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cant get score on server

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I really can't figure out why this don't work on server,

I decided to create my own variable for my score system wlkscore.

No hint and no score were added.

In editor (Play as Multiplayer) all works fine. I messed around since a few days now.

All i need is get 3 wlkscore for a killed independent zombie and 30 for a killed playable civilian (gamer).

I also tried addMPEventHandler with no luck

gamer = [];
zombies = [];
 while {true} do 
		{ if ((side _x) isEqualTo independent) then 
			_x addEventHandler ["Killed", { 
			wlkscore = wlkscore + 3; 
			zeus addCuratorPoints 0.05;
			hint format["Score %1", wlkscore];
			zombies = zombies - [_x]; }];
			zombies pushBack _x;
		} forEach (allUnits - zombies); 
		{ if ((side _x) isEqualTo civilian) then 
			_x addEventHandler ["Killed", { 
			wlkscore = wlkscore + 30; 
			zeus addCuratorPoints 0.05;
			hint format["Score %1", wlkscore];
			gamer = gamer - [_x]; }];
			gamer pushBack _x;
		} forEach (allUnits - gamer); 
	sleep 1;

client log:



server log:



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Doubt this even works because wlkscore is never initialized.

Seems like an odd approach, why not use EntityKilled eventhandler and run it from initServer.sqf?

Something like this:

wlkscore = 0;
addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled", {
	params ["_unit", "_killer", "_instigator", "_useEffects"];

	if (isPlayer _unit AND side group _unit isEqualTo civilian) then {
		wlkscore = wlkscore + 30

	if (!isPlayer _unit and side group _unit isEqualTo independent) then {
		wlkscore = wlkscore + 3


Might be easier to handle everything from the server with a single EH.



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30 minutes ago, Grumpy Old Man said:

Doubt this even works because wlkscore is never initialized.

Seems like an odd approach, why not use EntityKilled eventhandler and run it from initServer.sqf?

Something like this:

wlkscore = 0;
addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled", {
	params ["_unit", "_killer", "_instigator", "_useEffects"];

	if (isPlayer _unit AND side group _unit isEqualTo civilian) then {
		wlkscore = wlkscore + 30

	if (!isPlayer _unit and side group _unit isEqualTo independent) then {
		wlkscore = wlkscore + 3


Might be easier to handle everything from the server with a single EH.



Thank you but same phenomen. Works great in Editor. On server no luck.

server log: https://cloud.walk3r.info/index.php/s/LZ0YQb0Eh2EuJp2/download

client log: https://cloud.walk3r.info/index.php/s/HOL6kwYFCexfrvE/download

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