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hey guys, recently ive added Opfor to my server for a rebel faction by following this tut:link to tutorial i used

however, when i go to log in to an opfor slot i keep getting this and it doesnt go away. error i keep getting


since adding this it also seems to have stopped a few features on my server: its added stamina back, Y menu doesnt work, space bar jump doesnt work - had all these working before adding opfor.

Client side logs:



RPT logs:


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Usually a request like this would be ignored because there isn't enough information. You provided lots of information, so that's good, but it's actually too much. The error is the most generic error ever and could mean any of 1000 things have gone wrong. There's no guarantee that once you clear that error, it's not followed up immediately by another.

The issue starts with the tutorial. Well meaning as the author was, it's a tough tutorial and easy to make mistakes. Not to mention the follow up comments which further complicate the ordeal.

If you could say, "... this is the specific problem, how do I fix it?", somebody would help. Sifting through all this is too much like work.

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Looks like this is a problem directly related to the Altis life framework. 


You're better off asking in the Altis life forums tbh.

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