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[Police][Milsim] MPS Specialist Firearms Command (British Police Milsim Unit)

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Metropolitan Police Specialist Firearms Command is looking for new recruits to join our Milsim group. MPSSFC has decided that there really is little to no real Police Milsim units available to join we decided to base ourselves on the UK SFC with sub-divisions of CTSFO and SC&O19 we would like to think that we are not that serious of a Milsim unit we don't command an ultimate level of professionalism and seriousness we just ask that people act appropriately depending on the scenario but for the most part we just want people to enjoy themselves. We accept anyone from anywhere (You don't have to be from the UK to join that is not the case) as long as the applicant meets the application criteria and 16+ and able to speak English.

If you wish to join our unit please fill out this simple application form: https://goo.gl/forms/Elj8HX51kFnHHIcw1

Alternatively, you can join our Teamspeak server and find out more and come have a chat with a member of staff!


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