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I am new to the forums but all I seem to ever see from Bohemia is how they are going to put bears in DayZ and take away the antennas weve already built in Vigor. Would be nice to hear, we hear our community and will fix things. Am I alone in this frustration or what? I see people complaining, but not calling them out too much. 

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This forum is full of people calling them out.

The 50 or so people who actually lurk around here anyway.

Don't worry though, for every one person complaining on here there is a kid still spending mom and dad's money on micro-transactions.  So, there is not a real incentive for them to change.

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I agree, but im spending my money, I do very well but that's no reason for a non response. Very frustrating. Id bet if everyone here quit playing any BI game for 1 week, kind of like a strike, things might change, but that's not going to happen. Oh well. It is what it is.

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Hi guys,

I feel your frustration. I have played vigor now for around a year or so and have mostly tried to encourage the Devs as opposed to open criticism. But I'm not sure the latest attenna update is their best work (should it actually be a permanent change).

I thought about why they would do this and came to a couple of possible conclusions :-

1. As everyone is currently suggesting, to encourage the purchase of more crowns to make up the shortfall. As I mentioned in another thread, it now takes me 6 days to earn a loot boost from the attenna as opposed to 2 before.

2. To slow outlanders progress! Yes I considered this could be valid, as from my point of view, and I suspect a lot of outlanders are in a similar position. My shelter is level 13, my bench is level 13, I have all the weapon plans I want and I have more than enough materials to continue upgrading to give me more food, metal parts etc.


To maintain my interest I do my challenges and set my own. I won't share the challenges I set myself as that could obviously compromise them when I'm seen in the pre encounter lobby.

But the point I'm labouring to make in 2. Is this. Maybe the Devs want to slow everyone down while future updates are being prepared. If many outlanders are losing the incentive to keep playing as they are in a similar position to me, then the player base will diminish.

For instance, if each encounter is boosted to say 300% then there is enough loot in that encounter to fill every outlanders inventory, if not then searching for loot means more outlanders don't get to leave the encounter, so less loot all around. Less loot all round then slower progress at the shelter. Slower progress at the shelter, then more incentive to play!


Alternatively, they could have just set loot levels lower and left the antenna as it was....

Just throwing thoughts into the mix.

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I get what you're saying Oldninja, If everybody is at full strength immediately, it takes the challenge out of the game. I thought that my suggestions were actually pretty good, maybe they need a few tweeks, but pretty good. I really like this game and want it to be all it has the possibility of being. I don't think messing with the coins was the right move though. I primarily play scavenger now, try to avoid shootouts. I especially don't want to get into one with my opponent in a bush. As I recommended above, plans maybe should be scattered with one or two max per round, airdrops should be special, maybe with different armor or clothes. I despise DayZ but at least you have a very small chance of coming upon something really valuable. In Vigor its just the same old stuff unless you get the airdrop and then haul ass out. Just my thoughts, I wish the devs would comment on something...…...

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