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Il-2 Possible Viewports?

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is it possible to have Il-2 style viewports in arma? it seams that in il-2 tanks some of the viewports are in the middle of the interior model, not pressed against the wall like how Arma 2 OA BTR60 has it displayed or the recent arma 3 tanks DLC

over here you can see that the left and right viewport is located in the middle of the player and the wall, unlike the drivers viewport which is similar to the traditional arma way of doing interiors, this can be seen when the player turns out as the driver as the viewport follows the players head until the hatch is in the open position. how i think its works is that there is a texture on the viewpoint screen which unmask the interior walls so that the player can view past it.  

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No, you would have to cut a hole in the turret wall behind the periscope in order to look right through. Unless you use render-to-texture/picture-in-picture like is used with mirrors.

But R2T/PiP has various limitations like low image resolution, and doesn't render shadows. So it would not look as clear an image, and multiple PiP displays can have a big impact on performance.

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thanks for you reply. so there is no way in creating an alpha texture which can be only seen using another texture or some other way ? PIP is so horrible. and cut holes for some viewports wont look right. maybe ill just have to wait for arma 4 release then, if there is no available solution.  

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