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lost texture object, object builder, editor EDEN

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Hi guys, how are you? I come to ask for help, I am currently creating an object with the buider object, and I am using blender, once I create the object and create the texture with the UV edition, and the object generator I send, I do all the corresponding steps to adapt it the texture created, but it happens that once in the EDEN editor, I place the object on the stage and it appears with the texture well placed, but after a few seconds, the texture disappears and the object is transparent, someone knows why this happens ? and how to fix it? Thank you

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This is the wrong forum for this question you should move it to https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/forum/162-arma-3-addons-configs-scripting/

As per your question, might be several explanations. What exactly is your object ? What class does it inherit from ? Does it have several resolution LODs? Is the texture applied to all of them? You should post your config and a rpt to get better answers.

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4 hours ago, Mr H. said:

This is the wrong forum for this question you should move it to https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/forum/162-arma-3-addons-configs-scripting/

As per your question, might be several explanations. What exactly is your object ? What class does it inherit from ? Does it have several resolution LODs? Is the texture applied to all of them? You should post your config and a rpt to get better answers.


my object is of inherited House_F class, the texture was made mainly in blender with the UV editing to obtain all the sides, later I transferred it to photosho to work the obtained sides, and finally with the texture created the mount in object builder in format. paa, I don't know why after a few seconds the texture disappears in the EDEN editor

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