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avibird 1

Issues with setting task not be be assigned initially. Help needed

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I use triggers to setup my tasks (not modules).

tasks 1



on activation

[blufor,"task1",["Gentleman Tonight is the Night We get our freedom back we have smuggle some Handguns located in each bathrooms of the Barracks and some Rifles Hidden around the Camp that the Resistance was able to bring in tonight with the last Supply Delivery. Be carefull if you are going to look for some of the Rifles Outside. Get ready wait for the signal with gods will we may get out of this place before our Executions","ESCAPE"],[OBJ1,true],"ASSIGNED",1,true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;


tasks 2

on activation

[blufor,"task2",["We Believe General ZOD is in the CAMP. The General is a Evil and Wicked man who has Tortured and Murdered Thousands of Civilians and POW's. Lets make Private Decker the last person this Bastard Tortured and killed. This man must be stop at all cost","Kill The General"],General,"ASSIGNED",2,false] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;


task 3

on activation

[blufor,"task3",["Destroy all the buildings","Destroy POW Prison"],Prison, "ASSIGNED",3,false] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;


tasks 4

on activation

[blufor,"task4",["Gentleman we need to find and secure the Resistance compound in this sector. We can get some rest resupplies and find out the current intel on enemy positions so we can continue with our escape","Find the Resistance Compound"],OBJ3,"ASSIGNED",1,false] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;


tasks 4 does not get assigned until all playable units reach the tasks 1 marker obj1



The issue I am having is that for some reason tasks 3 overrides task 1 and sets tasks 3 as current my playable units will attempted to move towards the marker if no human is the squad leader for the POW group.


I don't understand why if I have it set to false. I can team switch into the units and  manually cancel the tasks but it should not be set. Why and how can I stop this. Thank you for your help in advanced. Avibird still lost in the editor lol.





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You're using "ASSIGNED" in all your tasks. Use "CREATED" for any task you want to create but not assign yet.

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Thank you sir i really need to look at the modules but I am comfortable with the triggers for the most part.

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