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Alessandro Ganci

Suggestions about bugs and other...

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I play always whit one my friend as a cuple and we notice some bugs or errors and something to modify.


-When you exit from a map whit a gun full loaded or less, most of the time you lose that ammunitions. I think it’s a bug, i hope, and i hope you can solve that.


-We cannot exchange my stuff whit my friend, or drop stuff, i suppose you did it to prevent to permit playes to create shops, and other, but it shouldn’t be so bad.


-To much aim oscillation in First person. It’s quiet impossible to shoot well or better as shooting in third person whit that kind of oscillation. I suggest to riduce that for well or delete it. only pc gamers whit mouse can stabilize that oscilation, Whit controller you cannot do io.


-When in your base, when you visualize your daily objective, you shoud delete them continuing to press botton A, and not just one time, i lost a leggendary case pressing A for error 😂, i think i’m not the only one, and now i’m very sad 😭, hahah. It’s just a little thing, but it will be helpfull.


Hope that theese suggestions can halp you to improove the game. We like it very much 👍

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I've been playing for a few days now and the biggest issue I've found so far is during a gunfight, occasionally my gun will just keep firing even after I let go of the trigger. Pretty frustrating to say the least. 

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7 hours ago, Pablo grande said:

I've been playing for a few days now and the biggest issue I've found so far is during a gunfight, occasionally my gun will just keep firing even after I let go of the trigger. Pretty frustrating to say the least. 


Happens to me as well. I figured out a way to prevent and it is on certain guns. I always switch to single shot since I like to double tap and that has prevented it from happening again. Just a thought ... Not a fix but a band aid until they can fix it.

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Same here bobby. First job once the encounter starts is change to single. Even fully prone, automatic firing is all over the place.

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