redvex 0 Posted November 26, 2001 I have managed to have only enemies to start prone crouch or what with Switchmove, setunitpos or setbehaviour, but when i use it on myself, I only start playing standing. What can I do? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob 1 Posted November 26, 2001 if ur using the correct moves in the triggers it should activate on urself aswell. they always have for me so make sure ur using the correct moves without making mistakes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redvex 0 Posted November 26, 2001 unitName switchmove "whatdoyouwriteinhere"? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob 1 Posted November 26, 2001 send me ur mission or wot u want to do and i will tell ya. if u download most of the unofficial tutorials like lustypoohs these contain all the moves u need to know. hand gestures and everything. if u dont want to send me the mission for some reason tell me wot moves u want the units to preform. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fenris 0 Posted November 26, 2001 something like: unitName switchmove "effectstandsitdown" - to start seated. You can get a list of the commands from somewhere like or whatever it is... If you can't find it I'll mail it to you. Cheers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MP 0 Posted November 26, 2001 Here are different character animations you can use with the playmove or switchmove commands. 5TCoDriver 5TCoDriverV1 5TCoDriverDead 5TCoDriverDying 5TDriver 5TDriverV1 5TDriverDead 5TDriverDying A10Pilot A10PilotV1 A10PilotDead A10PilotDying AH1Gunner AH1GunnerV1 AH1GunnerDead AH1GunnerDying AH1Pilot AH1PilotV1 AH1PilotDead AH1PilotDying BinocCrouchToCrouch BinocLyingToLying BinocStandToStand BinocToCombat BMPCommander BMPCommanderV1 BMPCommanderOut BMPCommanderOutV1 BMPCommanderOutDead BMPCommanderOutDying BMPDriver BMPDriverV1 BMPDriverOut BMPDriverOutV1 MPDriverOutDead MPDriverOutDying BMPGunner BMPGunnerV1 BMPGunnerOut BMPGunnerOutV1 BMPGunnerOutDying BMPGunnerOutDead Cargo CargoDead CargoDying CargoVer1 CargoVer2 CargoVer3 CargoVer4 CargoVer5 CesnaCargo CesnaCargoV1 CesnaCargoDead CesnaCargoDying CesnaPilot CesnaPilotV1 CesnaPilotDead CesnaPilotDying CivilDead CivilDeadVer2 CivilDying CivilDyingVer2 CivilLying CivilLyingCrawlF CivilLyingCrawlL CivilLyingDying CivilLyingNoAim CivilRunF CivilStillV1Civilian standing still pose CivilWalkF CombatDead CombatDeadVer2 CombatDeadVer3 CombatDying CombatDyingVer2 CombatDyingVer3 CombatOptics CombatOpticsF CombatRelaxedDeadVer2 CombatRelaxedDying CombatRelaxedDyingVer2 CombatRelaxedStill CombatReloadMortarEnd CombatRunB CombatRunBDead CombatRunBDeadVer2 CombatRunBDying CombatRunBDyingVer2 CombatRunDeadVer2 CombatRunDying CombatRunDyingVer2 CombatRunF CombatRunFToLying CombatRunL CombatRunLB CombatRunLF CombatRunNF CombatRunR CombatRunRB CombatRunRF CombatRunThrowGrenadeEnd CombatSprintF CombatSprintLF CombatSprintRF CombatStillPlayer CombatStillV1 CombatStrokeGunEnd To hit someone with the butt of your rifle CombatThrowGrenadeEnd CombatToBinoc CombatToCrouch CombatToLying CombatToMedic CombatToPutDown CombatToStand CombatToTreated CombatToWeapon CombatTurnL CombatTurnR CommandEngageAtWill CommandFireAtWill CommandFormation CommandForward CommandHoldFire CommandStop Commander CrouchDying CrouchToBinocCrouch CrouchToCombat CrouchToCrouchSprintF CrouchToLying CrouchToWeapon Driver EffectCombatStand EffectStandmove EffectStandSitDownSitdown EffectStandSitDownVer1 EffectStandSitDownVer2 EffectStandSitDownStillLooks like EffectStandTalk EffectStandSaluteStand and Salute I dare say EffectStandSaluteEnd EffectStandTalkStand and act like you are talking EffectWeaponPanic FXangelStanding rigid with arms to side FXangel2Standing rigid with hands over crotch FXStandAttStand at attention FXStandAttVar1 FXStandBug FXStandDangle FXStandDip FXStandDropTel XStandEndTable FXStandFromDip FXStandFromTableStanding from the chair FXStandhipStanding and shifting on left hip FXStandRotateTableReach down as if about to rotate table FXStandShowTable FXStandStraight FXStandSur FXStandSurDeadAnother dying while standing pose FXStandSurDownStand and put hands behind your head FXStandSurUnivHands behind your head surrendering FXStandToDip FXStandToTelLean in to grab telephone FXStandTelLoopSitting talking on phone FXStandToTelHand FXStandToTable FXStandUnivTableSitting in chair in front of table? Gunner HRLGunner HRLGunnerV1 HRLGunnerDead HRLGunnerDying JeepCoDriver JeepCoDriverV1 JeepCoDriverDead JeepCoDriverDying JeepCoDriverBack JeepCoDriverBackV1 JeepCoDriverBackDead JeepCoDriverBackDying JeepGunner JeepGunnerV1 JeepGunnerDead JeepGunnerDying JeepDriver JeepDriverV1 JeepDriverDead JeepDriverDying LyingCrawlF LyingCrawlL LyingDying LyingNoAim LyingStillV1 LyingThrowGrenadeEnd LyingToBinocLying LyingToCombat LyingToCombatRun LyingToCrouch LyingToPutDownLying LyingToTreatedLying LyingToWeapon Lying to Rocket launcher. M113Driver M113DriverV1 M113DriverOut M113DriverOutV1 M113DriverOutDead M113DriverOutDying M113Gunner M113GunnerV1 M113GunnerDead M113GunnerDying M113Medic M113MedicV1 M1A1Commander M1A1CommanderV1 M1A1CommanderOut M1A1CommanderOutV1 M1A1CommanderOutDead M1A1CommanderOutDying M1A1Gunner M1A1GunnerV1 M1A1DriverOut M1A1DriverOutV1 M1A1DriverOutDead M1A1DriverOutDying M2Gunner M2GunnerV1 M2GunnerDead M2GunnerDying M60Commander M60CommanderV1 M60CommanderOut M60CommanderOutV1 M60CommanderOutDead M60CommanderOutDying M60Driver M60DriverV1 M60DriverOut M60DriverOutV1 M60DriverOutDying M60DriverOutDead M60Gunner M60GunnerV1 Mi17Pilot Mi17PilotV1 Mi17PilotDead Mi17PilotDying Mi24Gunner Mi24GunnerV1 Mi24GunnerDead Mi24GunnerDying Mi24Pilot Mi24PilotV1 Mi24PilotDead Mi24PilotDying MedicToCombat OnChairSitting in chair Para ParaV1 ParaDead ParaDying PBRDriver PBRDriverV1 PBRDriverDead PBRDriverDying PBRGunner PBRGunnerV1 PBRGunnerDead PBRGunnerDying Pilot PutDownLyingToLying PutDownToCombat ScudCoDriver ScudCoDriverV1 ScudCoDriverDead ScudCoDriverDying ScudDriver ScudDriverV1 ScudDriverDead ScudDriverDyingScudCoDriver ScudCoDriverV1 ScudCoDriverDead ScudCoDriverDying ScudDriver ScudDriverV1 ScudDriverDead ScudDriverDying SkodaCoDriver SkodaCoDriverV1 SkodaCoDriverDead SkodaCoDriverDying SkodaCoDriverBack SkodaCoDriverBackV1 SkodaCoDriverBackDead SkodaCoDriverBackDying SkodaDriver SkodaDriverV1 SkodaDriverDead SkodaDriverDying SitDownToStand SitDownDying Stand StandBase StandDead StandDeadVer2 StandDyingVer2Dying while standing StandToBinocStand StandToCombat EffectStandmove EffectStandSitDown EffectStandSitDownVer1 EffectStandSitDownVer2 EffectStandSitDownStill EffectStandSalute EffectStandSaluteEnd StandGetOutTankJump out of tank StandStrokeFist StandStrokeFistEnd StandWalkF T55Commander T55CommanderV1 T55CommanderOut T55CommanderOutV1 55CommanderOutDead 55CommanderOutDying T55DriverOut T55DriverOutV1 T55DriverOutDead T55DriverOutDying T55Gunner T55GunnerV1 T72Commander T72CommanderV1 T72CommanderOut T72CommanderOutV1 T72CommanderOutDead T72CommanderOutDying T72DriverOut T72DriverOutV1 T72DriverOutDead T72DriverOutDying T72Gunner T72GunnerV1 T72GunnerOut T72GunnerOutV1 T72GunnerOutDead T72GunnerOutDying T80CommanderOut T80CommanderOutV1 T80CommanderOutDead T80CommanderOutDying T80GunnerOutV1 T80GunnerOutDead T80GunnerOutDying TractorDriver TractorDriverV1 TractorDriverDead TractorDriverDying TreatedLyingToLying TreatedToCombat UazCoDriver UazCoDriverV1 UazCoDriverDead UazCoDriverDying UazDriver UazDriverV1 UazDriverDead UazDriverDying UH60Gunner UH60GunnerV1 UH60GunnerDead UH60GunnerDying UH60Pilot UH60PilotV1 UH60PilotDead UH60PilotDying UralCoDriver UralCoDriverV1 UralCoDriverDead UralCoDriverDying UralDriver UralDriverV1 UralDriverDead UralDriverDying V3SCoDriver V3SCoDriverV1 V3SCoDriverDead V3SCoDriverDying V3SDriver V3SDriverV1 V3SDriverDead V3SDriverDying Weapon WeaponDead WeaponDying WeaponDyingVer2 WeaponToCombat WeaponToCrouch WeaponToLying ZSUCommander ZSUCommanderV1 ZSUCommanderOut ZSUCommanderOutV1 ZSUCommanderOutDead ZSUCommanderOutDying ZSUDriver ZSUDriverV1 ZSUDriverDead ZSUDriverDying ZSUGunner ZSUGunnerV1 ZSUGunnerOut ZSUGunnerOutV1 ZSUGunnerOutDead ZSUGunnerOutDying Anything starting with FX will need a script to trigger it... 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redvex 0 Posted November 26, 2001 I alredy have that list, but I found one I likee, it's called "LyingStillV1" but when it starts yes, i'm prone, but before i can move the unit, it makes some movements that i want to disable. I'll look 4 it in opfpeditingcenter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob 1 Posted November 26, 2001 does that mean that u got my e-mail? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MP 0 Posted November 26, 2001 OK. Just tried a few of those... I'd say your best bet is LyingCrawlF. You take 1 crawl forward and then control is returned to you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redvex 0 Posted November 27, 2001 Ok Thxx 4 your help guyz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites