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I'm trying to force fire on a jet when entering a trigger, i've placed the following code into the activation line with no avail. 

FP1 forceWeaponFire ["Bomb_03_F ", "Bomb_03_F "];

Your help would be greatly appreciated.


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35 minutes ago, Windy5000 said:

FP1 forceWeaponFire ["Bomb_03_F ", "Bomb_03_F "];

You have spaces in your muzzle and firemode strings.  Try this.  and maybe you need "gunner FP1" if the FP1 is the jet vehicle name.

FP1 forceWeaponFire ["Bomb_03_F", "Bomb_03_F"];

or try this:

gunner FP1 forceWeaponFire ["Bomb_03_F", "Bomb_03_F"];

If that doesn't work, verify that "Bomb_03_F" is a valid muzzle name and firemode name for the jet.


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I tried getting it to work but no luck, i've settled for a trigger with artillery effects.


thanks for the help. 

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Try fireAtTarget. That's straight out of BIS's CAS function, so if you look through that for any reference to _fire and _weapons you can get an idea of how they're doing it. I was working on a complete CAS package that'd allow a player to send a full 9-line CAS request that'd bring the aircraft in and be effected by all manner of conceivable variables (weather, AA threats, fire support in the area, etc etc etc), but it was going to be a massive effort so I moved on. During the initial stages though I worked through forcing aircraft to fire, and it wasn't always a copy-paste deal once I found something that worked. as far as I can remember different aircraft/mods and different weapon types meant using different commands to get a plane to fire, so if something isn't working out you might want to check the other fire-related commands. There's a table for all of them at the bottom of the fireAtTarget page.

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