createDialog "val_menu_2"; systemchat "Has Escort"};
			case (!isPlayer _vehicle && {_vehicle isKindOf "Man"}): {0 = createDialog "val_menu_2"; systemchat "AI"};
			case (isPlayer _vehicle && {_vehicle isKindOf "Man"}): {0 = createDialog "val_menu_2"; systemchat "PLAYER"};
			case (_vehicle isKindOf "LandVehicle") : {0 = createDialog "val_menu_3"; systemchat "LAND VEHICLE"};
			case (_vehicle isKindOf "Car") : {0 = createDialog "val_menu_3"; systemchat "CAR"};
			case (_vehicle isKindOf "Tank") : {0 = createDialog "val_menu_3"; systemchat "TANK"};
			case (_vehicle isKindOf "Motorcycle") : {0 = createDialog "val_menu_3"; systemchat "Motorcycle"};
			case (_vehicle isKindOf "Ship") : {0 = createDialog "val_menu_3"; systemchat "Ship"};
			case (_vehicle isKindOf "Helicopter") : {0 = createDialog "val_menu_3"; systemchat "Helicopter"};
			case (_vehicle isKindOf "StaticWeapon") : {0 = createDialog "val_menu_3"; systemchat "Static Weapon"};
			case (_vehicle isKindOf "Plane") : {0 = createDialog "val_menu_3"; systemchat "Plane"};
			case (_vehicle isKindOf "Building") : {systemchat "Building"};
			case (_vehicle isKindOf "Wreck") : {systemchat "Wreck"};
			case (_vehicle isKindOf "ReammoBox_F") : {systemchat "A BOX"};
			case (_vehicle isKindOf "MineGeneric") : {systemchat "A Mine"};
			default {};
	//hint "vMenu worked!";
	//________________ Menu already open ________________
	closeDialog 2;
	#define IDC_CANCEL 2
	closeDialog IDC_CANCEL;
	_Show_RMenu_ctrl ctrlShow !_shown;


This is an example, be extra careful if you copy paste 'cause I only very briefly looked and modified your func, might be missing a few }; and some, but you'll get the idea...

  • Thanks 1

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