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The Black Fox

Issues with two groups on Malden

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Preamble: I added a second playable squad on Escape Malden.


Problem: When all units in Alpha 1-1 die, they can still spawn on Alpha 1-2. However, when all units in Alpha 1-2 die, the mission fails.


Every bug in my custom scenario have been fixed except for this.


How do I fix this?

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Why would you want to escape Malden?


Anyway. I conducted a quick and dirty check...


It seems the entire mission relies on BIS_grpMain being alive.

To solve headaches, try grouping your Alpha 1-2 group to Alpha 1-1 so they are in one big group.

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7 hours ago, Maff said:

Why would you want to escape Malden?


Anyway. I conducted a quick and dirty check...


It seems the entire mission relies on BIS_grpMain being alive.

To solve headaches, try grouping your Alpha 1-2 group to Alpha 1-1 so they are in one big group.

Well, it's a part of the thing, where two groups race against each other.


Is there a way to remove the BIS_grpMain dependency or alter it for compatibility? Would changing the second OPFOR group to IND help?

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6 hours ago, The Black Fox said:

Is there a way to remove the BIS_grpMain dependency or alter it for compatibility?

Yes. Have a look at initServer.sqf - Line 291:

// Mission fail if everyone is dead
[] spawn
	sleep 300;
	waitUntil {sleep 5; {alive _x} count ((units BIS_grpMain_1) + (units BIS_grpMain_2)) > 0};
	waitUntil {sleep 5; {alive _x} count ((units BIS_grpMain_1) + (units BIS_grpMain_2)) == 0};
	["objEscape", "Failed"] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_taskSetState",east,true];
	["Loser", false] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_endMission",east,true];

So, copy and paste BIS_grpMain.

Open up the group leaders in the editor and replace BIS_grpMain = group this; with BIS_grpMain_1 = group this; and BIS_grpMain_2 = group this;

I have not tested this but it should work.


6 hours ago, The Black Fox said:

Would changing the second OPFOR group to IND help?

No. Player equipment is assigned based on the playable units class name.

To change player faction, or player class names would break equipment assignment.



Edited by Maff
Error: Replaced && with +.

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On 3/17/2019 at 8:33 AM, Maff said:

Yes. Have a look at initServer.sqf - Line 291:

No. Player equipment is assigned based on the playable units class name.

To change player faction, or player class names would break equipment assignment.



I'm already using custom loadouts. I figurd out how to use OnPlayerRespawn.sqf to equip custom stuff and it's all working fine.


So, loadouts aside, would changing one group to AAF still be feasible?

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On 3/17/2019 at 8:33 AM, Maff said:

Yes. Have a look at initServer.sqf - Line 291:

// Mission fail if everyone is dead
[] spawn
	sleep 300;
	waitUntil {sleep 5; {alive _x} count ((units BIS_grpMain_1) + (units BIS_grpMain_2)) > 0};
	waitUntil {sleep 5; {alive _x} count ((units BIS_grpMain_1) + (units BIS_grpMain_2)) == 0};
	["objEscape", "Failed"] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_taskSetState",east,true];
	["Loser", false] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_endMission",east,true];

So, copy and paste BIS_grpMain.

Open up the group leaders in the editor and replace BIS_grpMain = group this; with BIS_grpMain_1 = group this; and BIS_grpMain_2 = group this;

I have not tested this but it should work.


No. Player equipment is assigned based on the playable units class name.

To change player faction, or player class names would break equipment assignment.



Returns an error about some unknown variable

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8 hours ago, The Black Fox said:

So, loadouts aside, would changing one group to AAF still be feasible?

Maybe. I don't have a lot of time to spare right now to recheck but I'm sure I spotted Independent units in the mission scripts.
I am not sure if they were part of the hunter force or what.


7 hours ago, The Black Fox said:

Returns an error about some unknown variable

Are you using copy & paste?

I've noticed scripts error if I paste from the forums even if it is something I have typed.

Try to type BIS_grpMain_1 / BIS_grpMain_2 instead of pastinging.

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23 hours ago, Maff said:

Maybe. I don't have a lot of time to spare right now to recheck but I'm sure I spotted Independent units in the mission scripts.
I am not sure if they were part of the hunter force or what.


Are you using copy & paste?

I've noticed scripts error if I paste from the forums even if it is something I have typed.

Try to type BIS_grpMain_1 / BIS_grpMain_2 instead of pastinging.

It's related to an existing game function. Also, now respawn seems to be broken for new players joining the game.

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On 3/19/2019 at 2:00 AM, Maff said:

Maybe. I don't have a lot of time to spare right now to recheck but I'm sure I spotted Independent units in the mission scripts.
I am not sure if they were part of the hunter force or what.


Are you using copy & paste?

I've noticed scripts error if I paste from the forums even if it is something I have typed.

Try to type BIS_grpMain_1 / BIS_grpMain_2 instead of pastinging.

Getting error: undefined variable in expression: bis_grpmain_1

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8 hours ago, The Black Fox said:

It's related to an existing game function.

Which function?

8 hours ago, The Black Fox said:

Also, now respawn seems to be broken for new players joining the game.

Have you changed any MP settings or onPlayerRespawn.sqf?


6 hours ago, The Black Fox said:

Getting error: undefined variable in expression: bis_grpmain_1

I was getting that error too. That is why I suggested that you type the group names rather than copy paste.

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14 hours ago, Maff said:

Which function?

Have you changed any MP settings or onPlayerRespawn.sqf?


I was getting that error too. That is why I suggested that you type the group names rather than copy paste.

Not many MP settings, as I was having problems with this earlier and am using mostly vanilla settings. I only changed the respawn timer andtime of day.


// Delete the dead body if all players are far away
_null = (_this select 1) execVM "Scripts\BuryCorpse.sqf";

// Squad leader
    if (player isKindOf "O_Soldier_SL_F") then {
        [player] execVM "scripts\loadouts\SquadLeader.sqf";

// Marksman
    if (player isKindOf "O_Soldier_M_F") then {
        [player] execVM "scripts\loadouts\Marksman.sqf";

// Autorifleman
    if (player isKindOf "O_Soldier_AR_F") then {
        [player] execVM "scripts\loadouts\Autorifleman.sqf";
// Autorifleman Numero Dos
    if (player isKindOf "O_Soldier_AR") then {
        [player] execVM "scripts\loadouts\Autorifleman.sqf";

// Close quarters specialist
    if (player isKindOf "O_Recon_F") then {
        [player] execVM "scripts\loadouts\CloseQuarters.sqf";

// Anti-tank
    if (player isKindOf "O_Soldier_LAT_F") then {
        [player] execVM "scripts\loadouts\Antitank.sqf";

// Basic rifleman class
    if (player isKindOf "O_Soldier_F") then {
        [player] execVM "scripts\loadouts\basicrifleman.sqf";

// Missile specialist
    if (player isKindOf "O_Soldier_AA_F") then {
        [player] execVM "scripts\loadouts\antiair.sqf";

// Engie
    if (player isKindOf "O_Engineer_F") then {
        [player] execVM "scripts\loadouts\Engineer.sqf";

// Medic
    if (player isKindOf "O_Medic_F") then {
        [player] execVM "scripts\loadouts\medic.sqf";

// Heli Pilot
    if (player isKindOf "O_helipilot_F") then {
        [player] execVM "scripts\loadouts\HeliPilot.sqf";

// Heli Crew
    if (player isKindOf "O_helicrew_F") then {
        [player] execVM "scripts\loadouts\HeliCrew.sqf";

// Heli Engie
    if (player isKindOf "O_soldier_repair_F") then {
        [player] execVM "scripts\loadouts\ParaTrooper.sqf";

// Heli medic
    if (player isKindOf "O_recon_medic_F") then {
        [player] execVM "scripts\loadouts\HeliMedic.sqf";


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On 3/20/2019 at 10:07 AM, Maff said:

Which function?

Have you changed any MP settings or onPlayerRespawn.sqf?


I was getting that error too. That is why I suggested that you type the group names rather than copy paste.

okay gonna try again with a fresh remake of the mission where not much else is changed

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