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Terrain textures white ingame, working in bulldozer

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Hello all,


First of all: I am fairly new to this scene, so forgive me if I offend anyone with this problem (it propably has an obvious solution) 😉

I have followed PMC's guide, consulted atlas's guide and have been googling for hours on now, I'm stumped and need someone to tell me I am a fool and explain why.


The issue:

I can't get the map working (properly) ingame. It either shows zero textures on my map, or not shows up in eden at all.

In bulldozer I can see my map with all textures. It can be crunched by pboproject and loaded into game.


Things I have tried:
- Clearing my data/layers folder ==> Exporting textures again ==> Exporting wrp ==> Crunch with pboproject

- Removing my wrp file ==> Export it again ==> Crunch it with pboproject

- Starting from scratch in terrainbuilder, importing all layers again and crunching again.


I will include some screenshots (not sure what you might need more though)




Any help will be appreciated greatly!!

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My layers.cfg

class Layers
  class lem_panide_dirt
    texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt);
    material = "lem\lem_panide\data\lem_panide_dirt.rvmat";
  class lem_panide_dry_grass
    texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt);
    material = "lem\lem_panide\data\lem_panide_dry_grass.rvmat";
  class lem_panide_forest_pine
    texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt);
    material = "lem\lem_panide\data\lem_panide_forest_pine.rvmat";
  class lem_panide_grass_green
    texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt);
    material = "lem\lem_panide\data\lem_panide_grass_green.rvmat";
  class lem_panide_soil
    texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt);
    material = "lem\lem_panide\data\lem_panide_soil.rvmat";
  class lem_panide_gdt_vbeach
    texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt);
    material = "lem\lem_panide\data\lem_panide_gdt_vbeach.rvmat";
  class lem_panide_gdt_rock
    texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt);
    material = "lem\lem_panide\data\lem_panide_gdt_rock.rvmat";

class Legend
  class Colors


#define _ARMA_

//Class config.bin{
class CfgPatches
 class lem_panide
  units[] = {"lem_panide"};
  weapons[] = {};
  requiredVersion = 1.0;
  version = "2";
  fileName = "lem_panide.pbo";
  author = "SubsidedLemon";
class CfgWorlds
 class CAWorld;
 class Stratis: CAWorld
  class Grid;
  class DefaultClutter;
 class lem_panide: Stratis
  cutscenes[] = {};
  author = "SubsidedLemon";
  description = "Lem_Panide";
  pictureMap = "A3\map_Altis\data\pictureMap_ca.paa"; 
  worldName = "lem\lem_panide\lem_panide.wrp";
  startTime = "11:00";
  startDate = "05/03/2001";
  startWeather = 0.2;
  startFog = 0.0;
  forecastWeather = 0.6;
  forecastFog = 0.0;
  centerPosition[] = {1024,1024,500};
  seagullPos[] = {1024,1024,500};
  longitude = 65;
  latitude = -34;
  elevationOffset = 5;
  envTexture = "A3\Data_f\env_land_ca.tga";
  minTreesInForestSquare = 2;
  minRocksInRockSquare = 2;
  ilsPosition[] = {1024,1024};
  ilsDirection[] = {0.5075,0.08,-0.8616};
  ilsTaxiIn[] = {};
  ilsTaxiOff[] = {};
  drawTaxiway = 0;
 class SecondaryAirports {};
class Sea
   seaTexture = "a3\data_f\seatexture_co.paa";
   seaMaterial = "#water";
   shoreMaterial = "#shore";
   shoreFoamMaterial = "#shorefoam";
   shoreWetMaterial = "#shorewet";
   WaterMapScale = 20;
   WaterGrid = 50;
   MaxTide = 0;
   MaxWave = 0;
   SeaWaveXScale = "2.0/50";
   SeaWaveZScale = "1.0/50";
   SeaWaveHScale = 2.0;
   SeaWaveXDuration = 5000;
   SeaWaveZDuration = 10000;
  class Grid: Grid
   offsetX = 0;
   offsetY = 5120;
   class Zoom1
    zoomMax = 0.15;
    format = "XY";
    formatX = "000";
    formatY = "000";
    stepX = 100;
    stepY = -100;
   class Zoom2
    zoomMax = 0.85;
    format = "XY";
    formatX = "00";
    formatY = "00";
    stepX = 1000;
    stepY = -1000;
   class Zoom3
    zoomMax = 1e+030.0;
    format = "XY";
    formatX = "0";
    formatY = "0";
    stepX = 10000;
    stepY = -10000;
#include "cfgClutter.hpp"
		class Names
			#include "lem_panide.hpp"
class CfgWorldList
 class lem_panide{};
class CfgMissions
 class Cutscenes

#include "cfgSurfaces.hpp"


class CfgSurfaces 
	class Default {};
	class lem_panide_dirt_Surface : Default
		 files = "lem_panide_dirt_*";
		 rough = 0.09;
		 maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
		 dust = 0.5;
		 soundEnviron = "dirt";
		 character = "Empty";
		 soundHit = "soft_ground";
		 lucidity = 1;
		 grassCover = 0.03;
	class lem_panide_dry_grass_Surface : Default
		 files = "lem_panide_dry_grass_*";
		 rough = 0.08;
		 maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
		 dust = 0.75;
		 soundEnviron = "drygrass";
		 character = "lem_panide_dry_grass_Character";
		 soundHit = "soft_ground";
		 lucidity = 2;
		 grassCover = 0.1;
	class lem_panide_forest_pine_Surface : Default
		 files = "lem_panide_forest_pine_*";
		 rough = 0.12;
		 maxSpeedCoef = 0.8;
		 dust = 0.4;
		 soundEnviron = "drygrass";
		 character = "lem_panide_forest_pine_Character";
		 soundHit = "soft_ground";
		 lucidity = 3.5;
		 grassCover = 0.04;
	class lem_panide_grass_green_Surface : Default
		 files = "lem_panide_grass_green_*";
		 rough = 0.08;
		 maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
		 dust = 0.15;
		 soundEnviron = "grass";
		 character = "lem_panide_green_grass_Character";
		 soundHit = "soft_ground";
		 lucidity = 4;
		 grassCover = 0.05;
	class lem_panide_soil_Surface : Default
		 files = "lem_panide_soil_*";
		 rough = 0.09;
		 maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
		 dust = 0.5;
		 soundEnviron = "dirt";
		 character = "Empty";
		 soundHit = "hard_ground";
		 lucidity = 1;
		 grassCover = 0.0;
	class lem_panide_gdt_vbeach_Surface : Default
		 files = "lem_panide_gdt_vbeach_*";
		 rough = 0.09;
		 maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
		 dust = 0.5;
		 soundEnviron = "dirt";
		 character = "Empty";
		 soundHit = "hard_ground";
		 lucidity = 1;
		 grassCover = 0.0;
	class lem_panide_gdt_rock_Surface : Default
		 files = "lem_panide_gdt_rock_*";
		 rough = 0.09;
		 maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
		 dust = 0.5;
		 soundEnviron = "dirt";
		 character = "Empty";
		 soundHit = "hard_ground";
		 lucidity = 1;
		 grassCover = 0.0;

class CfgSurfaceCharacters
        class lem_panide_forest_pine_Character
		probability[] = {0.05,0.012,0.01,0.1,0.05};
		names[] = {"lem_panide_BigFallenBranches_pine","lem_panide_BigFallenBranches_pine02","lem_panide_BigFallenBranches_pine03","lem_panide_GrassDryGroup","lem_panide_GrassGreenGroup"};
	class lem_panide_green_grass_Character
		probability[] = {0.92,0.07};
		names[] = {"lem_panide_GrassGreenGroup","lem_panide_FlowerLowYellow2"};
	class lem_panide_dry_grass_Character
		probability[] = {0.21,0.35,0.21,0.09,0.06,0.02};
		names[] = {"lem_panide_GrassDryGroup","lem_panide_GrassDryMediumgroup","lem_panide_WeedBrownTallGroup","lem_panide_WeedGreenTall","lem_panide_ThistleYellowShrub","lem_panide_PlantMullein"};


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What isn't showing in game? the Sat (far away texture) or ground texture (what you see when really close to the ground) or is it both?

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6 minutes ago, RoF said:

What isn't showing in game? the Sat (far away texture) or ground texture (what you see when really close to the ground) or is it both?

Both. But only ingame after I packed it.

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Does arma give any error when you load up the map?


@HorribleGoat You have any ideas about this one

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4 minutes ago, RoF said:

Does arma give any error when you load up the map?


@HorribleGoat You have any ideas about this one

Funny thing is, now it does not even show up in editor anymore? I only repeated this step:
- Clearing my data/layers folder ==> Exporting textures again ==> Exporting wrp ==> Crunch with pboproject

I remember a message showing it missed "P_000-000_L05.rvmat", although it there. I will give it another go.

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3 minutes ago, Kerwin van Westen said:

I remember a message showing it missed "P_000-000_L05.rvmat", although it there. I will give it another go.


Ok try deleting "Your_Map_Name.grid.000.v4w" file, and everything in the layers folder. Then export layers again

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Deleted the .v4w file from \source\TerrainBuilder and the contents in the data\layers folder. Exported layers again. Exported wrp. Crunching went fine.


Now I can't seem to get it in eden somehow. I feel like a fool stumbling in the dark here 😞

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My god, it works now... seemed my $PBOPREFIX$ had "\lem\lem_panide" instead of "lem\lem_panide". Its literally the only thing I changed before retrying.

I feel retarded. Still, thanks alot for the fast replies and help!

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6 minutes ago, Kerwin van Westen said:

My god, it works now... seemed my $PBOPREFIX$ had "\lem\lem_panide" instead of "lem\lem_panide". Its literally the only thing I changed before retrying.

I feel retarded. Still, thanks alot for the fast replies and help!


Just delete that file, its not needed. I wish that bit would just get taken out of the pmc tutorial tbh, its caused nothing but issues for newbies


Also jump on the Arma Discord (its text chat, not voice) https://discord.gg/arma

It a lot more active than here, these forums are basically dead. Everyone is over at #Terrain_makers on it

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Will do! Now I can at least continue with messing around. Joined the discord, Thanks!

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