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how to combine two models in one object?

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So, I want to make a CSAT Protector helmet use the CSAT low profile/compact NVG Goggles. Basically make a helmet with built-in NVG. Since these two models are stock binarized, I cannot modify them.

I tried defining new integrated optics:

class dx_integrated_xt5v_optics : Integrated_NVG_TI_0_F {
		model = "\A3\Weapons_F\Binocular\O_NVGoggles_grn_F.p3d";
		class ItemInfo {
			modelOff = "\A3\Weapons_F\Binocular\O_NVGoggles_grn_F.p3d";
			uniformModel = "\A3\Weapons_F\Binocular\O_NVGoggles_grn_F.p3d";

and adding the optics into helmet's subItems[]. But it looks like that the subitem's model is not shown at all, so I'm wondering on how to make this. Also, I don't want to use script approach (it is possible, but it has many quirks, which I want to avoid). So, is it possible to assemble two models into one object via config, or do I need to actually modify the .p3d files, or do I have to simply use the scripted approach?

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I don't think it is. If it is, I'd be very interested, and I would try to make a Blackfoot variant with external stub wings for more weapons carriage

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Well, after lots of experimenting I could say it is not possible. The subItems[] models are not rendered/shown and as I found out, the only way is to make scripted handler to cover adding and removing the 'subitem'.

For a Blackfoot, even the scripted approach would me much more complicated or even impossible at all.

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