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HptFw. MoinxDGamer

Add Crew to 3D Model

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Hey folks,

I recently made a few 3d Models for my Coast Guard mod, but I do not know how to add the crew seat positions and crew bodies to the model. I cant find any good documentation regarding this topic online.

Can you help me?


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Best you look at the arma 3 samples from steam workshop and how it is done there: define a proxy for each crew member in the model, use the crew and related fields in config.cpp to assign the correct animations for them. Good luck.

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17 hours ago, TeTeT said:

Best you look at the arma 3 samples from steam workshop and how it is done there: define a proxy for each crew member in the model, use the crew and related fields in config.cpp to assign the correct animations for them. Good luck.


Thank you. But I can't find the fields in the config.cpp. I'll definitly need more help to get this done.

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This is my simple rowboat as example: add proxies called pilot and cargo


the driver animation is determined in the cfg.Vehicles part: 

driverAction = "driver_Truck_02";


the amount of cargo positions that can be used is determined with

transportSoldier = 10;


how the passengers sit in the vehicle can be either a single value or an array with a different animation for each position:

cargoAction= "passenger_generic01_foldhands";


cargoAction[]= {"passenger_generic01_foldhands","passenger_generic01_foldhands","passenger_generic01_foldhands"};




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@DSabre I was able to get the driver proxy to work but the model of the cargo character does not show up in the game. 


Here's my config

	class Boat_F;
	class Rescue_Basket : Boat_F
		driverAction = "driver_Truck_02";
		transportSoldier = 1;
		cargoAction[] = {"passenger-generic01_foldhands"};
		side = 1;
		scope = 2;
		faction = Coast_Guard;
		EditorSubcategory = Rescue;
		model = "\Coast-Guard\Basket.p3d";
		slingLoadCargoMemoryPoints[] ={"SlingLoadCargo1","SlingLoadCargo2","SlingLoadCargo3","SlingLoadCargo4"};
		displayName = "Rettungskorb";


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did you put someone inside? Cargo positions are not loaded by default.

Maybe it also needs the definition of what kind of people are inside

crew = "C_man_w_worker_F";


defining this may help too:

driverCompartments = "Compartment1";

cargoCompartments[] = {"Compartment1"};

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