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EnableSimulationGlobal on vehicle crew

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So I am making a mission with a lot of hidden ambush sites. These sites work by hiding all units and fortifications inside an area. Once the player(s) enter the ambush site a trigger reveals all units and objects.

This is code I use for hiding stuff:

_thismarker = _this select 0;

_position = getMarkerPos _thismarker;

_list = ["Land_HBarrier_large","Land_BagFenceCorner","Land_CamoNet_NATO","BagBunker_base_F","Wire","Thing","HBarrier_base_F","Stall_base_F","Military_Item_NoInteractive","Man","LandVehicle"];

{ _x hideObjectGlobal true } foreach (nearestObjects [_position, _list, (getMarkerSize _thismarker) select 0]);
{ _x enableSimulationGlobal false } foreach (nearestObjects [_position, _list, (getMarkerSize _thismarker) select 0]);

And this is is the similar code for revealing them upon trigger activation:

_thismarker = _this select 0;

_position = getMarkerPos _thismarker;

_list = ["Land_HBarrier_large","Land_BagFenceCorner","Land_CamoNet_NATO","BagBunker_base_F","Wire","Thing","HBarrier_base_F","Stall_base_F","Military_Item_NoInteractive","Man","LandVehicle"];

{ _x hideObjectGlobal false } foreach (nearestObjects [_position, _list, (getMarkerSize _thismarker) select 0]);
{ _x enableSimulationGlobal true} foreach (nearestObjects [_position, _list, (getMarkerSize _thismarker) select 0]);

The problem is that any vehicle crews will stay invisible and their simulation disabled. Does anyone have any ideas how to go around that?

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They remain hidden but are returning fire and following waypoints when reveald but the crew are invisible in my tests.

any how a 3am solution and there's probably a better one out there is this.


{ _x hideObjectGlobal false;if (_x iskindof "LandVehicle") then {{_x hideObjectGlobal false} foreach crew _x}  } foreach (nearestObjects [_position, _list, (getMarkerSize _thismarker) select 0]);

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TAG_fnc_hideAmbush = {
	///Make sure we are executing on the server
	//as the commands hideObjectGlobal & enableSimulationGlobal are SE( Server Exec ) 
	if !( isServer ) exitWith {
		_this remoteExec[ "TAG_fnc_hideAmbush", 2 ];
	params[ "_marker", "_hide" ];
	_position = getMarkerPos _marker;
	_radius = ( getMarkerSize _marker ) select 0;
	_list = ["Land_HBarrier_large","Land_BagFenceCorner","Land_CamoNet_NATO","BagBunker_base_F","Wire","Thing","HBarrier_base_F","Stall_base_F","Military_Item_NoInteractive","Man","LandVehicle"];
	_objects = nearestObjects [_position, _list, _radius];
			_x hideObjectGlobal _hide;
			_x enableSimulationGlobal !_hide;
		}forEach ( [_x] + ( units _x - [_x] )); 
	} foreach _objects;

[ "marker_0", true ] call TAG_fnc_hideAmbush;

Units of a static object (Land_HBarrier_large etc) is an empty array. Units of a vehicle is the crew. Units of a Man is the units of its group.

This is the same as what the show/hide module does for synced objects, of which you could just use that instead of your own solution but either will do.

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Thanks for you function Larrow, it works as intended. The reason not to use the show/hide module is that I would have to apply the modules manually. Instead I can automate the hiding process in the init.sqf to apply for all ambush sites saving time in the editor.

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