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GM - is there Plans for the Inclusion of Aircraft?

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Having been a youth in the height of the cold war, I find the subject matter of the Global Mobilization DLC very appealing. That said, I mostly play ARMA 3 as my light, sim-lite flight simulator. I get the most enjoyment out of just downloading a modded scenario and buckling up in a jet for some dog fighting or mud moving. I own other flight sims like DCS, Falcon BMS and Strike Fighters 2 which even covers the era, but even the sim-lite SF2 requires more focus and time investment than getting airborne in this game. I of course do also play ARMA3 infantry and tanks, it's just not my main focus. I noticed that this DLC features AA mobile units, but doesn't include a single air unit yet. I've read that Helos are eventually coming, but I haven't seen any mention about fixed-wing aircraft? If this DLC had some of my favorite Luftwaffe birds of the 80's like the Tornado or Phantom II, I'd buy it in a heart beat regardless of whether or not it needed more polishing.


So being a hopeless flight sim junky I have to ask; are fixed-wing units eventually coming to this mod?

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best to join their discord

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Fixed wing aircraft are very low priority for us. There are other asset types and categories, such as Rotary Wing, that we want to cover first.

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  On 7/12/2019 at 12:42 PM, mondkalb said:

Fixed wing aircraft are very low priority for us. There are other asset types and categories, such as Rotary Wing, that we want to cover first.


Many thanks for the reply. TBH I'm not so impressed with ARMA3 rotary aircraft and anything intro'd in Global Mobilization would have be better that what's already in the game for me to get enthused. As I said above though,  I'm a fan of the theater and era and play the FC Red Storm videogame, the Force on Force Cold War Gone Hot tabletop miniatures and World at War boardgame. So the GM DLC is probably going to eventually snag me at some point.  😉

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  On 7/10/2019 at 6:50 PM, .kju said:

best to join their discord

I joined it, but with just a quick browsing noticed fellow countrymen making bigoted statements that are completely unrelated to game play and a doing a whole lot of whining.  So no thanks, I won't be participating in that channel - I have better places to focus my limited time.

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