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physical weapon model replacement?

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Is there anyway to create a script that would substitute one model for another. I want to substitute the AMRAAM D model which isn't a realistic representation of the actual AMRAAM with the AMRAAM C model used by the AAF jet fighter.


In the config.bin file the model for the AMRAAM D is listed as



while AMRAAM C is


Is there anyway I can achieve a method of replacing the former two with the later?

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You simply cannot without using MODs. However you can use setPylonLoadout to change the pylon loadout forcely.

gryphon setPylonLoadOut [6,"PylonMissile_Missile_AMRAAM_C_x1",true]


By the way in vanilla you already have AMRAAM C for Gryphon, aren't you?

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3 minutes ago, POLPOX said:

You simply cannot without using MODs. However you can use setPylonLoadout to change the pylon loadout forcely.

gryphon setPylonLoadOut [6,"PylonMissile_Missile_AMRAAM_C_x1",true]


By the way in vanilla you already have AMRAAM C for Gryphon, aren't you?


Alright thanks for letting me know. Yes the AMRAAM C is the same one used by the Gryphon.


Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be an internal "INT" variant of that missile for the correct jettison from the weapon bays of the F/A-181. Such variants exist for the AMRAAM D and R77. I can see in the editor's config viewer the one line used for that jettison effect, (initSpeedY = -25;) Yet even though I can see all of this in the config viewer there is no way for me to edit that and plug-in that line into the AMRAAM C? Or is there some functionality to the config viewer I haven't discovered?


Otherwise I guess I'd be looking at the hideously complicated task of creating my own addon so I can stop obsessing over such minor details.

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Config Viewer is only for viewing config and you can NEVER change config in-game (without using Diagnostics Exe AFAIK) however, if you want to emulate initSpeedY, you can do this using addEventHandler and setVelocity. At least this script fits to these AMRAAMs very well.

blackwasp addEventHandler ["Fired",{
	if (_this#4 == "ammo_Missile_AMRAAM_C") then {
		_ammo = _this#6 ;
		_ammo setVelocity (velocity _ammo vectorAdd (_ammo vectorModelToWorld ([0,0,-25]))) ;
	} ;
}] ;


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Excellent. Is there any way I could get it to address only pylons 8-12 (which represent the internal weapons bay) however?

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So I added an "and" command and have been trying to get the script to function on only pylons 8-12, yet is there any actual method to do that?


neither pylon == or pylons == seems to give any result.

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