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Different group respawn points

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I'm trying to create different spawn points for different groups. The mission is going to have 3 different forces, the Pilots, the SOF guys and normal Army guys. I want each to have their own respawn point. Tried searching for something similar and came up with:



 player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {

if (group player == "B Alpha 1-1") then {player setpos (getmarkerpos "PilotRespawn"); } else { if (group player == "B Alpha 1-2") then {player setpos (getmarkerpos "SOFRespawn");


Tried using Respawn and MPrespawn EH, both didn't work.

Respawn is set as Custom Location and there are 3 markers (respawn_west, PilotRespawn and SOFRespawn and also tried on Position of Death but the code doesn't do anything and also doesn't work.

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you can do what you want with :

player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {
if (groupId (group player) == "Alpha 1-1") then {player setpos (getmarkerpos "respawntroup"); } else {player setpos (getmarkerpos "respawnpilot");}

if you want more than 2 pos you can use the switch command

ex :

player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {
  switch (groupId (group player)) do {
      case "Alpha 1-1": {
          player setpos (getmarkerpos "PilotRespawn");
      case "Alpha 1-2": {
          player setpos (getmarkerpos "SOFRespawn");
      case "Alpha 1-3": {
          player setpos (getmarkerpos "AnotherRespawnMarker");


the command "groupId" return the group name

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Thank you. I ended up using this:


player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {
if (groupId (group player) == "Alpha 1-1") then {player setpos (getmarkerpos "PilotRespawn"); } else {}

player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {
if (groupId (group player) == "Alpha 1-2") then {player setpos (getmarkerpos "SOFRespawn"); } else {}

because i couldn't get switch do working, i didn't get any errors it just didn't do anything


player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {

switch (groupId (group player)) do {
    case "Alpha 1-1"; { player setpos (getmarkerpos "PilotRespawn"); };
    case "Alpha 1-2"; {player setpos (getmarkerpos "SOFRespawn"); };
	default {player setpos (getmarkerpos "respawn_west"); };


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if you don't use the else statement you can remove it and keep only your Then :

if (groupId (group player) == "Alpha 1-1") then {player setpos (getmarkerpos "PilotRespawn"); };


you can also regroup your two if in only one EventHandler:

player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {
	if (groupId (group player) == "Alpha 1-1") then {player setpos (getmarkerpos "PilotRespawn"); };
	if (groupId (group player) == "Alpha 1-2") then {player setpos (getmarkerpos "SOFRespawn"); };



it's because in your case you have put ";" instead of ":"

case "Alpha 1-1";

need to be : 
case "Alpha 1-1":


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Thanks for the help once again.


In terms of performance or possibility of "malfunction" which of the two is better to use? Switch do or If?

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I think " If " is faster than " switch do "

maybe someone can confirm ? @GEORGE FLOROS GR you make a lot of scripts maybe you have an idea :)


what do you mean by "malfunction" ?

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I always read that arma sometimes breaks and stops running scripts correctly and stuff. I not a scripter so i don't know how to optimize code.

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Speed is never an issue with such a small script that is run only once in respawn. You should only have to optimize slow loops and such

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