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Chienoki Zhu

CO-OP Umbrella Target Down

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*And the operation name finally made, which is called "Umbrella Take Down". Pretty cool right?



In this mission everyone have limited respawn chances, if you run out, you fail the missions, also if everyone all get wipe all in the same time, the mission is also fail desu.

This mission require minimum of 1 player (common sense), and up to maximum of 6 players as allow.

The mission is: wipe out all the Umbrella members that around. There's a easter egg in the game, is easy to find, and it will become the future boss in the next CO-OP mission I about to publish.

ps: The default time and weather is raining in the summer morning, you could also change those on the mission white board.

So, enjoy it!

At last, Panzer Vor!


Here are some in game looks:






















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