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Server and Headless Client setup

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I've been dipping my toe into the subject of MP setup and coding as Ive largely restricted myself to SP stuff to date. 

I run my Arma on a decent Laptop and it works ok for my purposes for SP but MP as sole server , hmmm. So I was interested in the notion of headless clients and I've been reading Monsoons very helpful guide.


Im thinking of something like the following setup  >  my laptop as server and me as player, a HC on my own home LAN ( or direct connected to my laptop) and then being able to host games for a small number of players.


My questions than arise on a mix of tech and related code issues. Any observations would be helpful.


1) The armaserver exe has to run on both the server ( my laptop) and the HC - Yes?

2)  in terms of locality I assume that clients ( players) own any members of their own squad who may exist? - ie these particular Ai wouldn't be handled by the server or HC scripts.

3) I see that HC are helpful in taking the AI load and that there can be more than one HC. If there is more than one - then can the AI be loaded part to one and part to another sort of thing? ie you could have one HC managing Blufor Ai and another managing OPFOR Ai?


I noticed in the HC guide that the HC armaserver exe can be run on Linux.  Which made me think - is there anything in principle which would stop me using two or more cheap as chips Raspberry PI's as headless clients, or two cheap laptops?  Sorry for these probably really N00b questions re MP, server, Hc etc


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1. Yes. HC needs this statup parameters at minimum:

-client -connect=<IPADRESSofServer>

2. should be the case mostly/always

3. You could have one HC for each AI group theoreticaly.


Why HC's?

HCs are mainly thought to offload the work of AI-calculations to other cores of the same machine. Surly you are also able to connect other machines and use them as HCs but you loose the advantage of nearly unlimited bandwidth  between server an HCs.

Therefore I recommend to use HCs also on your Laptop until it's cpu cores are fully in use (but not overloaded).

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Agh, so I could theoretically setup a HC as essentially another machine running on one of my other cores? Any guides around on that?  The material ive been looking at seems to assume HC is running on another machine.

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