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Warlords gamemode balancing is garbage

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So I've been playing warlords lately, and alot of the servers I join I like to play opfor, thing is most people like blufor since they're the ''good guys'', so u get unbalanced teams, if it were just a 1/2 player difference it wouldn't matter but almost every game the blufor team has around 5 sometimes even 8 more players than opfor which means they can backcap easier, spawn in more vehicles and have just more firepower in general, the balancing system bohemia uses to stop too many players picking one team is garbage since it doesn't account for people leaving which also unbalances the teams. They should implement an autobalance system where people that joined most recently get sent to the other team in case of heavy imbalance in the teams.

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I've noticed the opposite actually on the US warlords servers. Since people are placed by default on Bluefor, that team racks up all the noobs and trolls who don't know or dont care about switching teams. So you often find Opfor accumulating more of the experienced players, and as a result it wins nearly every game. What would solve this would be for the server to place new players randomly on teams by default, so even if you can immediately switch teams, noobs, troll and whatnot are evenly spread out. When it comes to balancing team numbers by putting a black screen over your view, its pretty good, like that if im playing with a friend I can just wait for more people to join the enemy team for the mask to disapear and not be split from my friends. One thing we do really need though is team locking. Often when we've got guerrilla war-fighters or simply when we've been hammering the other team with air superiority too long, some Bluefors get all salty, switch teams, then call out positions on global channel.

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Lets not forget that on any full warlords server, there are usually 10 people afk at various spawns keeping people whom want to play from entering.

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I don't want to create a new topic, because a similar topic about balance is already available. I hope Thread Starter will not be against it.


Warlords is a good idea, but I didn't like some of the details.


1. In the Virtual Arsenal ammunition is available for covertly special operations.
For example, sights with a thermal-vision (TWS, Nightstalker), equipment (Special Purpose Helmet and Suit, Full Ghillie, ENVG-II, ...)
I'm not sure, if such ammunition is needed in such battles? The battle turns into a constant search for enemy hidden snipers. Yes, the vehicles also has thermal-vision, but the vehicles is easier to detect.


2. Why NATO can use the Viper kit (CSAT) from the Virtual Arsenal?! This is important for Veteran servers, otherwise the confusion with the uniform!


3. Rhino can for a long time destroy the enemy with ATMG LG projectiles at a distance of more than 7 kilometers. This is an uber-machine to destroy the enemy. If I am not mistaken, OPFOR has no analogue.
Disable ATMG LG projectiles from Rhino or add 2S9 Sochor with Howitzer (Laser Guided) projectiles for CSAT.


4. The character at the start in the default equipment has Chemlight and IR Grenade. This is not used by anyone and adds weight to the character (critical for Stamina). I'm throwing these items. This is unnecessary garbage on the server.

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I just wanted to chime in and say that for a few months I've been hosting Warlords on my dedi server for the very reasons you all post here. The goal is to copy what OFFICIAL servers do right and tweak everything they don't do right (I would love for people to hop onto my discord and give input like what I read here). I've put a lot of work into making changes and quite frankly I'm hopefully the community notices. Just today, I've finally put in stratis into rotation. Only light vehicles/apcs/helis to encourage more mechanized inf warfare.


  • Thanks 1

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