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Problems with kernel32

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I have a problem with my oxygen program as on Brsseb's o2 tutorial site it gives instructions on how to install o2 properly. I did this to the letter and instead of a working oxygen program i got a B******* up one. After trying to restart the program for a second time i got.

"this program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down"

along with this i got something saying there was a fault in Kernel32. If anyone else has had this problem and managed to fix it plz if they could tell me how because it is getting to be really frustrating not being able to slove it even after trying to reinstall it as published.

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I updated the install-tutorial a few days ago, it seems that the error comes when you use "o2program" as the name of the folder where the o2 program files goes, you must use just "o2" or anything less than 8 characters (due to the use of DOS command SUBST i think).


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