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Martin Steedmam

Various fixes needed and feedback

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From my experience so far the game is very enjoyable I have input and feedback that I hope the developers will see 



Bugs and glitches first 


Number one 

accuracy seems to be off I have clipped moments where I have aimed right at someone’s head and no hit markers or anything then leading to a much louder gun fight than intended 


Number 2 

getting to close to an enemy renders there gun useless if someone runs into me and decides to melee with a weapon my guns will Jam and say weapon ammo not found and give me -/31 clip instead of what I actually have which could be 22 bullets 


Number 3 

I have noticed some players can shoot around corners due to the game being set in 3rd person however if I am aiming my gun and I come out from cover and attempt to shoot if I was to close to my cover when I move out my gun will refuse to shoot and then render my surprise attack useless leading to louder gun fights than intended 


number 4

When my teammate dies and spectates me he can hear his Audio beside his own body giving me the advantage in battle as he can tell me when to aim and when they are looting his box 


I have more to input but as of just now these are the major bugs 


some minor bugs consist of 


number 5

players being able to completely avoid damage by zig zagging this is due to bug number 1 and accuracy being off slightly 


number 6 

players should be allowed to drop loot not destroy I was chasing someone who got the supply drop and also looted the safe from the barred house he knew he was going to die so destroyed everything in his inventory this should be removed if he had dropped it tactically and ran he could then Collect it at a later time instead costing other players no loot 


number 7 

When shooting my gun in first person mode I need to shoot directly to the right of the person or else I am failing to hit them the guns iron sights is broken I cannot accurately hit a target unless I aim almost directly to the top right of the players head 


that is all the information I have gathered so far 


I would like to suggest some things now 


number 1 

upgrades on the house and adding new things should give me ability’s like radar trip wires bouncing betty traps and various other things like if I was max level and I stole the supply drop I could have 15 seconds where I won’t ping the map to get away more swiftly 


number 2 

add full first person support the game would play much better if there was ways to play in full first person instead of just iron sights and only 3rd-1st person can play with each other but 1st person players won’t get matched with 3rd person players 


number 3 

abilitys and levels players need gratification for their play time and experience maybe a level system that adds exp and shows others how you have done etc and ability’s nothing crazy but maybe as you play you get better the ability to make a hammer to stop enemy’s from using radio tower or the scan tower lid like to give more feedback directly to developers if I could thanks 


and lastly number 4

a ping system so I can point an show my team mate where something is rather than just clicking on the map and adding a waypoint 


thanks I will be playing more and give more feedback as I find it Weapon accuracy Being killed around a corner


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