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Campaign: First Impressions Matter Problem

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I've just go this and am trying to do the campaign but can't really get pas the early stages of First Impressions Matter. I've completed the task 'Enter M113' and the task, 'Take Querenhorst' has been assigned. The M113 starts to go towards Querenhorst but only manages a 100 metres or so before it stops and turns its engine off and that's it. Nothing more. Any ideas?/

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It sounds like you need to disembark from the vehicle and continue on foot towards the objective. If that's not the issue then it could be a bug. I encountered a few similar problems during the campaign but I used a mod that allowed me to take control of fellow squad members to continue to advance in situations like that. In this case I would have taken control of the driver or if that's wasn't possible, then I would switch positions with the squad leader and then have the squad disembark and continue on foot. There are also instances where triggers wouldn't activate because an enemy was still hiding somewhere in the AO. In that case I would take over as the squad leader and then have the squad fan out and search the area until the enemy was eliminated. The mod I used is the All-in-One AI Command Menu. It has a lot of great features such as the ability to unstick units caught on terrain features and the ability to command squad members to clear or garrison buildings.  I highly recommend it. It has been a permanent part of my SP mod set for quite some time now. There are also some YouTube videos that might help. Just do a search for "Global Mobilization First Impressions Matter" and you'll find them




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