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Removing a certain number of magazines

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I would really (like… really really) want to know how to remove a certain number (for example lets say five) magazines from player inventory with a peace of script.

If there is a way to define how many magazines removeMagazine - command removes, I havent found it.

This questions probably (hopefully) gonna have a simple answer, maybe several… but I spent hours and hours looking for this and found none.

Help me Obi-Wan, you're my only hope!


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9 hours ago, Stormmy1950 said:

for "_i" from 1 to 5 do { player removeMagazine "rvg_money"; };

Works like a dream!

Oh man, you made my day, I was stuck with this… I'm building a Ravage mission and now I can do all kinds of fancy stuff with this… for example I had everything else figured out for my very own vehicle trading system, this was the only piece of the puzzle missing… GREAT MANY THANKS!

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