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SP Campaign: Going back to do scouting/side missions?

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After many years I've finally got the time to invest into ARMA 3, so I've started with the singleplayer campaign so I can get used to controls etc, the only other milsim I've played is a few hours of ARMA 2.


My question is, I'm now up to the Signal Lost mission, which I'm assuming means I don't go back to Camp Maxwell. I didn't do any of the scouting or side missions from Camp Maxwell as I only just realised they were a thing, can I just go back and load one of the previous Camp Maxwell missions without losing my progress so I can do the scouting/side missions?

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Not that I know of. You can revert to previous stages in campaign menu which deletes progress beyond selected mission. Not sure if replay mission is still a thing but that probably would not be very useful either since it likely doesn't update already completed progress.


Also, you may want to take a look at New scouting missions during "Survive" thread. There is some useful tips and info there. Beware of potential spoilers though.

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The scouting missions are really only relevant for getting more gear/ammo for use in missions.

As you lose all your gear at the end of the survive chapter, it doesn't matter one bit

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