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Play video for all players on the server

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Hi. I´ve been trying to make a video appear in each client screen when the mission (MP) starts, but i dont even get it to work for Single Player. Can someone help me with this? Doing my research i have ended up with this--> My init.sqf:


_video = "\scripts\videos\tripulacion_prescindible.ogv";
_screen = "Land_TripodScreen_01_large_F" createVehicle (player modelToWorld [0, 10, 0]);
_screen setObjectTextureGlobal [0, _video];
[_video, [10, 10]] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_playVideo", 0, true];


Any idea? Video is 6mb and last for 36 seconds

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 _video = "scripts\videos\tripulacion_prescindible.ogv"; //if it's in your mission folder no \ at the begining of the path
_screen = "Land_TripodScreen_01_large_F" createVehicle (player modelToWorld [0, 10, 0]);
_screen setObjectTextureGlobal [0, _video];
[_video, [10, 10]] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_playVideo", 0, true];// don't remote exec this since each player will have their screen, your code will create MULTIPLE screens BTW (as many as there are players)



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Please i need some help.. i have an addaction to start the movie


this addAction["Briefing", "'scripts\tv.sqf' remoteExec ['execVM']", nil, 6, True, True, "", "(_target distance _this) < 4"];



if(!isServer) exitWith {};
t1 setobjecttextureglobal [0,"videos\brif.ogv"];
["videos\brif.ogv",[10,10]] remoteExec ["bis_fnc_playvideo", ([0, -2] select isDedicated), true];


it works well and exec on all machines, but if the player disconnect, and connect again the video play again..


How can the script exec once, so it will not repeat if client disconnect?

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4 hours ago, Junior Prado said:

ed), true];

true means add it to the JIP queue, so it will play for connecting clients. Just remove the true parameter.

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