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Justin Self

Arma 3 Weapon and Scope Stats Spreadsheets

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> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12-ldJHtJWI-7sHFMsDxJhGZ47PCt9FyoXIdh19oz_qg/edit?usp=sharing


I finally completed my Weapons Spreadsheet with all Stock weapons + DLC (including Contact). Here you can view a variety of stats at once, and sort by them. At the bottom are different sheets/tabs for each weapon type, which showcases a chart of MIL accuracy, Range and Impact in an easy graph.

My intention is to add quite a few weapon mod add-ons, but it is quite a lot of work, so no ETA on that. FYI: Contact is missing some data towards the right-most columns, which may appear in a later game update. I don't own the DLC but I was able to view the info in game anyway.


I also have the Scopes Spreadsheet which does include a variety of mod scopes, but the stock ones aren't ordered by mod (yet). This is a handy reference for determining which type of scope you want at a glance, and to see it's general properties.


> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sGIWt8sAetH2R1Imn3qHJC8Gzpy_Aui4BKEfnkmNrdU/edit?usp=sharing


I really wanted to automate data extraction from the game files to make this process easier, but I don't understand where to start and how to go about it -- so all of these guides were done manually by either entering information into the spreadsheet, or importing hand-typed CSV files. A lot of work!

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Did you keep in mind that ace changes muzzle velocity and dispersion (moa/mil) of vanilla weapons if you load ACE?

Also vanilla weapons have no barrel length entry which is why I assume you did that with ACE loaded.

What does range/impact mean?

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2 hours ago, Dedmen said:

Did you keep in mind that ace changes muzzle velocity and dispersion (moa/mil) of vanilla weapons if you load ACE?

Also vanilla weapons have no barrel length entry which is why I assume you did that with ACE loaded.

What does range/impact mean?


Thank you, I will have to integrate that somewhere.


Range / Impact is the white bars you see when selecting a weapon. I couldn't figure out how to get an actual hard number from the game files, so I put a grid of 10 squares over the bars, and mesaured it that way.

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10 hours ago, Dedmen said:

Did you keep in mind that ace changes muzzle velocity and dispersion (moa/mil) of vanilla weapons if you load ACE?

Also vanilla weapons have no barrel length entry which is why I assume you did that with ACE loaded.

What does range/impact mean?


BTW is there a way to view the MOA/MIL/muzzle velocity/weight etc STOCK values? Or do I have to sift through an AIO config and figure out the math to get MIL/MOA?

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23 hours ago, Justin Self said:

Range / Impact is the white bars you see when selecting a weapon.

You mean in ACE Arsenal? I already told you where you can find the scripts for that.

Impact: https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/blob/master/addons/arsenal/functions/fnc_statBarStatement_impact.sqf

Range is max zeroing (https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/blob/master/addons/arsenal/ACE_Arsenal_Stats.hpp#L54), which I guess is a weapon config entry

impact is a mix between hit/initSpeed


15 hours ago, Justin Self said:

BTW is there a way to view the MOA/MIL/muzzle velocity/weight etc STOCK values?

AiO config. Or don't load ace and pull them out via scripts.

15 hours ago, Justin Self said:

figure out the math to get MIL/MOA

The dispersion entry is in radians, can just convert that over.

  • Thanks 1

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Hey, looked over this just now and i have to say great work!


However the AKS-74U is 5.45mm, not 7.62mm


Otherwise, really good!

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