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Solution Searched to Change Object´s Position from Terrain Builder

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Hello all,

In the last Days i downloadet old Source Files from Chernarus Isles + Utes , and get this old thing yesterday to Live.

Now i see the Creator set the Mapframes wrong (Northing to 500000).

Its generally no Problem to change this but all the Objects that was setup before in Terrain builder have the wrong Coords .

Like this: 


"crane_f";504673.68750000;40687.57128906;-0.00000000;-0.00000000;0.00000000;1.00000000;338.98999023                    (Totally over 100000 objects)


So how to became this to the new Coords from the Mapframe ?


My opinion was to change these via Macro , so let him delete the 5 and write 2 ....... . The problem is the Objects are not listet in the same Postions to let a amateur macro running over this (Like delte 5, write 2 ,press arrow down, Repeat, and the the same with 4 )


For example :










Does anyone have Ideas or other Solutions how to fix that ?


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Edit it in Excel \ openoffice \ LibreOffice (or whatever its called now) like you would for pitch and bank


Excel method for randomizing object pitch:

    1. Export from TB with custom format with comma separator, nothing else changed
    2. Open in excel, select "Delimited" box and click next
    3. In the "Delimiters" box, uncheck everything except "Comma"
    4. On this same window, set the "Text qualifier" drop down menu to "{none}" and click next
    5. Click finish - Import should be successful
    6. Select column E and enter the expression =x+y*RAND() where x = minimum number, and y equals the range above that.
        If you want the max pitch to be 5.0 and the min pitch to be -5.0 (same as 355, still works on TB import), the expression should look like this: =-5+10*RAND()
    7. Hold Ctrl when pressing enter to randomize all the values in the whole column.  Each box should have a random number between -5 and +5. This changes everytime any value is changed
    8. When ready to export, click File -> Save As, and select .csv (Comma Delimited) as the export format.
    9. Enter a new name, save, and open in NPP.
    10. Find and Replace -> [,] with [;]
    11. Find and Replace -> ["""] with ["]
    12. Save and import into TB

credit to Rylan for the above

  • Thanks 1

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