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UPSMON script error(s)

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Hey there,


I have a few script errors which bother me for a while in the UPSMON-Urban Patrol Script by Monsada & Rafalski.

I have no Idea how to fix them, since UPSMON is way over my scripting capabilities.


One in particular is pretty annoying, it starts spamming at mission start:


Error in expression <

if (_inheli) then {
_landing = _heli getVariable "UPSMON_landing";
if (>
  Error position: <_heli getVariable "UPSMON_landing";
if (>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _heli
File D:\x\x\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1473

I feel like this one is bugging out the helicopter AI landing from time to time and makes the chopper stuck.

Here is the script:


// =========================================================================================================
//  UPSMON - Urban Patrol Script  
//  version 5.1.0  beta 1
//  Author: Monsada (chs.monsada@gmail.com) 
//		Comunidad Hispana de Simulación: 
//		Wiki: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/upsmon/wiki
//		Forum: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=91696
//		Share your missions with upsmon: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/upsmon/boards/86
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Based on Urban Patrol Script  v2.0.3
//  Author: Kronzky (www.kronzky.info / kronzky@gmail.com)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Some little fixes: !Rafalsky (v5.0.8 - 5.1.0)
//  Code improvements: shay_gman(Artillery), Nordin("noveh")
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

//  Required parameters:
//    unit        = Unit to patrol area (1st argument)
//    markername  = Name of marker that covers the active area. (2nd argument)
//	Patrol squad samples: (put in the leader's init field)
//    nul=[this,"area0"] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";
//  Defensive squad samples:
//    nul=[this,"area0","nomove"] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";
//  Reinforcement
//    nul=[this,"area0","reinforcement:",1] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf";
//      (in trigger call:         KRON_UPS_reinforcement1 = true;
//      (call pos marker mkr1):   KRON_UPS_reinforcement1_pos = getMarkerPos "mkr1";
//  Optional parameters: _
//    random      = Place unit at random start position.
//    randomdn    = Only use random positions on ground level.
//    randomup    = Only use random positions at top building positions. 
//    min:n/max:n = Create a random number (between min and max) of 'clones'. ("min:",2,"max:",5)
//    init:string = Custom init string for created clones.
//    nomove      = Unit will stay or hide in the near buildings until enemy is spotted.
//    nofollow    = Unit will only follow an enemy within the marker area.(When fight sometimes can go outside)
//    onroad      = Unit will get target destination only on the roads 
//    nosmoke     = Units will not use smoke when s/o wounded or die.
//    delete:n    = Delete dead units after 'n' seconds.
//    nowait      = Do not wait at patrol end points.
//    noslow      = Keep default behaviour of unit (don't change to "safe" and "limited").
//    noai        = Don't use enhanced AI for evasive and flanking maneuvers.
//    trigger     = Display a message when no more units are left in sector.
//    empty:n     = Consider area empty, even if 'n' units are left.
//    reinforcement  = Makes squad as reinforcement, when alarm KRON_UPS_reinforcement==true this squad will go where enemy were.
//    reinforcement:x  = Makes squad as reinforcement id, when alarm KRON_UPS_reinforcementx==true this squad will go where enemy were.
//    fortify = makes leader order to take positions on nearly buildings at distance 200 meters, squad fortified moves less than "nomove"
//	  aware,combat,stealth,careless defines default behaviour of squad
//    noveh       = the group will not search for transport vehicles (unless in fight and only combat vehicles)
//	nowp	= No waypoints will be created for this squad UNTIL ENEMY DETECTED, this squad will comunicate enemies but will not be moved by UPSMON until enemy detected, after that upsmon takes control of squad
//	nowp2	= No waypoints will be created for this squad UNTIL ENEMY DETECTED and damaged, this squad will comunicate enemies but will not be moved by UPSMON until enemy detected and damaged, after that upsmon takes control of squad
//	  nowp3	= No waypoints will be created for this squad in any way, this squad will comunicate enemies but will not be moved by UPSMON.
//	  ambush	= Ambush squad will not move until in combat, will lay mines if enabled and wait for incoming enemies stealth and ambush when near or discovered.
//	  ambush2	= Ambush squad will not move until in combat, will NOT LAY MINES and wait for incoming enemies stealth and ambush when near or discovered.
//	  ambush:n	= Creates an anbush and wait maximun the especified time n in seconds. you can put 0 seconds for putting mines and go away if combined with "move" for example
//	  ambush2:n = Same as ambush:n but without laying mines.
//	  respawn = allow squad to respawn when all members are dead and no targets near
//	  respawn:x = allows to define the number of times squad may respawn.
//    showmarker  = Display the area marker.
//    track       = Display a position and destination marker for each unit.

//	spawned = use only with squads created in runtime, this feature will add squad to UPSMON correctly.
//	aware,combat,stealth,careless defines default behaviour of squad

// numbers of Civilians killed by players could be read from the array 'KILLED_CIV_COUNTER' -> [Total, by West, by East, by Res, The Killer]

if (!isServer) exitWith {};

if (isNil("KRON_UPS_INIT")) then {
waitUntil {KRON_UPS_INIT==1};

// convert argument list to uppercase
	_UCthis = [];
	for [{_i=0},{_i<count _this},{_i=_i+1}] do {_e=_this select _i; if (typeName _e=="STRING") then {_e=toUpper(_e)};_UCthis set [_i,_e]};

	if ((count _this)<2) exitWith {
		if (format["%1",_this]!="INIT") then {hint "UPS: Unit and marker name have to be defined!"};

// Postioning
private["_targetX","_targetY","_relTX","_relTY","_relUX","_relUY","_waiting","_pursue","_react","_newpos","_currPos","_orgPos","_targetPos","_attackPos","_flankPos","_avoidPos", "_speedmode"];
private["_dist","_lastdist","_lastmove1","_lastmove2","_gothit", "_supressed" , "_flankdist","_nBuilding","_nBuildingt","_distnbuid","_distnbuidt"];
		"_newflankAngle","_sharedist" ,"_targetPosOld","_fldest","_grpidx","_grpid","_i","_unitpos","_Behaviour", "_incar", "_inheli" , "_inboat","_gunner","_driver"
		,"_membertypes","_respawn","_respawnmax","_lead","_safemode","_vehicles","_dist3","_lastwptype","_template","_unittype","_initstr","_fortifyorig","_nowpType","_ambushtype" ,"_vehicletypes", "_onroad","_loop2", "_tries2","_targetPosTemp","_sokilled","_sowounded","_nosmoke","_newunit","_rlastpos","_rcurrpos","_jumpers","_isSoldier","_noveh","_deadBodiesReact"];

_grpid =0;
_exit = false;
_fldest = 0;
_unitpos = "AUTO";
_vehicle = objnull;
_minreact = KRON_UPS_minreact;
_lastreact = KRON_UPS_minreact;
_rnd = 0.0;
_GetOutDist = 0;
_index = 0;
_wpformation = "VEE";
_targetdead = false;
_dist3 = 0;
_fldestfront = 0;
_bld = objnull;
_flyInHeight = 0;
_rfid = 0;
_rfidcalled = false;
_Mines = 3;
_enemytanks = [];
_friendlytanks =[];
_enemytanksnear = false;
_friendlytanksnear = false;
_mineposition = [0,0,0];
_enemytanknear = objnull;
_NearestEnemy = objnull;
_roads = [];
_timeout = 0;
_countfriends = 0;
_surrended = false;
_inheli = false;
_spawned = false;
_nowp = false;
_unitsIn = [];
_ambush = false;
_ambushed = false;
_ambushdist = KRON_UPS_ambushdist;
_deadBodiesreact = R_deadBodiesReact; 
_dist2 = 0;
_targetdist = 10000;
_cargo = [];
_targetsnear = false;
_ambushwait = 10000;
_membertypes = [];
_vehicletypes =[];
_respawn = false;
_respawnmax = 10000;
_vehicles = [];
_lastwptype = "";
_unittype = "";
_initstr = "";
_fortifyorig= false;
_rlastPos = [0,0,0];

// unit that's moving
_obj = leader (_this select 0); //group or leader
_npc = _obj;


// give this group a unique index
KRON_UPS_Instances = KRON_UPS_Instances + 1;
_grpid = KRON_UPS_Instances;
_grpidx = format["%1",_grpid];
_grpname = format["%1_%2",(side _npc),_grpidx];
_side = side _npc;

//To not run all at the same time we hope to have as many seconds as id's
_rnd = _grpid;
sleep _rnd ;

// == set "UPSMON_grpid" to units in the group and EH===============================  
		_x setVariable ["UPSMON_grpid", _grpid, false];
		sleep 0.05;
		if (side _x != civilian) then 
			_x AddEventHandler ["hit", {nul = _this spawn R_SN_EHHIT}];	
			sleep 0.05;
			_x AddEventHandler ["killed", {nul = _this spawn R_SN_EHKILLED}];	
			sleep 0.05;
			_x removeAllEventHandlers "firedNear";
			sleep 0.05;
			_x AddEventHandler ["firedNear", {nul = _this spawn R_SN_EHFIREDNEAR}];
			sleep 0.05;
			_x removeAllEventHandlers "killed";
			sleep 0.05;
			_x AddEventHandler ["killed", {nul = _this spawn R_SN_EHKILLEDCIV}];
			sleep 0.05;
	} foreach units _npc;

	//if is vehicle will not be in units so must set manually
	if (isnil {_npc getVariable ("UPSMON_grpid")}) then {		
		_npc setVariable ["UPSMON_grpid", _grpid, false];		
		sleep 0.05;
		if (side _npc != civilian) then 
			_npc AddEventHandler ["hit", {nul = _this spawn R_SN_EHHIT}];	
			sleep 0.05;
			_npc AddEventHandler ["killed", {nul = _this spawn R_SN_EHKILLED}];	
			sleep 0.05;
		{ //civilian
			_npc removeAllEventHandlers "firedNear";
			sleep 0.05;
			_npc AddEventHandler ["firedNear", {nul = _this spawn R_SN_EHFIREDNEAR}];
			sleep 0.05;	
			_npc removeAllEventHandlers "killed";
			sleep 0.05;
			_npc AddEventHandler ["killed", {nul = _this spawn R_SN_EHKILLEDCIV}];
			sleep 0.05;
	//the index will be _grpid 
if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1: New instance %2 %3 %4",_grpidx,_npc getVariable ("UPSMON_grpid")]}; 


// == get the name of area marker ==============================================
	_areamarker = _this select 1;
	if (isNil ("_areamarker")) exitWith {
		hint "UPS: Area marker not defined.\n(Typo, or name not enclosed in quotation marks?)";

	// remember center position of area marker
	_centerpos = getMarkerPos _areamarker;
	_centerX = abs(_centerpos select 0);
	_centerY = abs(_centerpos select 1);
	_centerpos = [_centerX,_centerY];

	// show/hide area marker 
	_showmarker = if ("SHOWMARKER" in _UCthis) then {"SHOWMARKER"} else {"HIDEMARKER"};
	if (_showmarker=="HIDEMARKER") then {
		//_areamarker setMarkerCondition "false"; // VBS2
		_areamarker setMarkerPos [-abs(_centerX),-abs(_centerY)];

// is anybody alive in the group?
	_exit = true;
	if (typename _npc=="OBJECT") then {		
		if (!isnull group _npc) then {
			_npc = [_npc,units (group _npc)] call MON_getleader;
			_vehicles = [_npc,2] call MON_nearestSoldiers;
			if (count _vehicles>0) then {
				_npc = [_vehicles select 0,units (_vehicles select 0)] call MON_getleader;
	} else {
		if (count _obj>0) then {
			_npc = [_obj,count _obj] call MON_getleader;			

	// set the leader in the vehilce
	if (!(_npc iskindof "Man")) then { 
		if (!isnull(commander _npc) ) then {
			_npc = commander _npc;
			if (!isnull(driver _npc) ) then {
				_npc = driver _npc;
				_npc = gunner _npc;	
		group _npc selectLeader _npc;

// ===============================================	
	if (alive _npc) then {_exit = false;};	
	if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0 && _exit) then {player sidechat format["%1 There is no alive members %1 %2 %3",_grpidx,typename _npc,typeof _npc, count units _npc]};	

	// exit if something went wrong during initialization (or if unit is on roof)
	if (_exit) exitWith {
		if (KRON_UPS_DEBUG>0) then {hint "Initialization aborted"};

// remember the original group members, so we can later find a new leader, in case he dies
	_members = units _npc;
	KRON_UPS_Total = KRON_UPS_Total + (count _members);

//Fills member soldier types
	_vehicles = [];
		if (vehicle _x != _x ) then {
			_vehicles = _vehicles - [vehicle _x];
			_vehicles = _vehicles + [vehicle _x];
		_membertypes = _membertypes + [typeof _x];
	} foreach _members;

//Fills member vehicle types
		_vehicletypes = _vehicletypes + [typeof _x];
	} foreach _vehicles;

// what type of "vehicle" is _npc ?
	_isman = "Man" countType [ vehicle _npc]>0;
	_iscar = "LandVehicle" countType [vehicle _npc]>0;
	_isboat = "Ship" countType [vehicle _npc]>0;
	_isplane = "Air" countType [vehicle _npc]>0;

// we just have to brute-force it for now, and declare *everyone* an enemy who isn't a civilian
	_isSoldier = _side != civilian;


	if (_isSoldier) then {
		switch (_side) do {
		case west:
			{ 	_sharedenemy=0; 
				_friendside = [west];
				_enemyside = [east];				
		case east:
			{  _sharedenemy=1; 
				_friendside = [east];
				_enemyside = [west];
		case resistance:
			 _enemyside = KRON_UPS_Res_enemy;
				if (!(east in _enemyside)) then {	
					_friendside = [east];
				if (!(west in _enemyside)) then {
					_friendside = [west];
	if (_side in KRON_UPS_Res_enemy) then {
		_enemyside = _enemyside + [resistance];
	}else {
		_friendside = _friendside + [resistance];	
	sleep .05;

//Sets min units alive for surrender
	_surrender = call (compile format ["KRON_UPS_%1_SURRENDER",_side]); 

	// Tanks friendlys are contabiliced
	if ( side _x in _friendside && ( _x iskindof "Tank"  || _x iskindof "Wheeled_APC" )) then {
		_friendlytanks = _friendlytanks + [_x];
}foreach vehicles;	

// global unit variable to externally influence script 
//call compile format ["KRON_UPS_%1=1",_npcname];

// X/Y range of target area
_areasize = getMarkerSize _areamarker;
_rangeX = _areasize select 0;
_rangeY = _areasize select 1;
_area = abs((_rangeX * _rangeY) ^ 0.5);
// marker orientation (needed as negative value!)
_areadir = (markerDir _areamarker) * -1;

// store some trig calculations

// minimum distance of new target position
if (_rangeX==0) exitWith {
	hint format["UPS: Cannot patrol Sector: %1\nArea Marker doesn't exist",_areamarker]; 

// remember the original mode & speed
_orgMode = behaviour _npc;
_orgSpeed = speedmode _npc;

// set first target to current position (so we'll generate a new one right away)
_currPos = getpos _npc;
_orgPos = _currPos;
_orgDir = getDir _npc;
_orgWatch=[_currPos,50,_orgDir] call KRON_relPos; 
_lastpos = _currPos;

_avoidPos = [0,0];
_flankPos = [0,0];
_attackPos = [0,0];
_newattackPos = [0,0];
_fixedtargetpos = [0,0];
_frontPos = [0,0];
_dirf1 = 0;_dirf2=0;_flankPos2=[0,0];
_dist = 10000;
_lastdist = 0;
_lastmove1 = 0;
_lastmove2 = 0;

_lastdamm = 0;
_timeontarget = 0;

_fightmode = "walk";
_gothit = false;
_pursue = false;
_react = 0;
_lastknown = 0;
_opfknowval = 0;

_sin90=1; _cos90=0;
_sin270=-1; _cos270=0;
_targetX =0; _targetY=0; 
_supressed = false;
_nBuildingt =nil;
_distnbuid = 0;
_distnbuidt = 0;
_objsflankPos1 =  [];
_cntobjs1 = 0;
_objsflankPos2 =  [];
_cntobjs2 = 0;
_targettext ="";
_dir1 =0;_dir2=0;_dir3=0;_dd=0;
_reinforcement ="";
_reinforcementsent = false;
_target = objnull;
_flankdir=0; //1 tendencia a flankpos1, 2 tendencia a flankpos2
_planta=0; //Indice de plantas en edificios
_newflankAngle = 0;
_closeenough = KRON_UPS_closeenough;
_gunner = objnull;
_driver = objnull;
_fortify = false;
_buildingdist= 60;//Distance to search buildings near
_Behaviour = "SAFE"; 
_grp = grpnull;
_grp = group _npc;
_template = 0;
_nowpType = 1;
_ambushtype = 1;
_rstuckControl = 0;

// set target tolerance high for choppers & planes
if (_isplane) then {_closeenough = KRON_UPS_closeenough * 2};

// ***************************************** optional arguments *****************************************

// wait at patrol end points
_pause = if ("NOWAIT" in _UCthis) then {"NOWAIT"} else {"WAIT"};
// don't move until an enemy is spotted
_nomove  = if ("NOMOVE" in _UCthis) then {"NOMOVE"} else {"MOVE"};

//fortify group in near places
	_fortify= if ("FORTIFY" in _UCthis) then {true} else {false};
	_fortifyorig = _fortify;
	if (_fortify) then {
		_minreact = KRON_UPS_minreact * 3;
		_buildingdist = _buildingdist * 2;
		_makenewtarget = false;
		_wait = 3000;

// create _targerpoint on the roads only (by this group)
	_onroad = if ("ONROAD" in _UCthis) then {true} else {false};
// do not use smoke (by this group)
	_nosmoke = if ("NOSMOKE" in _UCthis) then {true} else {false};
// do not search for vehicles (unless in fight and combat vehicles)
_noveh = if ("NOVEH" in _UCthis) then {true} else {false};	

// don't make waypoints
	_nowp = if ("NOWP" in _UCthis) then {true} else {false};
	_nowp = if ("NOWP2" in _UCthis) then {true} else {_nowp};
	_nowp = if ("NOWP3" in _UCthis) then {true} else {_nowp};
	_nowpType = if ("NOWP2" in _UCthis) then {2} else {_nowpType};
	_nowpType = if ("NOWP3" in _UCthis) then {3} else {_nowpType};
//Ambush squad will no move until in combat or so close enemy
	_ambush= if ("AMBUSH" in _UCthis) then {true} else {false};
	_ambush= if ("AMBUSH:" in _UCthis) then {true} else {_ambush};
	_ambush= if ("AMBUSH2" in _UCthis) then {true} else {_ambush};
	_ambushwait = ["AMBUSH:",_ambushwait,_UCthis] call KRON_UPSgetArg;
	_ambushwait = ["AMBUSH2:",_ambushwait,_UCthis] call KRON_UPSgetArg;
	_ambushType = if ("AMBUSH2" in _UCthis) then {2} else {_ambushType};
	_ambushType = if ("AMBUSH2:" in _UCthis) then {2} else {_ambushType};

// respawn
	_respawn = if ("RESPAWN" in _UCthis) then {true} else {false};
	_respawn = if ("RESPAWN:" in _UCthis) then {true} else {_respawn};
	_respawnmax = ["RESPAWN:",_respawnmax,_UCthis] call KRON_UPSgetArg;
	if (!_respawn) then {_respawnmax = 0};

// any init strings?
	_initstr = ["INIT:","",_UCthis] call KRON_UPSgetArg;

// don't follow outside of marker area
	_nofollow = if ("NOFOLLOW" in _UCthis) then {"NOFOLLOW"} else {"FOLLOW"};
// share enemy info 
	_shareinfo = if ("NOSHARE" in _UCthis) then {"NOSHARE"} else {"SHARE"};
// "area cleared" trigger activator
	_areatrigger = if ("TRIGGER" in _UCthis) then {"TRIGGER"} else {if ("NOTRIGGER" in _UCthis) then {"NOTRIGGER"} else {"SILENTTRIGGER"}};

	// suppress fight behaviour
	if ("NOAI" in _UCthis) then {_isSoldier=false};

	// adjust cycle delay 
	_cycle = ["CYCLE:",KRON_UPS_Cycle,_UCthis] call KRON_UPSgetArg;

	//spawned for squads created in runtime
	_spawned= if ("SPAWNED" in _UCthis) then {true} else {false};
	if (_spawned) then {
		if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1: squad has been spawned, respawns %2",_grpidx,_respawnmax]}; 	
		switch (side _npc) do {
			case west:
			{ 	KRON_AllWest=KRON_AllWest + units _npc; 
			case east:
			{  	KRON_AllEast=KRON_AllEast + units _npc; };
			case resistance:
				KRON_AllRes=KRON_AllRes + units _npc; 
				if (east in KRON_UPS_Res_enemy ) then {	
					KRON_UPS_East_enemies = KRON_UPS_East_enemies+units _npc;
				} else {
					KRON_UPS_East_friends = KRON_UPS_East_friends+units _npc;
				if (west in KRON_UPS_Res_enemy ) then {
					KRON_UPS_West_enemies = KRON_UPS_West_enemies+units _npc;
				} else {
					KRON_UPS_West_friends = KRON_UPS_West_friends+units _npc;
		call (compile format ["KRON_UPS_%1_Total = KRON_UPS_%1_Total + count (units _npc)",side _npc]); 	
		_vehicletypes = ["VEHTYPE:",_vehicletypes,_UCthis] call KRON_UPSgetArg;

// set drop units at random positions
	_initpos = "ORIGINAL";
	if ("RANDOM" in _UCthis) then {_initpos = "RANDOM"};
	if ("RANDOMUP" in _UCthis) then {_initpos = "RANDOMUP"}; 
	if ("RANDOMDN" in _UCthis) then {_initpos = "RANDOMDN"}; 
	// don't position groups or vehicles on rooftops
	if ((_initpos!="ORIGINAL") && ((!_isman) || (count _members)>1)) then {_initpos="RANDOMDN"};
	// set behaviour modes (or not)
	_orgMode = "SAFE";
	if ("CARELESS" in _UCthis) then {_orgMode = "CARELESS"}; 
	if ("AWARE" in _UCthis) then {_orgMode = "AWARE"}; 
	if ("COMBAT" in _UCthis) then {_orgMode = "COMBAT"}; 
	if ("STEALTH" in _UCthis) then {_orgMode = "STEALTH"}; 

// set original beahviour	
	if (!_isSoldier) then {
		_Behaviour = "CARELESS";
	} else {		
		_Behaviour = _orgMode; 
	_npc setbehaviour _Behaviour;

// set initial speed
	_noslow = if ("NOSLOW" in _UCthis) then {"NOSLOW"} else {"SLOW"};
	if (_noslow!="NOSLOW") then {
		_orgSpeed = "limited";
	} else {	
		_orgSpeed = "FULL";	
	_speedmode = _orgSpeed;
	_npc setspeedmode _speedmode;

// set If enemy detected reinforcements will be sent REIN1
	_reinforcement= if ("REINFORCEMENT" in _UCthis) then {"REINFORCEMENT"} else {"NOREINFORCEMENT"}; //rein_yes
	_rfid = ["REINFORCEMENT:",0,_UCthis] call KRON_UPSgetArg; // rein_#

	if (_rfid>0) then {
		//if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {hintsilent format["%1: reinforcement group %2",_grpidx,_rfid,_rfidcalled,_reinforcement]}; 	

//set Is a template for spawn module?
	_template = ["TEMPLATE:",_template,_UCthis] call KRON_UPSgetArg;
	//Fills template array for spawn
	if (_template > 0 && !_spawned) then {
		KRON_UPS_TEMPLATES = KRON_UPS_TEMPLATES + ( [[_template]+[_side]+[_membertypes]+[_vehicletypes]] );
		//if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {diag_log format["%1 Adding TEMPLATE %2 _spawned %3",_grpidx,_template,_spawned]};	
		//if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player globalchat format["KRON_UPS_TEMPLATES %1",count KRON_UPS_TEMPLATES]};		

// make start position random 
	if (_initpos!="ORIGINAL") then {
		// find a random position (try a max of 20 positions)
		while {_try<20} do {
			_currPos=[_centerX,_centerY,_rangeX,_rangeY,_cosdir,_sindir,_areadir] call KRON_randomPos;
			_posinfo=[_currPos] call KRON_PosInfo3;
			// _posinfo: [0,0]=no house near, [obj,-1]=house near, but no roof positions, [obj,pos]=house near, with roof pos
			_bld=_posinfo select 0;
			_bldpos=_posinfo select 1;
			if (_isplane || _isboat || !(surfaceiswater _currPos)) then {
				if (((_initpos=="RANDOM") || (_initpos=="RANDOMUP")) && (_bldpos>0)) then {_try=99};
				if (((_initpos=="RANDOM") || (_initpos=="RANDOMDN")) && (_bldpos==0)) then {_try=99};
			sleep .01;
		if (_bldpos==0) then {			
			{ //man
				if (vehicle _x == _x) then {
					_x setpos _currPos;	
			} foreach units _npc; 
			sleep .5;			
			{ // vehicles
				_targetpos = _currPos findEmptyPosition [10, 100];
				sleep .4;						
				if (count _targetpos <= 0) then {_targetpos = _currpos};
				_x setPos _targetpos;
			} foreach _vehicles;	
		} else {
		// put the unit on top of a building
			_npc setPos (_bld buildingPos _bldpos); 
			_currPos = getPos _npc;
			_nowp=true; // don't move if on roof		

// track unit ======================================================================================
	_track = 	if (("TRACK" in _UCthis) || (KRON_UPS_Debug>0)) then {"TRACK"} else {"NOTRACK"};
	_trackername = "";
	_destname = "";
	if (_track=="TRACK") then {
		_track = "TRACK";
		_markerobj = createMarker[_trackername,[0,0]];
		_markerobj setMarkerShape "ICON";
		_markertype = if (isClass(configFile >> "cfgMarkers" >> "WTF_Dot")) then {"WTF_DOT"} else {"DOT"};
		_trackername setMarkerType _markertype;
		_markercolor = switch (side _npc) do {
			case west: {"ColorGreen"};
			case east: {"ColorRed"};
			case resistance: {"ColorBlue"};
			default {"ColorBlack"};
		_trackername setMarkerColor _markercolor;
		_trackername setMarkerText format["%1",_grpidx];
		_trackername setmarkerpos _currPos; 
		_markerobj = createMarker[_destname,[0,0]];
		_markerobj setMarkerShape "ICON";
		_markertype = if (isClass(configFile >> "cfgMarkers" >> "WTF_Flag")) then {"WTF_FLAG"} else {"FLAG"};
		_destname setMarkerType _markertype;
		_destname setMarkerColor _markercolor;
		_destname setMarkerText format["%1",_grpidx];
		_destname setMarkerSize [.5,.5];

// delete dead units ==============================================================================
	_deletedead = ["DELETE:",0,_UCthis] call KRON_UPSgetArg;
	if (_deletedead>0) then {
			_x addEventHandler['killed',format["[_this select 0,%1] spawn KRON_deleteDead",_deletedead]];
			sleep 0.01;
		}forEach _members;

// how many group clones? =========================================================================
// TBD: add to global side arrays?
	_mincopies = ["MIN:",0,_UCthis] call KRON_UPSgetArg;
	_maxcopies = ["MAX:",0,_UCthis] call KRON_UPSgetArg;
	if (_mincopies>_maxcopies) then {_maxcopies = _mincopies};
	if (_maxcopies>140) exitWith {hint "Cannot create more than 140 groups!"};
	if (_maxcopies>0) then {
		_copies = _mincopies + random (_maxcopies-_mincopies);	

	// create the clones
		for "_grpcnt" from 1 to _copies do {
			// copy groups
			if (isNil ("KRON_grpindex")) then {KRON_grpindex = 0}; 
			KRON_grpindex = KRON_grpindex+1;
			// copy group leader
			_unittype = typeof _npc;
			// make the clones civilians
			// use random Civilian models for single unit groups
			if ((_unittype=="Civilian") && (count _members==1)) then {_rnd=1+round(random 20); if (_rnd>1) then {_unittype=format["Civilian%1",_rnd]}};
			_grp=createGroup side _npc;
			_lead = _grp createUnit [_unittype, getpos _npc, [], 0, "form"];
			_lead setVehicleVarName format["l%1",KRON_grpindex];
			call compile format["l%1=_lead",KRON_grpindex];
			_lead setBehaviour _orgMode;
			_lead setSpeedmode _orgSpeed;
			_lead setSkill skill _npc;
			_lead setVehicleInit _initstr;
			[_lead] join _grp;
			_grp selectLeader _lead;
			// copy team members (skip the leader)
				if (_i>1) then {
					_newunit = _grp createUnit [typeof _x, getpos _x, [],0,"form"];
					_newunit setBehaviour _orgMode;
					_newunit setSpeedMode _orgSpeed;
					_newunit setSkill skill _x;
					_newunit setVehicleInit _initstr;
					[_newunit] join _grp;
			} foreach _members;
			nul=[_lead,_areamarker,_pause,_noslow,_nomove,_nofollow,_initpos,_track,_showmarker,_shareinfo,"DELETE:",_dead] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";
			//sleep .05;
		sleep .05;

// units that can be left for area to be "cleared" =============================================================================================
	_zoneempty = ["EMPTY:",0,_UCthis] call KRON_UPSgetArg;

// create area trigger =========================================================================================================================
	if (_areatrigger!="NOTRIGGER") then {
		_trgside = switch (side _npc) do { case west: {"WEST"}; case east: {"EAST"}; case resistance: {"GUER"}; case civilian: {"CIV"};};
		//_trgside = switch (side _npc) do { case west: {"EAST"}; case east: {"WEST"}; case resistance: {"ANY"}; case civilian: {"ANY"};};
		// has the trigger been created already?
		call compile format["%1=false",_flgname];
		call compile format["KRON_TRGFlag=%1",_trgname];
		if (isNil ("KRON_TRGFlag")) then {
			// trigger doesn't exist yet, so create one (make it a bit bigger than the marker, to catch path finding 'excursions' and flanking moves)
			call compile format["%1=createTrigger['EmptyDetector',_centerpos]",_trgname];
			call compile format["%1 setTriggerArea[_rangeX*1.5,_rangeY*1.5,markerDir _areamarker,true]",_trgname];
			call compile format["%1 setTriggerActivation[_trgside,'PRESENT',true]",_trgname];
			call compile format["%1 setEffectCondition 'true'",_trgname];
			call compile format["%1 setTriggerTimeout [5,7,10,true]",_trgname];
			if (_areatrigger!="SILENTTRIGGER") then {
				call compile format["%1 setTriggerStatements['count thislist<=%6', 'titletext [''SECTOR <%2> LIMPIO'',''PLAIN''];''%2'' setmarkerpos [-%4,-%5];%3=true;', 'titletext [''SECTOR <%2> HA SIDO REOCUPADO'',''PLAIN''];''%2'' setmarkerpos [%4,%5];%3=false;']", _trgname,_areamarker,_flgname,_centerX,_centerY,_zoneempty];
			} else {
				call compile format["%1 setTriggerStatements['count thislist<=%3', '%2=true;', '%2=false;']", _trgname,_flgname,_zoneempty];
		sleep .05;

//If a soldier has a useful building takes about ======================================================================================================================		
	if ( _nomove=="NOMOVE" ) then {		
			sleep 10;
			 _unitsIn = [_grpid,_npc,150] call MON_GetIn_NearestStatic;		
			if ( count _unitsIn > 0 ) then { sleep 10};
			[_npc, _buildingdist,false,_wait,true] spawn MON_moveNearestBuildings;

// init done
	_newpos = false;
	_targetPos = [0,0,0];//_currPos;
	_targettext ="_currPos";
	_swimming = false;
	_waiting = if (_nomove=="NOMOVE") then {9999} else {0};
	_sharedist = if (_nomove=="NOMOVE") then {KRON_UPS_sharedist} else {KRON_UPS_sharedist*1.5};

//Gets position of waypoint if no targetpos
	if (format ["%1", _targetPos] == "[0,0,0]") then {
		_index = (count waypoints _grp) - 1;	
		_wp = [_grp,_index];
		_targetPos = waypointPosition _wp;
		if (([_currpos,_targetPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr)<= 20) then {_targetPos = [0,0,0];};

// ***********************************************************************************************************
// ************************************************ MAIN LOOP ************************************************
// ***********************************************************************************************************

scopeName "main"; 
while {_loop} do {

//if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1: _cycle=%2 _currcycle=%3 _react=%4 _waiting=%5",_grpidx,_cycle,_currcycle,_react,_waiting]}; 
	_waiting = _waiting - _currcycle;
	_lastreact = _lastreact + _currcycle;
	_newpos = false;			
	_sokilled = false;
	_sowounded = false;
	// CHECK IF did anybody in the group got hit or die? 
	if ((R_GOTHIT_ARRAY select _grpId) != 0) then
		_gothit = true;
		if ((R_GOTHIT_ARRAY select _grpId) == 1) then
			_sowounded = true;
			_sokilled = true;
	sleep 0.01;
	R_GOTHIT_ARRAY set [_grpId, 0];
	// nobody left alive, exit routine
	if (count _members==0) then {
	} else {
		// did the leader die?
		_npc = [_npc,_members] call MON_getleader;							
		if (!alive _npc || !canmove _npc || isplayer _npc ) exitwith {_exit=true;};	
	//exits from loop
	if (_exit) exitwith {};
	//Checks if surrender is enabled
	if ( _surrender > 0 ) then {
		_surrended = call (compile format ["KRON_UPS_%1_SURRENDED",_side]); 				
	//If surrended exits from script
	if (_surrended) exitwith {	
			[_x] spawn MON_surrender;
		}foreach _members;
		if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {_npc globalchat format["%1: %2 SURRENDED",_grpidx,_side]};		
	//Assign the current leader of the group in the array of group leaders
	KRON_NPCs set [_grpid,_npc];

	// current position
	_currPos = getpos _npc; _currX = _currPos select 0; _currY = _currPos select 1;
	if (_track=="TRACK" || KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then { _trackername setmarkerpos _currPos; };
	// if the AI is a civilian we don't have to bother checking for enemy encounters
	if ( _isSoldier && !_exit) then {
		//_Behaviour = Behaviour _npc;
		//Variables to see if the leader is in a vehicle		
		_incar = "LandVehicle" countType [vehicle (_npc)]>0;
		_inheli = "Air" countType [vehicle (_npc)]>0;
		_inboat = "Ship" countType [vehicle (_npc)]>0;			
		//If the group is strengthened and the enemies have been detected are sent to target
		if (_rfid > 0 ) then {
			_rfidcalled = call (compile format ["KRON_UPS_reinforcement%1",_rfid]); // will be TRUE when variable in triger will be true.
			if (isnil "_rfidcalled") then {_rfidcalled=false};	
			_fixedtargetPos = call (compile format ["KRON_UPS_reinforcement%1_pos",_rfid]); // will be position os setfix target of sending reinforcement
			if (isnil "_fixedtargetPos") then {
				_fixedtargetPos =  [abs(_fixedtargetPos select 0),abs(_fixedtargetPos select 1)];			
				_target = objnull;
		sleep .01;
		//Reinforcement control
		if (_reinforcement=="REINFORCEMENT") then {
			// (global call  OR id call) AND !send yet
			if ( (KRON_UPS_reinforcement || _rfidcalled) && (!_reinforcementsent)) then {				
				_fortify = false;
				_minreact = KRON_UPS_minreact;
				_buildingdist = 60;			
				_react = _react + 100;		
				_waiting = -1;	
				if (format ["%1",_fixedtargetPos] != "[0,0]") then {_nowp = false};								
				if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1 called for reinforcement %2",_grpidx,_fixedtargetPos]};	
			} else {
				// !(global or id call) AND send
				if ( !(KRON_UPS_reinforcement || _rfidcalled) && (_reinforcementsent)) then {
					_fixedtargetPos = [0,0];
					_attackPos = [0,0];
					_fortify = _fortifyorig;
					if (_rfid > 0 ) then {
						call (compile format ["KRON_UPS_reinforcement%1_pos = [0,0]",_rfid]);
						call (compile format ["KRON_UPS_reinforcement%1 = false",_rfid]);
					if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1 reinforcement canceled",_grpidx]};	
		//Gets targets from radio
		_targets = call (compile format ["KRON_targets%1",_sharedenemy]);		
		// if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player globalchat format["targets from global upsmon: %1",_targets]};					
		//Reveal targets found by members to leader
			//_NearestEnemy = assignedTarget _x;
			//if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player globalchat format["Nearest Enemy %1, know about %2",_NearestEnemy,_x knowsabout _NearestEnemy]}; 
			_NearestEnemy = _x findnearestenemy _x;
			if (_x knowsabout _NearestEnemy > R_knowsAboutEnemy && (_npc knowsabout _NearestEnemy <= R_knowsAboutEnemy || count _targets <= 0 )) then 	{		
				if (_npc knowsabout _NearestEnemy <= R_knowsAboutEnemy ) then 	{		 
					_npc reveal _NearestEnemy;
					if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player globalchat format["%1: %2 reveals target %3 to leader",_grpidx,typeof _x, typeof _NearestEnemy]}; 	
				//If no targets adds this
				if (count _targets <= 0) then {
					//_target = _NearestEnemy;
					_targets = _targets + [_NearestEnemy];					
					_NearestEnemy setvariable ["UPSMON_lastknownpos", position _NearestEnemy, false];						
					//if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player globalchat format["%1: %3 added to targets",_grpidx,typeof _x, typeof _target]}; 						
		} foreach units _npc;			

		//if no target but _npc knows enemy then this is _target
		if (isNull (_target)) then {
				if ((_npc knowsabout _x > R_knowsAboutEnemy) && (alive _x) && (canmove _x)) then {
					_target =_x;
					if (!isNull (_target)) exitWith{};
			} foreach _targets;
		//Resets distance to target
		_dist = 10000;		
		//Gets  current known position of target and distance
		if ( !isNull (_target) && alive _target ) then {
			_newattackPos = _target getvariable ("UPSMON_lastknownpos");			
			if ( !isnil "_newattackPos" ) then {
				//Gets distance to target known pos
				_dist = ([_currpos,_attackPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr);				
		//Initialization for geting new targets
		//If the current target is dead or no prior knowledge is cleaned
		if (isNull (_target) || !alive _target || !canmove _target ) then {
			_lastknown = 0;
			_opfknowval = 0; 
			_target = objnull;			 	
		_newtarget = _target;	

		if ((_shareinfo=="SHARE")) then {			
			//Requests for radio the enemy's position, if it is within the range of acts
			if ((KRON_UPS_comradio == 2)) then
				_targetsnear = false;			
				//I we have a close target alive do not search another
				if (!alive _target || !canmove _target || _dist > _closeenough) then {					
						 if ( !isnull _x && canmove _x && alive _x ) then {
							_newattackPos = _x getvariable ("UPSMON_lastknownpos");		
							if (  !isnil "_newattackPos" ) then {	
								_dist3 = ([_currpos,_newattackPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr);	
								//Sets if near targets to begin warning
								IF ( _dist3 <= (_closeenough + KRON_UPS_safedist)) then { _targetsnear = true };				
								//Sets new target
								if ( ( isnull (_newtarget) || captive _newtarget|| !alive _newtarget|| !canmove _newtarget || _dist3 < _dist ) 								
								&& ( _dist3 <= _sharedist || _reinforcementsent )
								&& ( !(_x iskindof "Air") || (_x iskindof "Air" && _isplane ))
								&& ( !(_x iskindof "Ship") || (_x iskindof "Ship" && _isboat ))
								&& ( _x emptyPositions "Gunner" == 0 && _x emptyPositions "Driver" == 0 
								|| (!isnull (gunner _x) && canmove (gunner _x))
								|| (!isnull (driver _x) && canmove (driver _x))) 	
								) then {
									_newtarget = _x;				
									_opfknowval = _npc knowsabout _x; 
									_dist = _dist3;			
									if (_dist < _closeenough) exitWith {};	
					} foreach _targets;
					sleep 0.5;
			//If you change the target changed direction flanking initialize
			if ( !isNull (_newtarget) && alive _newtarget && canmove _newtarget && (_newtarget != _target || isNull (_target)) ) then {
				_timeontarget = 0;
				_targetdead = false;
				_flankdir= if (random 100 <= 10) then {0} else {_flankdir};	
				_target = _newtarget;			
	// use smoke when hit or s/o killed	
	if !_nosmoke then {
			//when hit
			if (_sowounded && random 100 < R_USE_SMOKE_wounded) then {
				nul = [_x,_target] spawn MON_throw_grenade;
				// if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1: We got wounded smoking!",_grpidx]}; 
			//when die
			if (_sokilled && random 100 < R_USE_SMOKE_killed) then {
				nul = [_x,_target] spawn MON_throw_grenade;
				//if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1: We got killed one, smoking!",_grpidx]}; 
		sleep 0.1;	
		} foreach _members;
		//Gets  current known position of target and distance
		if ( !isNull (_target) && alive _target ) then {
			//Enemy detected
			if (_fightmode != "fight" ) then {
				_fightmode = "fight";
				_npc setCombatMode "RED";  // !R
				_react = KRON_UPS_react;
				if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1: Enemy detected %2",_grpidx, typeof _target]}; 	
				if (_nowpType == 1) then {
					nul = [_npc] call R_FN_deleteObsoleteWaypoints;
					_nowp = false;
			_newattackPos = _target getvariable ("UPSMON_lastknownpos");
			if ( !isnil "_newattackPos" ) then {
				//Gets distance to target known pos
				_dist = ([_currpos,_attackPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr);	
				//Looks at target known pos
				_members lookat _attackPos;							 				
		//If the enemy has moved away from the radio coverage is not a reinforcement sent we will have lost track
		if ( _fightmode != "walk" && !isnull(_target) && _dist < 15 &&  _npc knowsabout _target < R_knowsAboutEnemy ) then {			
			//If squad is near last position and no target clear position of target
			if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1: Target lost",_grpidx]}; 				
			_speedmode = _orgSpeed;			
			_target = objnull;
			_Behaviour = _orgMode;					
			_waiting = -1;	
			_unitpos = "AUTO";			
			_targetdead	= true;
			_makenewtarget = true; //Go back to the original position		
		//If knowledge of the target increases accelerate the reaction
		if (_opfknowval>_lastknown ) then {
			_react = _react + 20;
		// if spotted an enemy or got shot, so start pursuit, if in combat and exceed time to react or movecompleted
		if (!_ambushed && (_fightmode != "walk") && ((_react >= KRON_UPS_react && _lastreact >=_minreact) || moveToCompleted _npc )) then {			

		//Ambush ==========================================================================================================
		if (_ambush && !_ambushed) then {
			_ambushed = true;
			_nowp = true;
			_currcycle = 2;		
			_grp setFormation "LINE";
			_npc setBehaviour "STEALTH";	
			_npc setSpeedMode "FULL";	

			//	if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["ambushwait:%1 ",_ambushwait]}; 
			sleep 12;
				[_x,"DOWN"] spawn MON_setUnitPos;
				sleep 2;	
				_x stop true;								
			    player sidechat format["%1 %2",_x,_npc]; 	
			} foreach units _npc;		
			//Puts a mine if near road
			if ( _ambushType == 1 ) then {			
				if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1: Puting mine for ambush",_grpidx]}; 	
				_npc setBehaviour "careless";
				_dir1 = getDir _npc;
				_mineposition = [position _npc,_dir1, (KRON_UPS_ambushdist / 1.2)] call MON_GetPos2D;	 				
				_roads = _mineposition nearroads 25;
				 //if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1: Roads #:%2",_grpidx, (count _roads)]}; 
				while {_Mines > 0} do
					_i = 0;
					 if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1 Current Roads #:%2 _Mines:%3",_grpidx, (count _roads),_Mines]}; 
					if (count _roads > 0) then {
						_rnd = floor (random (count _roads));
						_mineposition = position (_roads select _rnd);
						_roads = _roads - [_roads select _rnd];
						if ([_npc,_mineposition] call MON_CreateMine) then {_Mines = _Mines -1; _i = 1;};				
					} else {
						_mineposition = [position _npc,(_dir1-30) mod 360, (KRON_UPS_ambushdist / 1.2 ) + random 10] call MON_GetPos2D;				
						if ([_npc,_mineposition] call MON_CreateMine) then {_Mines = _Mines -1; _i = 1;};	
					sleep 0.1;
					if (_i != 1) then {_Mines = _Mines -1;} //in case no mine was set
				_npc setBehaviour "carelesscareless";			
				sleep 30;				
					if (!stopped _x) then {
						_x domove position _npc;
						waituntil {moveToCompleted _x || moveToFailed _x || !alive _x || !canmove _x || _x distance _npc <= 5};
				} foreach units _npc;				

			// did the leader die?					
			_npc = [_npc,_members] call MON_getleader;							
			if (!alive _npc || !canmove _npc || isplayer _npc ) exitwith {_exit=true;};		
			_grp setFormation "LINE";
			_npc setBehaviour "AWARE";
			sleep 10;
			sleep 0.1;
			_unitpos ="DOWN";
				[_x,_unitpos] spawn MON_setUnitPos;			
				sleep 0.5;
				_x stop true;				
			} foreach units _npc;	
			_npc setBehaviour "STEALTH";
			_pursue = false;
		};	// end of ambush mine

		//Ambushr enemy is nearly aproach
		//_ambushdist = 50;		
		// if (_npc knowsabout _NearestEnemy <= R_knowsAboutEnemy )
		if (_ambush) then {
			_prov = ((_ambushdist*2 - (_npc distance _NearestEnemy))*3) - 40;
			//if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1:%6 _ambushdist=%5 last=%2 dist=%3 prov=%4",_grpidx,_lastdist,_npc distance _NearestEnemy,_prov,_ambushdist,typeof _NearestEnemy]};
			if (_gothit  || _reinforcementsent || time > _ambushwait
					|| ( "Air" countType [_NearestEnemy]<=0 
						&& (	_npc distance _NearestEnemy <= _ambushdist + random 10 
								|| (!isNull (_NearestEnemy) && (( random 100 <= _prov &&  _npc distance _NearestEnemy > _lastdist)
									|| _npc distance _NearestEnemy > _ambushdist*3 && _lastdist < _ambushdist*3 && _lastdist > 0))
				) then {				
					sleep ((random 1) + 1); // let the enemy then get in the area 
					if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1: ATTACK !",_grpidx]};
					_nowp = false;		
					_ambush = false;
					_ambushed = false;
					_currcycle = _cycle;
						_x stop false;	
						_x setUnitPos "Auto";
					} foreach _members;
					_npc setBehaviour "STEALTH";
					_npc setCombatMode "RED";
					//No engage yet
					_pursue = false;
			//Sets distance to target
			_lastdist = _npc distance _NearestEnemy;			
		}; // end of ambush

		//if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1: _nowp=%2 in vehicle=%3 _inheli=%4 _npc=%5",_grpidx,_nowp,vehicle (_npc) ,_inheli,typeof _npc ]}; 	
		//If in vehicle take driver if not controlled by user
		if (alive _npc && !_nowp) then {
			if (!_isman || (vehicle (_npc) != _npc && !_inboat && !(vehicle (_npc) iskindof "StaticWeapon"))) then { 						
				//If new target is close enough getout vehicle (not heli)	
				_unitsin = [];

				if (!_inheli) then { 						
					if (_fightmode == "walk") then {
						_GetOutDist =  _area / 20;
						_GetOutDist =  _closeenough  * ((random .4) + 0.6);
					//If near target or stuck getout of vehicle and lock or gothit exits inmediately
					if (_gothit || _dist <= _closeenough * 1.5 || (_lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select 0 && _lastcurrpos select 1 == _currpos select 1 && moveToFailed (vehicle (_npc))) || moveTocompleted (vehicle (_npc))) then 
						_GetOutDist = 10000;
					//if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1: vehicle=%2 _npc=%3",_grpidx,vehicle (_npc) ,typeof _npc ]};
					_unitsin = [_npc] call R_FN_allUnitsInCargo; // return units in cargo in all vehs used by the group
					private ["_handle1"];
					_handle1 = [_npc,_targetpos,_GetOutDist] spawn R_SN_GetOutDist;	// getout if as close as _GetOutDist to the target
					_timeout = time + 10;	
					waitUntil {scriptDone _handle1 || time > _timeout};
				} else {
					_GetOutDist = 0; 					
				// if there was getout of the cargo
				if (count _unitsin > 0) then {					
					//if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1: Geting out of vehicle, dist=%2 atdist=%3 _area=%4",_grpidx,([_currpos,_targetpos] call KRON_distancePosSqr),_GetOutDist,_area]}; 											
					_timeout = time + 7;	
						waituntil {vehicle _x == _x || !canmove _x || !alive _x || time > _timeout || movetofailed _x  }; 
					} foreach _unitsin;			
					// did the leader die?
					_npc = [_npc,_members] call MON_getleader;							
					if (!alive _npc || !canmove _npc || isplayer _npc ) exitwith {_exit=true;};	
					if (_fightmode == "fight" || _gothit) then {			
						_npc setBehaviour "COMBAT";		// AWARE																
						_groupOne = group _npc;
						_groupOne setFormation "DIAMOND";							
						nul = [_npc,30] spawn MON_move;													
					sleep 0.2;
					// select leader outside of vehicle
						if (alive _x && canmove _x) exitwith {group _x selectLeader _x; _npc = _x};
					} foreach _unitsin;
					if (_fightmode == "fight") then {	
						_pursue = true;
						_pursue = false;	

		//If under attack or increasing knowledge speeds up the response and regain control of the AI
		if (_gothit) then { 
			_react = if (!_supressed) then {_react + 30};
			if (_fightmode != "walk") then {
				if (_nowpType != 3) then {
					nul = [_npc] call R_FN_deleteObsoleteWaypoints;
					_nowp = false; 
		//If there is no objective order is canceled persecution
		if ((isNull (_target) || !alive _target )) then {
			if (_gothit && !_fortify && !_nowp) then { 
				if ((_fightmode == "walk")) then 
					//It could be a sniper, better be alert and move in case			
					_Behaviour =  "COMBAT";	
					_speedmode = "FULL";	
					_unitpos = "AUTO";			
					_gothit = false;				
					_makenewtarget = true;
					_waiting = -1;
					if ((random 100 < 20) && !_nosmoke) then {	
						nul= [_npc,_target] spawn MON_throw_grenade;
					if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1: Have been damaged moving",_grpidx,_makenewtarget]}; 
				} else {
					if ((_react >= KRON_UPS_react && _lastreact >=_minreact && count _targets <= 0) || _sowounded) then {										
						//We shoot and we have no target, we move from position								
						if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1: Under fire by unkown target, moving to newpos",_grpidx]}; 
						//Covers the group with a smoke grenade
						if (!_supressed && (random 100 < 80) && !_nosmoke) then {	
							nul= [_npc,_target] spawn MON_throw_grenade;
						_gothit = false; 
						_makenewtarget = true;		
						_waiting = -1;				
						_speedmode = "FULL";				
						_unitpos = "middle";	
						_Behaviour = "AWARE";							
					} else {				
						if (_lastreact >=_minreact && !_targetdead) then 
							_targetdead = true;
							_pursue = true;
							//We have run out of targets continue to search				
							if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1: Target defeated, searching",_grpidx]}; 						

		//If no fixed target check if current target is available
		if (format ["%1",_fixedtargetPos] != "[0,0]") then {	
			//If fixed target check if close enough or near enemy and gothit
			if (([_currpos,_fixedtargetpos] call KRON_distancePosSqr) <= _closeenough || (_dist <= _closeenough && _gothit)) then {		
				_fixedtargetPos = [0,0]; 
			} else {		
				_pursue = false;
				if (_react >= KRON_UPS_react && _lastreact >=_minreact) then {
					_makenewtarget = true;
					_unitpos = "AUTO"; 
					_speed = "FULL";
		//If captive or surrended do not pursue
		if ( isnil "_attackPos") then {_pursue = false;};
		if ( captive _target || format ["%1", _attackPos] == "[0,0]") then {_pursue = false;};
		//If no waypoint do not move
		if (_nowp) then {
			_makenewtarget = false;
			_pursue = false;

		if (_inheli) then {
			_landing = _heli getVariable "UPSMON_landing";
			if (isnil ("_landing")) then {_landing=false;};
			if (_landing) then {	
				_pursue = false;
		sleep 0.5;
// **********************************************************************************************************************
// **********************************************************************************************************************
		if (_pursue) then {		
			// if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1: is in pursure",_grpidx]}; 
			_pursue = false;
			_newpos = true; 	
			_react = 0;		
			_lastreact = 0;
			_timeontarget = 0; 		
			_makenewtarget = false;			
			_fm = 1;
			//Cancel supress effect when reaction time
			_supressed = false;		

			// did the leader die?
			_npc = [_npc,_members] call MON_getleader;							
			if (!alive _npc || !canmove _npc || isplayer _npc ) exitwith {_exit=true;};				
			// get position of spotted unit in player group, and watch that spot
			_targetPos = _attackPos;		
			_targetX = _targetPos select 0; _targetY = _targetPos select 1;
			_currPos = getpos _npc;									

			 // also go into "combat mode"		
			// angle from unit to target
			_dir1 = [_currPos,_targetPos] call KRON_getDirPos;
			// angle from target to unit (reverse direction)
			_dir2 = (_dir1+180) mod 360;			
			//Establecemos una distancia de flanqueo	
			_flankdist = ((random 0.5)+0.7)*KRON_UPS_safedist;
			//La distancia de flanqueo no puede ser superior a la distancia del objetivo o nos pordría pillar por la espalda
			_flankdist = if ((_flankdist*1.40) >= _dist) then {_dist*.65} else {_flankdist};
			if (_inheli) then {_flankdist = _flankdist / 2;};
			// avoidance position (right or left of unit)
			_avoidPos = [_currPos,_dir2, KRON_UPS_safedist] call MON_GetPos2D;		

			//Calculamos posición de avance frontal			
			_frontPos = [_targetPos,_dir2, _flankdist] call MON_GetPos2D;	

			//Adaptamos el ángulo de flanqueo a la distancia		
			_newflankAngle = ((random(KRON_UPS_flankAngle)+1) * 2 * (_flankdist / KRON_UPS_safedist )) + (KRON_UPS_flankAngle/1.4) ;
			if (_newflankAngle > KRON_UPS_flankAngle) then {_newflankAngle = KRON_UPS_flankAngle};			
			//Calculamos posición de flanqueo 1 45º
			_dirf1 = (_dir2+_newflankAngle) mod 360;			
			_flankPos = [_targetPos,_dirf1, _flankdist] call MON_GetPos2D;					
			//Calculamos posición de flanqueo 2 -45º			
			_dirf2 = (_dir2-_newflankAngle+360) mod 360;		
			_flankPos2 = [_targetPos,_dirf2, _flankdist] call MON_GetPos2D;	
			if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {
				"flank1" setmarkerpos _flankPos; "flank2" setmarkerpos _flankPos2; "target" setmarkerpos _attackPos;	
			//Decidir por el mejor punto de flanqueo
			//Contamos las posiciones de destino de otros grupos más alejadas
			_fldest = 0;
			_fldest2 = 0;
			_fldestfront = 0;
			_i = 0;
				if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
					_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
					_dist2 = [_x,_flankPos2] call KRON_distancePosSqr;	
					_dist3 = [_x,_frontPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;	
					if (_dist1 <= _flankdist/1.5 || _dist2 <= _flankdist/1.5 || _dist3 <= _flankdist/1.5) then {					
						if (_dist1 < _dist2 && _dist1 < _dist3) then {_fldest = _fldest + 1;};
						if (_dist2 < _dist1 && _dist2 < _dist3) then {_fldest2 = _fldest2 + 1;};
						if (_dist3 < _dist1 && _dist3 < _dist2) then {_fldestfront = _fldestfront + 1;};						
				_i = _i + 1;
			sleep 0.01;
			} foreach KRON_targetsPos;	
			//We have the positions of other groups more distant
			_i = 0;
				if (_i != _grpid && !isnull(_x)) then {
					_dist1 = [getpos(_x),_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
					_dist2 = [getpos(_x),_flankPos2] call KRON_distancePosSqr;	
					_dist3 = [getpos(_x),_frontPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
					if (_dist1 <= _flankdist/1.5 || _dist2 <= _flankdist/1.5 || _dist3 <= _flankdist/1.5) then {										
						if (_dist1 < _dist2 && _dist1 < _dist3) then {_fldest = _fldest + 1;};
						if (_dist2 < _dist1 && _dist2 < _dist3) then {_fldest2 = _fldest2 + 1;};
						if (_dist3 < _dist1 && _dist3 < _dist2) then {_fldestfront = _fldestfront + 1;};	
				_i = _i + 1;
			sleep 0.01;
			} foreach KRON_NPCs;					
			//La preferencia es la elección inicial de dirección
			switch (_flankdir) do {
				case 1: 
					{_prov = 125};
				case 2: 
					{_prov = -25};
					{_prov = 50};
			//Si es positivo significa que hay más destinos existentes lejanos a la posicion de flanqueo1, tomamos primariamente este
			if (_fldest<_fldest2) then {_prov = _prov + 50;};
			if (_fldest2<_fldest) then {_prov = _prov - 50;};		

			//Si la provablilidad es negativa indica que tomará el flank2 por lo tanto la provabilidad de coger 1 es 0
			if (_prov<0) then {_prov = 0;};
			//Evaluamos la dirección en base a la provablilidad calculada
			if ((random 100) <= _prov) then {
				_flankdir =1;
				_flankPos = _flankPos; _targettext = "_flankPos";
			} else {
				_flankdir =2;
				_flankPos = _flankPos2; _targettext = "_flankPos2";
			//Posición de ataque por defecto el flanco
			_targetPos = _flankPos;
			_targettext = "_flankPos";
			if ((surfaceIsWater _flankPos && !(_isplane || _isboat)) ) then {
				_targetPos = _attackPos;_targettext ="_attackPos"; 
				_flankdir =0;
			} else {
				if (_fldestfront < _fldest  && _fldestfront < _fldest2) then {
					_targetPos = _frontPos;_targettext ="_frontPos"; 
			//Establish the type of waypoint
			//DESTROY has worse behavior with and sometimes do not move
			_wptype = "MOVE";					
			//Set speed and combat mode 	
			_rnd = random 100;			
			if (_dist <= _closeenough) then {
				//If we are so close we prioritize discretion fire
				if ( _dist <= _closeenough/2 ) then {	
					//Close combat modeo
					_speedmode = "LIMITED";	
					_wpformation = "LINE";	
					_unitpos = "AUTO"; //"Middle" 
					_react = _react + KRON_UPS_react / 2;
					_minreact = KRON_UPS_minreact / 2;
					if ((_nomove == "NOMOVE" && _rnd < 25) && !_reinforcementsent) then {		
						//Defensive combat						
						_Behaviour =  "STEALTH"; 
						_wptype = "HOLD";						
					} else {					
						if (_rnd < 80) then {
							_Behaviour =  "COMBAT"; // (combat / stealth)
						} else {
							_Behaviour =  "AWARE";
						_wptype = "MOVE";
						_npc setCombatMode "RED";						
				} else {
					//If the troop has the role of not moving tend to keep the position	
					_speedmode = "NORMAL";  
					_wpformation = "VEE"; //or VEE	
					_unitpos = "AUTO";//	"Middle" 
					_minreact = KRON_UPS_minreact / 1.5;					
					if ((_nomove == "NOMOVE" && _rnd < 50) && !_reinforcementsent) then {		
						//Combate defensivo							
						_Behaviour =  "COMBAT"; 
						_wptype = "HOLD";						
					} else {				
						if (_rnd < 70) then {
							_Behaviour =  "AWARE";
						} else {
							_Behaviour =  "COMBAT";
						_wptype = "MOVE";
						_npc setCombatMode "YELLOW";
			} else	{			
				if (( _dist <= (_closeenough + KRON_UPS_safedist))) then {
					_speedmode = "FULL";
					_wpformation = "WEDGE";							
					_unitpos = if (_rnd < 90) then {"Middle"} else {"AUTO"};		
					_minreact = KRON_UPS_minreact;
					if ((_nomove=="NOMOVE" && _rnd < 75)  && !_reinforcementsent) then {
						//Combate defensivo
						_Behaviour =  "COMBAT"; 	//AWARE
						_wptype = "HOLD";							
					} else {	
						//Movimiento con precaución (más rápido)				
						_Behaviour =  "AWARE"; 		
						_wptype = "MOVE";						
				} else {
					//In May distance of radio patrol act..
					if (( _dist <  KRON_UPS_sharedist )) then {
						//Platoon from the target must move fast and to the point
						_Behaviour =  "AWARE"; 
						_speedmode = "FULL";
						_unitpos = if (_rnd < 60) then {"Middle"} else {"AUTO"};		
						_minreact = KRON_UPS_minreact * 2;										
						if ((_nomove=="NOMOVE" && _rnd < 95) && !_reinforcementsent) then {
							_wptype = "HOLD";						
							_wpformation = "WEDGE";							
						} else {					
							_wptype = "MOVE";	
							_wpformation = "WEDGE";						
					} else {
						//Platoon very far from the goal if not move nomove role
						_Behaviour =  "SAFE"; 
						_speedmode = "FULL";
						_unitpos = "AUTO";
						_minreact = KRON_UPS_minreact * 3;
						if (((_nomove=="NOMOVE") || (_nomove=="MOVE" && _rnd < 70)) && !_reinforcementsent) then {
							_wptype = "HOLD";						
							_wpformation = "WEDGE";
							_wptype = "MOVE";	
							_wpformation = "FILE";  //COLUMN						

			//Always keep the brackets fortified position
			if ( _fortify && random 100 < 99) then {_wptype = "HOLD"};
			// did the leader die?
			_npc = [_npc,_members] call MON_getleader;							
			if (!alive _npc || !canmove _npc || isplayer _npc ) exitwith {_exit=true;};	
			//If leader is in vehicle will move in  anyway
			if (vehicle _npc != _npc || !_isman) then {
				_wptype = "MOVE";
				_Behaviour =  "AWARE"; 
				if ( _inheli ) then {
					_speedmode = "FULL";	
					_unitpos = "AUTO";
					_targetPos = _AttackPos;

		//Establecemos el target
			KRON_targetsPos set [_grpid,_targetPos];
			sleep 0.01;					
			//If use statics are enabled leader searches for static weapons near.
			// Tanks enemies are contabiliced
			if ( KRON_UPS_useMines && _Mines > 0 ) then {
				_enemytanksnear = false;	
					if ( ("Tank" countType [_x] > 0 || "Wheeled_APC" countType [_x] >0 
						|| "Tank" countType [vehicle _x] > 0 || "Wheeled_APC" countType [vehicle _x] >0 ) 
						&& alive _x && canMove _x && _npc distance _x <= _closeenough + KRON_UPS_safedist )
						exitwith { _enemytanksnear = true; _enemytanknear = _x;};																					
				} foreach _targets;

				//If use mines are enabled and enemy armors near and no friendly armor put mine.
				if ( _enemytanksnear && !isnull _enemytanknear && alive _enemytanknear ) then {
					_friendlytanksnear = false;
						if (!( alive _x && canMove _x)) then {_friendlytanks = _friendlytanks - [_x]};
						if (alive _x && canMove _x && _npc distance _x <= _closeenough + KRON_UPS_safedist ) exitwith { _friendlytanksnear = true;}; 
					}foreach _friendlytanks;	
					if (!_friendlytanksnear && random(100)<30 ) then {
						_dir1 = [_currPos,position _enemytanknear] call KRON_getDirPos;
						_mineposition = [position _npc,_dir1, 25] call MON_GetPos2D;	
						_roads = _mineposition nearroads 50;
						if (count _roads > 0) then {_mineposition = position (_roads select 0);};
						if ([_npc,_mineposition] call MON_CreateMine) then {
							_Mines = _Mines -1;
							if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1: %3 puting mine for %2",_grpidx,typeof _enemytanknear, side _npc]}; 									

			//Si es unidad de refuerzo siempre acosará al enemigo
			if (_reinforcementsent) then {
				_makenewtarget = false;
			if (_nofollow=="NOFOLLOW" && _wptype != "HOLD") then {
				_targetPos = [_targetPos,_centerpos,_rangeX,_rangeY,_areadir] call KRON_stayInside;
				_targetdist = [_currPos,_targetPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
				if ( _targetdist <= 1 ) then {
			if (_wptype == "HOLD") then {
				_targetPos = _currPos;	_targettext ="_currPos";
			//Is updated with the latest value, changing the target
			_lastknown = _opfknowval; 
			//If for whatever reason cancels the new position should make clear the parameters that go into pursuit
			if  (!_newpos) then {
				//If the unit has decided to maintain position but is being attacked is being suppressed, should have the opportunity to react
				_newpos = _gothit;
				if  (!_newpos) then {
					if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1 Mantaining orders %2",_grpidx,_nomove]};	
			if (KRON_UPS_Debug>=1) then {
				"avoid" setmarkerpos _avoidPos; "flank" setmarkerpos _flankPos; _destname setMarkerPos _targetPos;							
		};	//END PURSUE				
	sleep 0.1;
	}; //((_isSoldier) && ((count _enemies)>0)
// **********************************************************************************************************************
//   								NO NEWS
// **********************************************************************************************************************
	if !(_newpos) then {
		// did the leader die?
		_npc = [_npc,_members] call MON_getleader;							
		if (!alive _npc || !canmove _npc || isplayer _npc ) exitwith {_exit=true;};		
		// calculate new distance
		// if we're waiting at a waypoint, no calculating necessary	
		_currpos = getpos _npc;	
		//Sets behaviour of squad if nearly changes of target
		if (_targetsnear) then{
			if (( toUpper(_Behaviour) IN _safemode) && _isSoldier) then {				
				_Behaviour = "AWARE";
				_npc setBehaviour _Behaviour;	
		//If in safe mode if find dead bodies change behaviour
		if ((toUpper(_Behaviour) IN _safemode) && _deadBodiesReact)then {	
			_unitsin = [_npc,_buildingdist] call MON_deadbodies;
			if (count _unitsin > 0) then { 
				if !_isSoldier then {
					_npc setSpeedMode "FULL";					
				} else {
					if ( random 100 < 75) then {
						_Behaviour =  "AWARE";
					} else {
						_Behaviour =  "COMBAT";
					_react = _react + 30;
					_npc setBehaviour _Behaviour;
					if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1 dead bodies found! set %2",_grpidx,_Behaviour, count _targets]};	
		//Stuck control
		if (!_nowp && alive _npc && canmove _npc && _wptype == "MOVE" && _timeontarget >= 60 && _lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select 0 && _lastcurrpos select 1 == _currpos select 1) then {
			[_npc] call MON_cancelstop;	
			_makenewtarget = true;
			if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1 stucked, moving",_grpidx]};	
		_lastpos = _targetPos;
		_lastcurrpos = _currpos; //sets last currpos for avoiding stuk				
		if (_waiting<0) then {
			//Gets distance to targetpos
			_targetdist = [_currPos,_targetPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;	
			//It assesses whether it has exceeded the maximum waiting time and the objective is already shot to return to the starting position.		
			if (_fightmode!="walk") then {
				if (_timeontarget > KRON_UPS_alerttime && count _targets <= 0 && ( isNull (_target) || !alive (_target) || captive _target)) then {
					_pursue = false;
					_gothit = false;
					_targetdead	= true;		
					_fightmode = "walk";
					_speedmode = _orgSpeed;						
					_targetPos = _currPos;
					_reinforcementsent = false;
					_target = objnull;
					_fixedtargetPos = [0,0];			
					_Behaviour = _orgMode;					
					_waiting = -1;	
					_unitpos = "AUTO";	
					_wpformation = "WEDGE";						

					KRON_UPS_reinforcement = false; //there is no threat
					if (_rfid > 0 ) then {
						call (compile format ["KRON_UPS_reinforcement%1 = false;",_rfid]);
					{[_x,"AUTO"] spawn MON_setUnitPos;}	foreach units _npc;	
					_npc setBehaviour _orgMode;									
					if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1 Without objectives, leaving combat mode",_grpidx]};	

			//if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player globalchat format["%1  _targetdist %2  atdist=%3 dist=%4",_grpidx, _targetdist, _area/8,_dist]};	
			// if not in combat and we're either close enough, seem to be stuck, or are getting damaged, so find a new target 
			if (!_nowp && (!_gothit) && (!_swimming) && (_fightmode == "walk") && (( _targetdist <= (_area/4) || moveToFailed _npc) && (_timeontarget > KRON_UPS_maxwaiting))) then {
				_unitpos = "AUTO";
				_Behaviour = _orgMode;

			// make new target
			if (_makenewtarget) then 
				_gothit = false;
				_react = 0;		
				_lastreact = 0;	
				_makenewtarget = false;				
				_timeontarget = 0;
				_wptype = "MOVE";
				if (format ["%1",_fixedtargetPos] !="[0,0]") then {	
					_targetPos = _fixedtargetPos; _targettext ="Reinforcement";					
				} else {				
					if ((_nomove=="NOMOVE") && (_timeontarget>KRON_UPS_alerttime)) then {
					if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["nomove: %1",_nomove]};	
						if (([_currPos,_orgPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr)<_closeenough) then {
							_newpos = false;
							_wptype = "HOLD";
							_waiting = 9999;
							if (_fortify) then {
								_minreact = KRON_UPS_minreact * 3;
								_buildingdist = _buildingdist * 2;
								_wait = 3000;								
						} else {
							_targetPos=_orgPos; _targettext ="_orgPos";
					} else {						
						//rStuckControl !R					
						_rcurrPos = getpos _npc;
						if (_rlastPos select 0 == _rcurrPos select 0 && _rlastPos select 1 == _rcurrPos select 1) then {
							if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1 !RstuckControl try to move",_grpidx]};						
							if (vehicle _npc != _npc) then {
									_rstuckControl = _rstuckControl + 1;
								if (_rstuckControl > 1) then {
									_jumpers = crew (vehicle _npc);
										_x spawn MON_doGetOut;	
										sleep 0.5;
									} forEach _jumpers;
								} else {
									nul = [vehicle _npc] spawn MON_domove;
							} else {
								nul = [_npc,25] spawn MON_domove;
						} else {
							_rstuckControl = 0;
						_rlastPos = _rcurrPos;
						// re-read marker position/size
						_centerpos = getMarkerPos _areamarker; _centerX = abs(_centerpos select 0); _centerY = abs(_centerpos select 1);
						_centerpos = [_centerX,_centerY];
						_areasize = getMarkerSize _areamarker; _rangeX = _areasize select 0; _rangeY = _areasize select 1;
						_areadir = (markerDir _areamarker) * -1;
						// find a new target that's not too close to the current position
						_targetPos=_currPos; _targettext ="newTarget";
						while {((([_currPos,_targetPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr) < _mindist)) && (_tries<50)} do {
							// generate new target position
							_targetPos = [_centerX,_centerY,_rangeX,_rangeY,_cosdir,_sindir,_areadir] call KRON_randomPos;

							// boat or plane
							// if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1, type: %2",_npc, typeOf _npc]}; sleep 4;
							// if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1 isplane",_isplane]}; sleep 4;
							if (_isplane || _isboat) then {
								// boat
								if (_isboat) then {
									while {(!_loop2) && (_tries2 <50)} do {
										_targetPosTemp = [_centerX,_centerY,_rangeX,_rangeY,_cosdir,_sindir,_areadir] call KRON_randomPos;
										if (surfaceIsWater _targetPosTemp) then {
											_targetPos = _targetPosTemp; 
											_loop2 = TRUE;
											// if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1 Boat just got new targetPos",_grpidx]};
										sleep 0.05;
								// plane
								} else {
									_targetPos = [_centerX,_centerY,_rangeX,_rangeY,_cosdir,_sindir,_areadir] call KRON_randomPos;
									// if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1 Plane just got new targetPos",_grpidx]};										
							// man or car							
							} else { 
								// "_onroad"	
								if _onroad then {
									while {(!_loop2) && (_tries2 <100)} do {
										_targetPosTemp = [_centerX,_centerY,_rangeX,_rangeY,_cosdir,_sindir,_areadir] call KRON_randomPos;
										_roads = (_targetPosTemp nearRoads 50); 
										if ((count _roads) > 0) then {
											_targetPosTemp = getpos (_roads select 0);
											_targetPos = _targetPosTemp;
											_loop2 = TRUE;
										// if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1 Onroad just got new targetPos",_grpidx]};	
										sleep 0.05;	
								// any place on ground
								} else {
									while {(!_loop2) && (_tries2 <100)} do {
										_targetPosTemp = [_centerX,_centerY,_rangeX,_rangeY,_cosdir,_sindir,_areadir] call KRON_randomPos;
										if (!surfaceIsWater _targetPosTemp) then {
											_targetPos = _targetPosTemp; 
											_loop2 = TRUE;																			
											//if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1 Man just got new TP %2, %3",_grpidx,_targetPos,_tries2]};											
										sleep 0.05;	
				sleep 0.05;

				// distance to target position		
				_avoidPos = [0,0]; _flankPos = [0,0]; _attackPos = [0,0];	_frontPos = [0,0];			

	// if in water, get right back out of it again
	if (surfaceIsWater _currPos) then {
		if (_isman && !_swimming) then {
			// look around, to find a dry spot
			for [{_a=0}, {_a<=270}, {_a=_a+90}] do {
				_dp=[_currPos,30,_a] call KRON_relPos; 
				if !(surfaceIsWater _dp) then {_targetPos=_dp};				
	} else {

	sleep 0.5;

// **********************************************************************************************************************
// **********************************************************************************************************************
//	if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1 rea=%2 wai=%3 tim=%4 tg=%5 %6",_grpidx,_react,_waiting,_timeontarget,typeof _target,alive _target]};							
	if ((_waiting<=0) && _newpos) then {		
		// did the leader die?			
		_npc = [_npc,_members] call MON_getleader;									
		if (!alive _npc || !canmove _npc || isplayer _npc ) exitwith {_exit=true;};	
		_currPos = getpos _npc;		
		_newpos = false;
		_waiting = -1; 	
		_GetIn_NearestVehicles = false;	
		//Gets distance to targetpos
		_targetdist = [_currPos,_targetPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;		
		//If gothit and not in vehicle
		if (_gothit && _npc == vehicle (_npc) && alive _npc ) then {																

			//Unidad suprimida		
			if ((random 100) <50) then {				
				//if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1 supressed by fire",_grpidx]};											
				//The unit is deleted, delete the current waypoint
				_supressed = true;						
				_targetPos = _currPos;	_targettext ="SUPRESSED";
				_wptype = "HOLD";
					//Motion vanishes
					if ( _x iskindof "Man" && canmove _x && alive _x) then {																		
						if ((random 100)<40 || (primaryWeapon _x ) in KRON_UPS_MG_WEAPONS) then {[_x,"DOWN",20] spawn MON_setUnitPosTime;			
						}else{	[_x,"Middle"] spawn MON_setUnitPos;};												
					sleep 0.01;
				} foreach units _npc;	
				//All Retreat!!
				if ((random 100)<=60 && morale _npc < 0) then {	
					_targetPos = _avoidPos;_targettext = "_avoidPos";
					_wptype = "MOVE";
					_flankdir = 0;	
					if (!_newpos && KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1 All Retreat!!!",_grpidx]};						
			if ((random 100) < 15 && _targettext == "_avoidPos" && !_nosmoke) then {	
				[_npc,_target] call MON_throw_grenade;
			sleep 0.5;				

		// did the leader die?
		_npc = [_npc,_members] call MON_getleader;	
		if (!alive _npc || !canmove _npc || isplayer _npc ) exitwith {_exit=true;};	
		//If you have not been removed progress continue
		if (alive _npc) then {
			_currPos = getpos _npc;
			if ( _wptype == "MOVE") then {
				//Try to avoid stucked soldiers out of vehicles
				if ( _npc == vehicle _npc) then {
						if (alive _x && canmove _x) then {
							//[_x] spawn MON_cancelstop;
							[_x] dofollow _npc;
					} foreach _members;
				sleep 0.05;	
				//Search for vehicle			
				if ((!_gothit && _targetdist >= ( KRON_UPS_searchVehicledist )) && _isSoldier && !_noveh) then {
					if ( vehicle _npc == _npc && _dist > _closeenough ) then {												
						 _unitsIn = [_grpid,_npc] call MON_GetIn_NearestVehicles;		
						if ( count _unitsIn > 0) then {	
							_GetIn_NearestVehicles = true;
							_speedmode = "FULL";	
							_unitpos = "AUTO";
							_npc setbehaviour "SAFE";
							_npc setspeedmode "FULL";
							_timeout = time + 60;
							_vehicle = objnull;
							_vehicles = [];
								waituntil {vehicle _x != _x || !canmove _x || !canstand _x || !alive _x || time > _timeout || movetofailed _x}; 
								if ( vehicle _x != _x && (isnull _vehicle || _vehicle != vehicle _x)) then {
									_vehicle = vehicle _x ;
									_vehicles = _vehicles + [_vehicle]
							}foreach _unitsIn;
							sleep 1;							
								_vehicle = _x;
								_cargo = _vehicle getvariable ("UPSMON_cargo");
								if ( isNil("_cargo")) then {_cargo = [];};	
								_cargo ordergetin true;
								//Wait for other groups to getin								
									waituntil {vehicle _x != _x || !canmove _x || !canstand _x || !alive _x || time > _timeout || movetofailed _x}; 
								} foreach _cargo;	
								//Starts gunner control
								nul = [_vehicle] spawn MON_Gunnercontrol;
								sleep 0.1;
								// nul = [_x,30] spawn MON_domove; //!R just little kick to make sure it moves
							} foreach _vehicles;
							//Cheks if leader has dead until wait
							_npc = [_npc,_members] call MON_getleader;							
							if (!alive _npc || !canmove _npc) exitwith {_exit=true;};	

							if ( "Air" countType [vehicle (_npc)]>0) then {											
								_rnd = (random 2) * 0.1;
								_flyInHeight = round(KRON_UPS_flyInHeight * (0.9 + _rnd));
								vehicle _npc flyInHeight _flyInHeight;
								//If you just enter the helicopter landing site is defined
								if (_GetIn_NearestVehicles) then { 
									_GetOutDist = round(((KRON_UPS_paradropdist )  * (random 100) / 100 ) + 150);
									[vehicle _npc, _TargetPos, _GetOutDist, 150] spawn MON_doParadrop; // org _flyInHeight
									sleep 1;
									//Execute control stuck for helys
									[vehicle _npc] spawn MON_HeliStuckcontrol;
									if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0 ) then {player sidechat format["%1: flyingheiht=%2 paradrop at dist=%3",_grpidx, _flyInHeight, _GetOutDist,_rnd]}; 
			sleep 0.05;	

			//Get in combat vehicles
			if (!_gothit && !_GetIn_NearestVehicles && _fightmode != "walk" && _isSoldier) then {					
				_dist2 = _dist / 4;
				if ( _dist2 <= 100 ) then {
					_unitsIn = [];					
					_unitsIn = [_grpid,_npc,_dist2,false] call MON_GetIn_NearestCombat;	
					_timeout = time + (_dist2/2);
					if ( count _unitsIn > 0) then {							
						if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0 ) then {player sidechat format["%1: Geting in combat vehicle targetdist=%2",_grpidx,_npc distance _target]}; 																						
						_npc setbehaviour "SAFE";
						_npc setspeedmode "FULL";						
							waituntil {vehicle _x != _x || !canmove _x || !canstand _x || !alive _x || time > _timeout || movetofailed _x}; 
						}foreach _unitsIn;
						// did the leader die?
						_npc = [_npc,_members] call MON_getleader;							
						if (!alive _npc || !canmove _npc || isplayer _npc ) exitwith {_exit=true;};								
						//Return to combat mode
						_npc setbehaviour _Behaviour;	
						_timeout = time + 150;
							waituntil {vehicle _x != _x || !canmove _x || !alive _x || time > _timeout || movetofailed _x}; 
						}foreach _unitsIn;
							if ( vehicle _x  iskindof "Air") then {
								//moving hely for avoiding stuck
								if (driver vehicle _x == _x) then {
									_vehicle = vehicle (_x);									
									nul = [_vehicle,1000] spawn MON_domove;	
									//Execute control stuck for helys
									[_vehicle] spawn MON_HeliStuckcontrol;
									if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0 ) then {player sidechat format["%1: Geting in combat vehicle after",_grpidx,_npc distance _target]}; 	
							if (driver vehicle _x == _x) then {
								//Starts gunner control
								nul = [vehicle _x] spawn MON_Gunnercontrol;								
						sleep 0.01;
						}foreach _unitsIn;									
			sleep 0.05;
			// did the leader die?
			_npc = [_npc,_members] call MON_getleader;							
			if (!alive _npc || !canmove _npc || isplayer _npc ) exitwith {_exit=true;};		
			//If use statics are enabled leader searches for static weapons near.
			if ((KRON_UPS_useStatics && (vehicle _npc == _npc) && !_GetIn_NearestVehicles && _isSoldier ) && ((_wptype == "HOLD" && (random 100) < 80) || (_wptype != "HOLD" && (random 100) < 60))) then {
				 _unitsIn = [_grpid,_npc,_buildingdist] call MON_GetIn_NearestStatic;			
				if ( count _unitsIn > 0) then {									
					_npc setbehaviour "SAFE";
					_npc setspeedmode "FULL";					
					_timeout = time + 60;
						waituntil {vehicle _x != _x || !canmove _x || !alive _x || time > _timeout || movetofailed _x}; 
					}foreach _unitsIn;
				sleep 0.05;
			// did the leader die?
			_npc = [_npc,_members] call MON_getleader;							
			if (!alive _npc || !canmove _npc || isplayer _npc ) exitwith {_exit=true;};		
			//Buildings usage.
			if (!_GetIn_NearestVehicles) then {
				if ( _wptype == "HOLD" && vehicle _npc == _npc && ( _fortify ||(random 100) < 60) ) then {
					//if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1: Moving to nearest buildings",_grpidx]}; 
					[_npc,_buildingdist,false,_wait] spawn MON_moveNearestBuildings;				
				} else {				
					//If we are close enough patrol in buildings for searching enemies
					if ((( _wptype != "HOLD" && vehicle _npc == _npc && (random 100) < 90  ) 
						&& _npc == vehicle _npc && _dist <= ( _closeenough ))) then {
						[_npc,_buildingdist,true] spawn MON_moveNearestBuildings;
				sleep 0.05;	
			// did the leader die?
			_npc = [_npc,_members] call MON_getleader;							
			if (!alive _npc || !canmove _npc || isplayer _npc ) exitwith {_exit=true;};			
			if (isnull _grp || _grp != group _npc) then {
				_grp = group _npc;
			_index = currentWaypoint _grp;	
			//If the waypoing is different than it has or is different from what we set hold
			IF (_wptype != "HOLD" || _lastwptype != _wptype) then {														
				//Has not completed or are waypoints
				//_index = 1 Waypoint by default, not use.	
				if ( _index == 1 || _index > count waypoints _grp && !isnull _grp) then {		
					_wp = _grp addWaypoint [_targetPos, 0];									
					_index = _wp select 1;															
					// if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1: created wp %2 index %3",_grpidx,_wp, _index]};
				} else {
					_wp = [_grp,_index];
					// if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player globalchat format["%1: not created wp %2 index %3 %4",_grpidx,_wp, _index,_targetPos]}; 
			// _wp = [_grp,_index];
			// if iscar the run fast if targetpost is far.
			if ((!_gothit && _targetdist >= (_closeenough * 1.5)) && (vehicle _npc != _npc)) then {
					_speedmode = "FULL";
				} else { 
					// _speedmode = _orgSpeed;
			//We define the parameters of the new waypoint
			_wp  setWaypointType _wptype;
			_wp  setWaypointPosition [_targetPos, 0];
			_wp  setWaypointFormation _wpformation;
			_wp  setWaypointSpeed _speedmode;
			_lastwptype = _wptype;
				//If you have more than 1 waypoints delete the obsolete		
					if ( _x select 1 < _index ) then {
						deleteWaypoint _x;
				sleep 0.05;
				} foreach waypoints _grp;
			//if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {diag_log format["%1: waypoints %2 %3 %4 %5",_grpidx,count waypoints _grp, _grp, group _npc, group (leader _npc)]};
			//Sets behaviour
			if (toupper(behaviour _npc) != toupper (_Behaviour)) then {
				_npc setBehaviour _Behaviour;	
			//Refresh position vector
			KRON_targetsPos set [_grpid,_targetPos];
			//Although there are predefined type of movement to a small percentage will vary on an individual level
				if ((random 100)<95 && _x == vehicle _x && _x iskindof "Man" && !((primaryWeapon _x ) in KRON_UPS_MG_WEAPONS)) then {
					nul = [_x,_unitpos] spawn MON_setUnitPos;
					nul = [_x,"AUTO"] spawn MON_setUnitPos;
			} foreach units _npc;	

			//If closeenough will leave some soldiers doing supress fire
			if (_gothit || _dist <= _closeenough) then {
					if (!canStand _x || ((primaryWeapon _x ) in KRON_UPS_MG_WEAPONS) || (vehicle _x == _x && _x iskindof "Man" && (random 100) < 50) ) then {
						_x suppressFor 15;
				} foreach units _npc;
		_gothit = false;	
		//if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1: %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 %10",_grpidx, _wptype, _targettext,_dist, _speedmode, _unitpos, _Behaviour, _wpformation,_fightmode,count waypoints _grp];};

	if (_track=="TRACK") then { 
		switch (_fm) do {
			case 1: 
				{_destname setmarkerSize [.4,.4]};
			case 2: 
				{_destname setmarkerSize [.6,.6]};
				{_destname setmarkerSize [.5,.5]};
		_destname setMarkerPos _targetPos;

	//If in hely calculations must done faster
	if (_isplane || _inheli) then {
		_currcycle = _cycle/2;
		_flyInHeight = KRON_UPS_flyInHeight;
		vehicle _npc flyInHeight _flyInHeight;

	if ((_exit) || (isNil("_npc"))) then {
	} else {
		// slowly increase the cycle duration after an incident
		sleep _currcycle;
}; //while {_loop}

		if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {hint format["%1 exiting mainloop",_grpidx]};	

		//Limpiamos variables globales de este grupo
		KRON_targetsPos set [_grpid,[0,0]];
		KRON_NPCs set [_grpid,objnull];

		if (_track=="TRACK") then {
			//_trackername setMarkerType "Dot";
			_trackername setMarkerType "Empty";
			_destname setMarkerType "Empty";

		//Gets dist from orinal pos
		if (!isnull _target) then {
			_dist = ([_orgpos,position _target] call KRON_distancePosSqr);	
		// if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1 _dist=%2 _closeenough=%3",_grpidx,_dist,_closeenough]};	

		//does respawn of group =====================================================================================================
		if (_respawn && _respawnmax > 0 &&  !_surrended  && _dist > _closeenough) then {
			if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1 doing respawn",_grpidx]};	

			// copy group leader
			_unittype = _membertypes select 0;

			// make the clones civilians
			// use random Civilian models for single unit groups
			if ((_unittype=="Civilian") && (count _members==1)) then {_rnd=1+round(random 20); if (_rnd>1) then {_unittype=format["Civilian%1",_rnd]}};
			_grp=createGroup _side;
			_lead = _grp createUnit [_unittype, _orgpos, [], 0, "form"];
			_lead setVehicleInit _initstr;
			[_lead] join _grp;
			_grp selectLeader _lead;
			// copy team members (skip the leader)
				if (_i>1) then {
					_newunit = _grp createUnit [_x, _orgpos, [],0,"form"];
					_newunit setVehicleInit _initstr;
					[_newunit] join _grp;
					sleep 0.1;
			} foreach _membertypes;
			if ( _lead == vehicle _lead) then {
						if (alive _x && canmove _x) then {
							[_x] dofollow _lead;
					sleep 0.1;
					} foreach units _lead;
				_targetpos = _orgpos findEmptyPosition [10, 200];
				sleep .4;
				if (count _targetpos <= 0) then {_targetpos = _orgpos};
				//if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player globalchat format["%1 create vehicle _newpos %2 ",_x,_targetpos]};	
				_newunit = _x createvehicle (_targetpos);
			} foreach _vehicletypes;
			//if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player globalchat format["%1 _vehicletypes: %2",_grpidx, _vehicletypes]};
			//Set new parameters
			if (!_spawned) then { 
				_UCthis = _UCthis + ["SPAWNED"];
				if ((count _vehicletypes) > 0) then {
						_UCthis = _UCthis + ["VEHTYPE:"] + ["dummyveh"];	
			_UCthis set [0,_lead];
			_respawnmax = _respawnmax - 1;
			_UCthis =  ["RESPAWN:",_respawnmax,_UCthis] call KRON_UPSsetArg;
			sleep 0.1;
			_UCthis =  ["VEHTYPE:",_vehicletypes,_UCthis] call KRON_UPSsetArg;
			// if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player globalchat format["%1 _UCthis: %2",_grpidx,_UCthis]};	
			//Exec UPSMON script
			sleep 0.1;

		_enemytanks = nil;
		_friendlytanks = nil;
		_roads = nil;
		_targets = nil;
		_members = nil;
		_membertypes = nil;
		_UCthis = nil;

		if (!alive _npc) then {
			deleteGroup _grp;



Link to the scripts:



And here is my full rpt file for a few more UPSMON errors, saved ~30sec after mission start.


Something is happening with the markers, something with the stuck control and something inside the functions script file.


[492716,6039.59,0,"XEH: PreInit Started. v1.0.1.196. MISSINIT: missionName=OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final, worldName=Takistan, isMultiplayer=false, isServer=true, isDedicated=false"]
[492716,6039.96,0,"XEH: PreInit Finished. CACHE DISABLED? (Disable caching with cba_cache_disable.pbo): SLX_XEH_RECOMPILE=false, CBA_COMPILE_RECOMPILE=false, CBA_FUNC_RECOMPILE=false"]
[492783,6045.94,0,"XEH: PostInit Started"]
[492783,6045.96,0,"CBA_VERSIONING: cba=, ace=, acex=, acex_ru=, acex_usnavy=, "]
[492783,6046.21,0,"XEH: PostInit Finished. State: _isClient=true, _isJip=false, _isDedClient=false, _isServer=true, _isDedServer=false, _playerCheckDone=true, _sp=true, _startInitDone=true, _postInitDone=true, _mpRespawn=false, _machineType=1, _sessionId=34, _level=0, _timeOut=false, _game=1, BIS_functions=L 1-1-A:1, group=L 1-1-A, player=Eagle1, _playerType="US_Soldier_Sniper_EP1", _playerGroup=B Eagle"]
"UPSMON started"
Error in expression <KRON_TRGFlag=KRON_Trig_EAST_HILLS>
  Error position: <KRON_Trig_EAST_HILLS>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: kron_trig_east_hills
Error in expression <ype == "MOVE" && _timeontarget >= 60 && _lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error position: <_lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _lastcurrpos
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1885
Error in expression <ype == "MOVE" && _timeontarget >= 60 && _lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error position: <_lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _lastcurrpos
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1885
Error in expression <ype == "MOVE" && _timeontarget >= 60 && _lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error position: <_lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _lastcurrpos
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1885
Error in expression <KRON_TRGFlag=KRON_Trig_EAST_ups2>
  Error position: <KRON_Trig_EAST_ups2>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: kron_trig_east_ups2
Error in expression <ame setMarkerColorLocal _aColor;
_mName setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error position: <setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error Generic error in expression
Error in expression <ame setMarkerColorLocal _aColor;
_mName setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error position: <setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error Generic error in expression
Error in expression <ame setMarkerColorLocal _aColor;
_mName setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error position: <setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error Generic error in expression
Error in expression <KRON_TRGFlag=KRON_Trig_EAST_ups1>
  Error position: <KRON_Trig_EAST_ups1>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: kron_trig_east_ups1
Error in expression <ame setMarkerColorLocal _aColor;
_mName setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error position: <setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error Generic error in expression
Error in expression <ame setMarkerColorLocal _aColor;
_mName setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error position: <setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error Generic error in expression
Error in expression <ame setMarkerColorLocal _aColor;
_mName setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error position: <setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error Generic error in expression
Error in expression <ame setMarkerColorLocal _aColor;
_mName setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error position: <setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error Generic error in expression
Error in expression <ame setMarkerColorLocal _aColor;
_mName setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error position: <setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error Generic error in expression
Error in expression <ame setMarkerColorLocal _aColor;
_mName setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error position: <setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error Generic error in expression
"6.595 [bDetect v0.74 BETA] Frame:493093 L0: bDetect v0.74 BETA is starting ..."
"6.643 [bDetect v0.74 BETA] Frame:493096 L0: bDetect v0.74 BETA has started"
Error in expression <KRON_TRGFlag=KRON_Trig_EAST_ups3>
  Error position: <KRON_Trig_EAST_ups3>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: kron_trig_east_ups3
Error in expression <ype == "MOVE" && _timeontarget >= 60 && _lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error position: <_lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _lastcurrpos
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1885
Error in expression <ype == "MOVE" && _timeontarget >= 60 && _lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error position: <_lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _lastcurrpos
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1885
Error in expression <ame setMarkerColorLocal _aColor;
_mName setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error position: <setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error Generic error in expression
Error in expression <ame setMarkerColorLocal _aColor;
_mName setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error position: <setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error Generic error in expression
Error in expression <ype == "MOVE" && _timeontarget >= 60 && _lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error position: <_lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _lastcurrpos
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1885
Error in expression <ype == "MOVE" && _timeontarget >= 60 && _lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error position: <_lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _lastcurrpos
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1885
Error in expression <bjnull;
_bldpos =0;

if ( minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error position: <minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: minfloors
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\UPSMON\common\MON_functions.sqf, line 1596
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression <bjnull;
_bldpos =0;

if ( minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error position: <minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: minfloors
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\UPSMON\common\MON_functions.sqf, line 1596
Error in expression <e_RU","ACE_SmokeShellMuzzle_GER"];

if (_smokeveh == "") exitWith {};

  Error position: <_smokeveh == "") exitWith {};

  Error Undefined variable in expression: _smokeveh
File x\ace\addons\sys_wounds\fnc_throwSmoke.sqf, line 36
Error in expression <ype == "MOVE" && _timeontarget >= 60 && _lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error position: <_lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _lastcurrpos
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1885
Error in expression <ype == "MOVE" && _timeontarget >= 60 && _lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error position: <_lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _lastcurrpos
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1885
Error in expression <KRON_TRGFlag=KRON_Trig_EAST_ups6>
  Error position: <KRON_Trig_EAST_ups6>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: kron_trig_east_ups6
Error in expression <bjnull;
_bldpos =0;

if ( minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error position: <minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: minfloors
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\UPSMON\common\MON_functions.sqf, line 1596
Error in expression <KRON_TRGFlag=KRON_Trig_EAST_ups5>
  Error position: <KRON_Trig_EAST_ups5>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: kron_trig_east_ups5
Error in expression <KRON_TRGFlag=KRON_Trig_EAST_ups8>
  Error position: <KRON_Trig_EAST_ups8>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: kron_trig_east_ups8
Error in expression <ype == "MOVE" && _timeontarget >= 60 && _lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error position: <_lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _lastcurrpos
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1885
Error in expression <ype == "MOVE" && _timeontarget >= 60 && _lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error position: <_lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _lastcurrpos
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1885
Error in expression <bjnull;
_bldpos =0;

if ( minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error position: <minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: minfloors
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\UPSMON\common\MON_functions.sqf, line 1596
Error in expression <KRON_TRGFlag=KRON_Trig_EAST_ups7>
  Error position: <KRON_Trig_EAST_ups7>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: kron_trig_east_ups7
Error in expression <ype == "MOVE" && _timeontarget >= 60 && _lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error position: <_lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _lastcurrpos
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1885
Error in expression <ype == "MOVE" && _timeontarget >= 60 && _lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error position: <_lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _lastcurrpos
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1885
Error in expression <ype == "MOVE" && _timeontarget >= 60 && _lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error position: <_lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _lastcurrpos
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1885
Error in expression <ype == "MOVE" && _timeontarget >= 60 && _lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error position: <_lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _lastcurrpos
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1885
Error in expression <ype == "MOVE" && _timeontarget >= 60 && _lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error position: <_lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _lastcurrpos
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1885
Error in expression <

if (_inheli) then {
_landing = _heli getVariable "UPSMON_landing";
if (>
  Error position: <_heli getVariable "UPSMON_landing";
if (>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _heli
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1473
Error in expression <ype == "MOVE" && _timeontarget >= 60 && _lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error position: <_lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _lastcurrpos
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1885
Error in expression <

if (_inheli) then {
_landing = _heli getVariable "UPSMON_landing";
if (>
  Error position: <_heli getVariable "UPSMON_landing";
if (>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _heli
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1473
Error in expression <ype == "MOVE" && _timeontarget >= 60 && _lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error position: <_lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _lastcurrpos
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1885
Error in expression <

if (_inheli) then {
_landing = _heli getVariable "UPSMON_landing";
if (>
  Error position: <_heli getVariable "UPSMON_landing";
if (>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _heli
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1473
Error in expression <KRON_UPS_reinforcement3_pos>
  Error position: <KRON_UPS_reinforcement3_pos>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: kron_ups_reinforcement3_pos
Error in expression <bjnull;
_bldpos =0;

if ( minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error position: <minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: minfloors
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\UPSMON\common\MON_functions.sqf, line 1596
Error in expression <ype == "MOVE" && _timeontarget >= 60 && _lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error position: <_lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _lastcurrpos
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1885
Error in expression <ype == "MOVE" && _timeontarget >= 60 && _lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error position: <_lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _lastcurrpos
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1885
Error in expression <ype == "MOVE" && _timeontarget >= 60 && _lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error position: <_lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _lastcurrpos
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1885
Error in expression <

if (_inheli) then {
_landing = _heli getVariable "UPSMON_landing";
if (>
  Error position: <_heli getVariable "UPSMON_landing";
if (>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _heli
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1473
Error in expression <

if (_inheli) then {
_landing = _heli getVariable "UPSMON_landing";
if (>
  Error position: <_heli getVariable "UPSMON_landing";
if (>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _heli
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1473
Error in expression <

if (_inheli) then {
_landing = _heli getVariable "UPSMON_landing";
if (>
  Error position: <_heli getVariable "UPSMON_landing";
if (>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _heli
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v2%2e2%2e9%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1473



I hope someone already got experience with those errors since it is the latest UPSMON version.



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I tried to do some fixing again and got rid of a few errors, dunno if I broke something yet.


For the _heli error in UPSMON.sqf I did this:

LINE 103 added _heli to array
LINE 111 added new line: _heli = objnull;

As far as I can see the chopper behaves like before. Not a 100% sure tho.


For this one....
ERROR - Error Undefined variable in expression: _x:KRON_targetsPos

I did this:
LINE 1557  added new line:

KRON_targetsPos select _grpid;

No more error but not sure if I broke something

//EDIT: Nvm I still got the error spam for this one after a bit into the mission.


And this one (I think it's the stuck control):
Error Undefined variable in expression: _lastcurrpos

LINE 1883 added new line: _lastcurrpos = _currpos;

Error gone but not really tested.


Trying myself at those two now.....:

Error Undefined variable in expression: _x:KRON_NPCs
Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333

//EDIT1: Used a debug line and at first it returned [] w/o error and then and array of units but with a few <NULL> in between and the error appears.

I thought that's what the !isnull _x in there is for .. adding  !isNil "_x" did nothing, I guess cause it's defined as empty.

I think the problem here is one I have in other scripts too.

Some of my units have a 50% propability of presence and using !isNull doesn't work on them !IsNil returns true but it doesn't work with arrays like this:

if !(isNil "_x") then {} forEach [x,y,z]

Anyone know a solution?

In some cases I could ask for a specific unit, like the leader like this and it worked:

if !(isNil "Y_LEADER") then { {DO STUFF} forEach [Y_1,Y_2,Y_3] };

But this solution is obviously pretty limited.

//EDIT2: Wow, I think I fixed it, thanks to this post in a different thread: (EDIT4:look at other post for better fix)

On 6/15/2011 at 12:10 AM, UNN said:


if !(isNil {_myArray select 0}) then {...we have a valid value}

					if (!isNil {KRON_NPCs select 0}) then {
					if ( !isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 //Error Undefined variable in expression: KRON_NPCs
						_npc = _x;								
						_targets = [];

						switch (side _npc) do {
							//West targets
							case west: {
								_sharedenemy = 0;
								_enemyside = [east];
							//East targets
							case east: {
								_sharedenemy = 1;
								_enemyside = [west];
							//Resistance targets
							case resistance: {								
								_sharedenemy = 2;
								_enemyside = KRON_UPS_Res_enemy;
						if (side _npc in KRON_UPS_Res_enemy) then {
							_enemyside = _enemyside + [resistance];
						//Gets known targets on each leader for comunicating enemy position
						//Has better performance with targetsquery
						//_targets = _npc nearTargets KRON_UPS_sharedist;		
						_targets = _npc targetsQuery ["","","","",""];
							//_target = _x select 4;      //Neartargets
							_target = _x select 1;        //Targetsquery							
							if ( side _target in _enemyside ) then {																									
							// if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0) then {player globalchat format["%1: knows about %2, enemies=%3",_npc getVariable ("UPSMON_grpid"),_npc knowsabout _target, _npc countEnemy _targets ]};
								if (!isnull _target && alive _target && canmove _target && !captive _target && _npc knowsabout _target > R_knowsAboutEnemy
									&& ( _target iskindof "Land" || _target iskindof "Air" || _target iskindof "Ship" )
									&& !( _target iskindof "Animal")
									&& ( _target emptyPositions "Gunner" == 0 && _target emptyPositions "Driver" == 0 
										|| (!isnull (gunner _target) && canmove (gunner _target))
										|| (!isnull (driver _target) && canmove (driver _target))) 									
								) then {
									//Saves last known position	
									//_knownpos = _x select 0;	//Neartargets							
									_knownpos = _x select 4;//Targetsquery
									_target setvariable ["UPSMON_lastknownpos", _knownpos, false];									
									// _npc setVariable ["R_knowsAboutTarget", true, false];	  // !R								
									call (compile format ["_targets%1 = _targets%1 - [_target]",_sharedenemy]);
									call (compile format ["_targets%1 = _targets%1 + [_target]",_sharedenemy]);						
						sleep 0.01;	
						} foreach _targets;							
					sleep 0.01;				
				}foreach KRON_NPCs;	





Error Undefined variable in expression: minfloors

MON_functions.sqf, line 1596


I especially don't get the minfloors one, because minfloors is defined as 2  in line 1582:     _minfloors = 2;

I really don't get why it is undefined.

//EDIT1: I gues the reason could be this line right after the first one:  if ((count _this) > 2) then {_minfloors = _this select 2;};

//EDIT2: So I used a debug line in between those steps and minfloors alwas gets returned as 2 but the error still comes up, I'm confused.

//EDIT3: Man I'm dumb, I just saw that it's _minfloors and minfloors ........ adding the '_' got rid of the error. Since 'minfloors' is not mentioned anywhere I guess it's just a spelling error.

Another error that baffles me is this one in MON_functions.sqf line 295:

    if (!all) then {
        if (count _units > 2 ) then {_units = _units - [leader _npc]};    

I don't see all defined anywhere.




"UPSMON started"
Error in expression <KRON_TRGFlag=KRON_Trig_EAST_HILLS>
  Error position: <KRON_Trig_EAST_HILLS>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: kron_trig_east_hills
Error in expression <ame setMarkerColorLocal _aColor;
_mName setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error position: <setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error Generic error in expression
Error in expression <ame setMarkerColorLocal _aColor;
_mName setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error position: <setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error Generic error in expression
Error in expression <ame setMarkerColorLocal _aColor;
_mName setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error position: <setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error Generic error in expression
Error in expression <ame setMarkerColorLocal _aColor;
_mName setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error position: <setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error Generic error in expression
Error in expression <ame setMarkerColorLocal _aColor;
_mName setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error position: <setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error Generic error in expression
Error in expression <ame setMarkerColorLocal _aColor;
_mName setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error position: <setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error Generic error in expression
Error in expression <ame setMarkerColorLocal _aColor;
_mName setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error position: <setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error Generic error in expression
Error in expression <ame setMarkerColorLocal _aColor;
_mName setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error position: <setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error Generic error in expression
Error in expression <ame setMarkerColorLocal _aColor;
_mName setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error position: <setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error Generic error in expression
Error in expression <KRON_TRGFlag=KRON_Trig_EAST_ups2>
  Error position: <KRON_Trig_EAST_ups2>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: kron_trig_east_ups2
"6.398 [bDetect v0.74 BETA] Frame:632872 L0: bDetect v0.74 BETA is starting ..."
"6.453 [bDetect v0.74 BETA] Frame:632875 L0: bDetect v0.74 BETA has started"
Error in expression <KRON_TRGFlag=KRON_Trig_EAST_ups1>
  Error position: <KRON_Trig_EAST_ups1>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: kron_trig_east_ups1
Error in expression <KRON_TRGFlag=KRON_Trig_EAST_ups3>
  Error position: <KRON_Trig_EAST_ups3>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: kron_trig_east_ups3
Error in expression <ame setMarkerColorLocal _aColor;
_mName setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error position: <setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error Generic error in expression
Error in expression <ame setMarkerColorLocal _aColor;
_mName setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error position: <setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];
  Error Generic error in expression
Error in expression <treme max _x;
forEach _array;

  Error position: <_extreme>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _extreme
File ca\modules_e\functions\arrays\fn_findExtreme.sqf, line 46
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression <bjnull;
_bldpos =0;

if ( minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error position: <minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: minfloors
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\UPSMON\common\MON_functions.sqf, line 1596
Error in expression <bjnull;
_bldpos =0;

if ( minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error position: <minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: minfloors
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\UPSMON\common\MON_functions.sqf, line 1596
Error in expression <KRON_TRGFlag=KRON_Trig_EAST_ups5>
  Error position: <KRON_Trig_EAST_ups5>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: kron_trig_east_ups5
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression <KRON_TRGFlag=KRON_Trig_EAST_ups6>
  Error position: <KRON_Trig_EAST_ups6>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: kron_trig_east_ups6
Error in expression <e_RU","ACE_SmokeShellMuzzle_GER"];

if (_smokeveh == "") exitWith {};

  Error position: <_smokeveh == "") exitWith {};

  Error Undefined variable in expression: _smokeveh
File x\ace\addons\sys_wounds\fnc_throwSmoke.sqf, line 36
Error in expression <bjnull;
_bldpos =0;

if ( minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error position: <minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: minfloors
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\UPSMON\common\MON_functions.sqf, line 1596
Error in expression <KRON_TRGFlag=KRON_Trig_EAST_ups8>
  Error position: <KRON_Trig_EAST_ups8>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: kron_trig_east_ups8
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression <KRON_TRGFlag=KRON_Trig_EAST_ups7>
  Error position: <KRON_Trig_EAST_ups7>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: kron_trig_east_ups7
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression <bjnull;
_bldpos =0;

if ( minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error position: <minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: minfloors
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\UPSMON\common\MON_functions.sqf, line 1596
Error in expression <KRON_UPS_reinforcement3_pos>
  Error position: <KRON_UPS_reinforcement3_pos>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: kron_ups_reinforcement3_pos
Error in expression <bjnull;
_bldpos =0;

if ( minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error position: <minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: minfloors
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\UPSMON\common\MON_functions.sqf, line 1596
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression <KRON_UPS_reinforcement3_pos>
  Error position: <KRON_UPS_reinforcement3_pos>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: kron_ups_reinforcement3_pos
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression <KRON_UPS_reinforcement3_pos>
  Error position: <KRON_UPS_reinforcement3_pos>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: kron_ups_reinforcement3_pos
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression <KRON_UPS_reinforcement3_pos>
  Error position: <KRON_UPS_reinforcement3_pos>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: kron_ups_reinforcement3_pos
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression <KRON_UPS_reinforcement3_pos>
  Error position: <KRON_UPS_reinforcement3_pos>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: kron_ups_reinforcement3_pos
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression <e_RU","ACE_SmokeShellMuzzle_GER"];

if (_smokeveh == "") exitWith {};

  Error position: <_smokeveh == "") exitWith {};

  Error Undefined variable in expression: _smokeveh
File x\ace\addons\sys_wounds\fnc_throwSmoke.sqf, line 36
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <i = 0;
if (_i != _grpid && !isnull(_x)) then {
_dist1 = [getpos(_x),_flankP>
  Error position: <_x)) then {
_dist1 = [getpos(_x),_flankP>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1578
Error in expression < _units-[_x];};
}foreach _units;

if (!all) then {
if (count _units > 2 ) then >
  Error position: <all) then {
if (count _units > 2 ) then >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: all
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\UPSMON\common\MON_functions.sqf, line 295
Error in expression <bjnull;
_bldpos =0;

if ( minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error position: <minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: minfloors
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\UPSMON\common\MON_functions.sqf, line 1596
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <i = 0;
if (_i != _grpid && !isnull(_x)) then {
_dist1 = [getpos(_x),_flankP>
  Error position: <_x)) then {
_dist1 = [getpos(_x),_flankP>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1578
Error in expression < _units-[_x];};
}foreach _units;

if (!all) then {
if (count _units > 2 ) then >
  Error position: <all) then {
if (count _units > 2 ) then >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: all
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\UPSMON\common\MON_functions.sqf, line 295
Error in expression <bjnull;
_bldpos =0;

if ( minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error position: <minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: minfloors
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\UPSMON\common\MON_functions.sqf, line 1596
Out of path-planning region for O 2-3-A:3 (tksf2_3) at 6300.0,5031.3, node type
Out of path-planning region for O 2-3-A:3 (tksf2_3) at 6300.0,5031.3, node type
Out of path-planning region for O 2-3-A:6 (tksf2_4) at 6300.0,5031.3, node type
Out of path-planning region for O 2-3-A:6 (tksf2_4) at 6300.0,5031.3, node type
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <i = 0;
if (_i != _grpid && !isnull(_x)) then {
_dist1 = [getpos(_x),_flankP>
  Error position: <_x)) then {
_dist1 = [getpos(_x),_flankP>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1578
Error in expression < _units-[_x];};
}foreach _units;

if (!all) then {
if (count _units > 2 ) then >
  Error position: <all) then {
if (count _units > 2 ) then >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: all
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\UPSMON\common\MON_functions.sqf, line 295
Error in expression <bjnull;
_bldpos =0;

if ( minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error position: <minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: minfloors
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\UPSMON\common\MON_functions.sqf, line 1596
Error in expression <ng done"; sleep 0.5};
if (!isNull _invT && !isNil "_invT") then {deleteVeh>
  Error position: <_invT && !isNil "_invT") then {deleteVeh>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _invt
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\AiLight\lightsoldflare.sqf, line 380
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <i = 0;
if (_i != _grpid && !isnull(_x)) then {
_dist1 = [getpos(_x),_flankP>
  Error position: <_x)) then {
_dist1 = [getpos(_x),_flankP>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1578
Error in expression < _units-[_x];};
}foreach _units;

if (!all) then {
if (count _units > 2 ) then >
  Error position: <all) then {
if (count _units > 2 ) then >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: all
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\UPSMON\common\MON_functions.sqf, line 295
Error in expression <bjnull;
_bldpos =0;

if ( minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error position: <minfloors == 0  ) then {
minfloors = 2;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: minfloors
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\UPSMON\common\MON_functions.sqf, line 1596
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression < 5;

if ((!isNull _deadguy) AND (finder distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error position: <distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\alarm\FindBody.sqf, line 88
Error in expression < - AI detected body";



if (!isNull finder && alive finder) then {fin>
  Error position: <isNull finder && alive finder) then {fin>
  Error isnull: Type Array, expected Object,Group,Display (dialog),Control,Task,Location
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\alarm\FindBody.sqf, line 107
Error in expression < 5;

if ((!isNull _deadguy) AND (finder distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error position: <distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\alarm\FindBody.sqf, line 88
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression < 5;

if ((!isNull _deadguy) AND (finder distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error position: <distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\alarm\FindBody.sqf, line 88
Error in expression < - AI detected body";



if (!isNull finder && alive finder) then {fin>
  Error position: <isNull finder && alive finder) then {fin>
  Error isnull: Type Array, expected Object,Group,Display (dialog),Control,Task,Location
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\alarm\FindBody.sqf, line 107
Error in expression < 5;

if ((!isNull _deadguy) AND (finder distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error position: <distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\alarm\FindBody.sqf, line 88
Error in expression < 5;

if ((!isNull _deadguy) AND (finder distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error position: <distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\alarm\FindBody.sqf, line 88
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error position: <_x,_flankPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1560
Error in expression <{			
if (_i != _grpid &&  format ["%1", _x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error position: <_x] != "[0,0]") then {
_dist1 = [_x,_fla>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1559
Error in expression <i = 0;
if (_i != _grpid && !isnull(_x)) then {
_dist1 = [getpos(_x),_flankP>
  Error position: <_x)) then {
_dist1 = [getpos(_x),_flankP>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 1578
Error in expression < 5;

if ((!isNull _deadguy) AND (finder distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error position: <distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\alarm\FindBody.sqf, line 88
Error in expression < 5;

if ((!isNull _deadguy) AND (finder distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error position: <distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\alarm\FindBody.sqf, line 88
Error in expression <mat ["BodyVultures - %1 - after SPAWN", _bis_crows_victim];}; 

waitUntil {sleep>
  Error position: <_bis_crows_victim];}; 

waitUntil {sleep>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _bis_crows_victim
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\crows\BodyVultures.sqf, line 16
Error in expression < 5;

if ((!isNull _deadguy) AND (finder distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error position: <distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\alarm\FindBody.sqf, line 88
Error in expression < 5;

if ((!isNull _deadguy) AND (finder distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error position: <distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\alarm\FindBody.sqf, line 88
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression < 5;

if ((!isNull _deadguy) AND (finder distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error position: <distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\alarm\FindBody.sqf, line 88
Error in expression < 5;

if ((!isNull _deadguy) AND (finder distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error position: <distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\alarm\FindBody.sqf, line 88
Error in expression < 5;

if ((!isNull _deadguy) AND (finder distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error position: <distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\alarm\FindBody.sqf, line 88
Error in expression < 5;

if ((!isNull _deadguy) AND (finder distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error position: <distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\alarm\FindBody.sqf, line 88
Error in expression < 5;

if ((!isNull _deadguy) AND (finder distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error position: <distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\alarm\FindBody.sqf, line 88
Error in expression < 5;

if ((!isNull _deadguy) AND (finder distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error position: <distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\alarm\FindBody.sqf, line 88
Error in expression < 5;

if ((!isNull _deadguy) AND (finder distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error position: <distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\alarm\FindBody.sqf, line 88
Error in expression <ng done"; sleep 0.5};
if (!isNull _invT && !isNil "_invT") then {deleteVeh>
  Error position: <_invT && !isNil "_invT") then {deleteVeh>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _invt
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\AiLight\lightsoldflare.sqf, line 380
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression < 5;

if ((!isNull _deadguy) AND (finder distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error position: <distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\alarm\FindBody.sqf, line 88
Error in expression < 5;

if ((!isNull _deadguy) AND (finder distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error position: <distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\alarm\FindBody.sqf, line 88
Error in expression < 5;

if ((!isNull _deadguy) AND (finder distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error position: <distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\alarm\FindBody.sqf, line 88
Error in expression < 5;

if ((!isNull _deadguy) AND (finder distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error position: <distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\alarm\FindBody.sqf, line 88
Error in expression < 5;

if ((!isNull _deadguy) AND (finder distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error position: <distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\alarm\FindBody.sqf, line 88
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression < 5;

if ((!isNull _deadguy) AND (finder distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error position: <distance _deadguy < 10)) then { 			
  Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\alarm\FindBody.sqf, line 88
Error in expression < - AI detected body";



if (!isNull finder && alive finder) then {fin>
  Error position: <isNull finder && alive finder) then {fin>
  Error isnull: Type Array, expected Object,Group,Display (dialog),Control,Task,Location
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\alarm\FindBody.sqf, line 107
Error in expression < ["BodyVultures - %1 - deleting crows", _bis_crows_victim];}; 

{if (!isNull _x)>
  Error position: <_bis_crows_victim];}; 

{if (!isNull _x)>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _bis_crows_victim
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\crows\BodyVultures.sqf, line 31
Error in expression <en { 
deletevehicle _x; 

} foreach _bis_crows_victim; 

  Error position: <_bis_crows_victim; 

  Error Undefined variable in expression: _bis_crows_victim
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\crows\BodyVultures.sqf, line 37
Error in expression <ts1 = [];
_targets2 = [];
if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {	 >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e4%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333
Error in expression <e_RU","ACE_SmokeShellMuzzle_GER"];

if (_smokeveh == "") exitWith {};

  Error position: <_smokeveh == "") exitWith {};

  Error Undefined variable in expression: _smokeveh
File x\ace\addons\sys_wounds\fnc_throwSmoke.sqf, line 36
Link to 8c83f266 (Obj-126,100:614) not released




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(!all) doesn't seem to be defined but _all is so try (!_all)



yes minflloors looks a little messed up aswell






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Thanks I didn't even look for that, it fixed it!


I applied the same fix I used for

Error Undefined variable in expression: KRON_NPCs
Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333

for the same error in Init_UPSMON.sqf:

Error Undefined variable in expression:  KRON_NPCs
UPSMON.sqf, line ~1585

And for this one in the same file:

ERROR - Error Undefined variable in expression: KRON_targetsPos

And no more errors!



The only one left for UPSMON:

Error in expression <KRON_TRGFlag=KRON_Trig_EAST_ups2> //+ups1+5+8+7+HILLS [...] //SOURCE?
Error position: <KRON_Trig_EAST_ups2>
Error Undefined variable in expression: kron_trig_east_ups2

Spamming for all UPS markers.

Maybe because of line 813-815 in UPSMON.sqf

		call compile format["%1=false",_flgname];
		call compile format["KRON_TRGFlag=%1",_trgname];

As far as I understand an area trigger gets created and at the end of it's name the marker name gets added:


And for some reason this created name is undefined.

//EDIT: I just added these lines for all my ups markers at the beginning of UPSMON.sqf and the errors are gone.

KRON_Trig_EAST_ups1 = [];
KRON_Trig_EAST_ups2 = [];
KRON_Trig_EAST_ups3 = [];
KRON_Trig_EAST_ups4 = [];
KRON_Trig_EAST_ups5 = [];
KRON_Trig_EAST_ups5_1 = [];
KRON_Trig_EAST_ups6 = [];
KRON_Trig_EAST_ups7 = [];
KRON_Trig_EAST_ups8 = [];





(This one is actually kndr_unit_markers.sqf)

This is how I call the markers:

[N2, "Dot", "ColorOrange", "", "", "N2"] call kndr_assignMarker;


Error in expression //SOURCE?
<ame setMarkerColorLocal _aColor;_mName setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];_>
Error position: <setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY];_>
Error Generic error in expression

/**  kndr_unit_markers.sqf
 * Functions pack for showing units on the map as a custom markers.
 * Author: [PR]zemek kondor
 * Version: 1.1 (8 April 2010)

//-------| fields |------------------
//this will start system of tracking:
//call compile preprocessFile "kndr_unit_markers.sqf";
// and here are examples of adding units to the tracking system:
//[player] call kndr_assignMarker;
//[car2, "Dot"] call kndr_assignMarker;
//[car3, "Air", "ColorRed"] call kndr_assignMarker;
 * Holds delay of updating markers.

 * Holds object which have markers
kndr_mrks = [];

 * Holds markers for objects.
kndr_objs = [];

 * Flag if script should work.
kndr_markerShowOn = true;

 * Field for making unique markersname
kndr_mrkNr = 0;

 * Default marker color
kndr_DEFAULT_MRK_CLR = "ColorRed";
 * Function which returns info if marker should be removed.
 * args: object
kndr_needsRemove = 
	private ["_res"];
	_res = false;
	if (isNull (_this select 0)) then
		_res = true;
		if (not alive (_this select 0)) then
			_res = true;

//------| private functions |--------

 * Updates all markers (once).
kndr_updateMarkers = 
	private ["_i", "_obj", "_mrk"];
	for "_i" from ((count kndr_objs) - 1) to 0 step -1 do
		_obj = kndr_objs select _i;
		_mrk = kndr_mrks select _i;
		if ([_obj] call kndr_needsRemove) then
			[_i] call kndr_removeMarker;
			_mrk setMarkerPosLocal (getPos _obj);
			_mrk setMarkerDirLocal (getDir _obj);

 * Returns default marker class for a given object type
 * args: object
kndr_getDefaultMarkerClass = 
	private ["_res"];

	_res = "Dot";
	if (_aType isKindOf "Air") then
		_res = "Air";
		if (_aType isKindOf "Tank") then
			_res = "Tank";
			if ((_aType isKindOf "Car") or (_aType isKindOf "Motorcycle")) then
				_res = "Car";
//-----| public functions |----------

 * Set the speed of updating markers.
 * args: number - delay in seconds.
kndr_setMarkerUpdateDelay = 
	kndr_MARKER_DELAY_UPDATE = _this select 0;

 * Returns delay of updating markers (in seconds).
kndr_getMarkerUpdateDelay = 

 * Assigning marker to object
 * args: object[, iconClass, iconColor, iconSizeX, iconSizeY, text]
kndr_assignMarker = 
	private ["_mName", "_count", "_aObj", "_aClass", "_aColor", "_aIconX", "_aIconY", "_aText"];

	if (not isNull (_this select 0)) then
		_aObj = _this select 0;
		_count = count _this;
		_aClass = if (_count > 1) then { _this select 1 } else { [_aObj] call kndr_getDefaultMarkerClass };
		_aColor = if (_count > 2) then { _this select 2 } else { kndr_DEFAULT_MRK_CLR };
		_aIconX = if (_count > 3) then { _this select 3 } else { 1 };
		_aIconY = if (_count > 4) then { _this select 4 } else { 1 };
		_aText = if (_count > 5) then { _this select 5 } else { "" };
		_mName = format["kndr_mrk%1", kndr_mrkNr];
		kndr_mrkNr = kndr_mrkNr + 1;
		createMarkerLocal [_mName, getPos _aObj];
		_mName setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
		_mName setMarkerTypeLocal _aClass;
		_mName setMarkerColorLocal _aColor;
		_mName setMarkerSizeLocal [_aIconX, _aIconY]; //Error Generic error in expression
		_mName setMarkerTextLocal _aText;

		kndr_objs = kndr_objs + [_aObj];
		kndr_mrks = kndr_mrks + [_mName];
		diag_log "kndr_markers: entry object is null!";

 * Removes marker for passed object.
 * args: index of item which shoudn't be showed anymore.
kndr_removeMarker =
	private ["_mrk", "_obj"];
	_obj = kndr_objs select (_this select 0);
	_mrk = kndr_mrks select (_this select 0);

	kndr_objs = kndr_objs - [_obj];
	kndr_mrks = kndr_mrks - [_mrk];

	deleteMarkerLocal _mrk;
 * Starts showing markers.
kndr_showMarkers = 
	kndr_markerShowOn = true;
	while {kndr_markerShowOn} do
		[] call kndr_updateMarkers;

 * Disables showing markers.
kndr_disableShow = 
	kndr_markerShowOn = false;

 * Changes marker text.
 * args: object, text
kndr_setMarkerText = 
	private ["_i"];
	for "_i" from 0 to ((count kndr_objs) - 1) do
		if ((_this select 0) == (kndr_objs select _i)) then
			(kndr_mrks select  _i)  setMarkerTextLocal (_this select 1);
			if (true) exitWith {};

// Automatically run the system
[] spawn kndr_showMarkers;


//EDIT: Fix:

Since I only use symbol markers and no area for this mission/script I changed the upper line like this:

        //_aIconX = if (_count > 3) then { _this select 3 } else { 1 };
        //_aIconY = if (_count > 4) then { _this select 4 } else { 1 };
        _aIconX = 1;
        _aIconY = 1;


I can't believe I fixed all that, seemed impossible not so long ago.

Love that learning curve while scripting.

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I just spent an hour to look for the reason why UPSMON artillery is not firing anymore.

It was my 'fix' in Init_UPSMON:


Error in expression
<ts1 = [];_targets2 = [];{if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {    >
  Error position: <_x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then {    >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e8%20Final.Takistan\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 333

LINE 336 - added if (!isNil {KRON_NPCs select 0}) then { };

Removing the !isNil made the artillery fire again. Gonna have to look for a different fix.

Using: player sideChat format ["UPS - %1", KRON_NPCs];

Always returns a few <NULL>  in the array which vanish while it is initializing, but there is always one <NULL> left as the first string:


Doesn't matter how many patrols I got, if I only have one there is still a <NULL> in front of it, I guess that's the problem.

I tried to remove it but it messed up the script.


On 9/26/2013 at 6:27 PM, cool=azroul13 said:

It seems UPSMON script have some difficulty to initialize all the UPSMON groups in the first try.


KRON_NPCs: [[i1_2,<null>,<null>,i3,<null>,i1,i1_1]]
So bugs appears when it tries to launch the script with the group <null>.

The second time it seems to work:


KRON_NPCs: [[i1_2,i2,O Alpha 1-2:1,i3,O Alpha 2-1:1,i1,i1_1]]
But I dont know why.

This is basically what's happening except there is this one <NULL> left.

I tried this code here too, but still the same error.

Edit:  Using this code seems to work, artillery still firing:

(!isnil('_x') && {alive _x} && {!captive _x} )

Implemented this format for all other old undefined errors too.

Found here:



Some more errors in MON_fuctions.sqf:


//Function that returns a position in 2D from another, an address and a distance
//param1: position
//param2: direction
//param3: distance (<-error)
//Returns 2D position vector [0,0]

Error in expression
<_sinT = abs sin(_dir);_relTX = _sinT * _dist * _cosU;      _relTY = _cosT * _dist >
  Error position: <_dist * _cosU;      _relTY = _cosT * _dist >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _dist
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e8%20Final.Takistan\scripts\UPSMON\common\MON_functions.sqf, line 123
Error in expression
<{};_targetPos = [position _npc,_dir1, _dist] call MON_GetPos2D;if (surface>
  Error position: <_dist] call MON_GetPos2D;if (surface>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _dist
File D:\Eigene Dateien\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\OP%20GECKOHUNT%20v3%2e0%2e8%20Final.Takistan\scripts\UPSMON\common\MON_functions.sqf, line 1410


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