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Magazine with 12 rounds

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Hello everyone,

I am working on a shooting training for door gunners with different trainings which need to be completed. For each training a different number of rounds is needed so I want as soon, as the training starts the ammo set to a specific number of rounds. But it doenst work with "this setMagazineTurretAmmo ["5000rnd_762x51_Belt",[12,2]];"
It's the RHS Blackhawk I am working with for now.

Any ideas?

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43 minutes ago, Giampy87 said:

Hello everyone,

I am working on a shooting training for door gunners with different trainings which need to be completed. For each training a different number of rounds is needed so I want as soon, as the training starts the ammo set to a specific number of rounds. But it doenst work with "this setMagazineTurretAmmo ["5000rnd_762x51_Belt",[12,2]];"
It's the RHS Blackhawk I am working with for now.

Any ideas?

You have an error in the magazine class name:



Upper R instead of lower case, also another error only visible when copy pasting your string, you got a zero width no break space (U+FEFF) between the 5 and 1, and two at the end, or it's the forum software acting up, not sure.

An error source I'd sure as hell would eliminate if I were you.


To properly add a mag with 12 rounds of any chosen type use this:

//init.sqf or wherever you seem fit
TAG_fnc_addAmmoCount = {
	params ["_veh","_rounds","_turretPath","_mag"];
	_veh setVehicleAmmoDef 0;//clear all ammo on vehicle
	_veh addMagazineTurret [_mag,_turretPath,_rounds];
	reload _veh;//needed

//every time you need to add a custom amount of ammo
_magType = "5000Rnd_762x51_Belt";
_rounds = 12;
_veh = YourVehicle;
_turretPath = [1];//pilot side gunner on the RHS UH-60M, other door gunner would be [2]
_addAmmo = [_veh,_rounds,_turretPath,_magType] call TAG_fnc_addAmmoCount



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On 7/26/2019 at 5:00 PM, Grumpy Old Man said:

You have an error in the magazine class name

Doesn't matter config is case-insensitive.


On 7/26/2019 at 5:00 PM, Grumpy Old Man said:

you got a zero width no break space

That might be a BIF bug.



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Thank you much for the answers. I will try it out and let you know.

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