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New Life Server, TanoaRP

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Recently, a bunch of people, including I, started on the idea for our own server. A server where it’ll be a mix between the carnage of a lenient sever alongside the RP of a hard RP. And so we have created our server: TanoaRP. With our developer MT, we’ve managed to create a server with some rare scripts not seen much on Arma.

How to join? Information is on our forums! 

- Black Market stocked with rare and expensive weapons.
- New Rebel Vehicles, often in the form of junker cars, used specifically for combat in the jungle environment.
- Auction House, where one can sell all their spare weapons and gear .
- Gold Standard Economy: We use a modified version of the dynamic market system, where everything is based off the real world gold bar price
- Gang Capturable Areas: Similar to hideouts, yet they generate revenue instead of a shop for equipment or processing. (Only KOS Zones)
- New TPD and Civilian vehicles
- CCTV Cameras: Keep your eyes on the city
- Gold and Weapon Transports: Steal a hefty haul from the government in the form of gold bars or weapons
- Seatbelts: Crashing is now semi-ok!
- Safe zones: Never have to worry about being robbed or killed upon joining the server immediately ever again!
- Dynamic Drug Dealer: He moves around the map so you must too. And be prepared! He only spawns in KOS zones and sticks around for only an hour before relocating again!
- GPS: Always know where you’re going with a voiced GPS telling you where to go!
- Skill System: Same system used in a few others, but eventually we’re going to put our own spin on it.
- Shipwreck Diving: Find the treasures of the deep by excavating all the sunken ships when they appear!
- NLR Timer: No more having to worry about people respawning and rejoining a fight they’ve already lost.
- Dedicated Developer and Staff Team, with experience running servers
- And more! Just join and experience it all for yourself!

Our official Discord : https://discord.gg/ppFfh3t
Our TS IP : TO be announced later


We plan on releasing at 2 PM EST Tommorow, we hope to see you all then!

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