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TFDD Scythe

Fate Gaming is Recruiting (US Based) - Ages 18+

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Fate Gaming is a casual gaming community open to all who have a laid back attitude and who are here to have fun. There are no guild applications, minimum playtime requirements, prerequisites or officer hierarchy. We're run by the players, for the players. We play a variety of games and now have our sights focused on creating a new division for Arma 3.

We are currently running an Exile server but want input from our members on what other modes would be preferred. || Fate.Exile PVP 100k|Full Military|SELL CRATE|Revive|Claim|



Our community is currently looking for laid back, mature individuals who are 20 years of age or older. We are a mainly comprised of players from the US who all speak English and tend to to play in the afternoon/evenings following work. We accept players from all parts of the globe. We are not looking for players who desire hardcore game play, who are angered easily when they die, or who are looking to boss others around. Instead we value positive, upbeat, team orientated individuals. We are all adults here looking to unwind after a long day of work.

If you are looking for a hardcore group of players who are all on 24/7, have attendance requirements and are focused on being as close to a military simulation as possible then this is not the organization for you.



Does Fate Gaming sound like a community you are interested in joining? Are you laid back and are just looking for a group of guys & gals to game with on a number of titles? If so check our our website at FateGaming.com and hop into our Discord server!

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