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Player AI Squad Respawn

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I have a 1v1 with player controlled AI squads. Everyone respawns at their team respawn. There are only 2 playable units, the leader of the two squads, which are named "player_west"/"player_east". In the init field of the bots, I put for example:


this addEventHandler ["Killed", {"B_soldier_AR_F" createUnit [getMarkerPos "respawn_west", west_player];}];


But I think this only fires once. Is there any way to make this keep happening?

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I'm not at all experienced with scripting like that, but I've found that if you make all the units playable in the editor and just do a normal respawn setup, they seem to keep respawning. The best method I've found though is to use ALiVE's multispawn module. The only downside is that I can't seem to get them to keep their loadout after respawn. 


Hope this helps, again I'm not exactly the most experienced in this 

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