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Mr H.

cfgFaces arm textures

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So, I've been making a custom face but the arms texture has one single texture for both arms (cfg ref: textureHL=) trouble is I'd like to have a tattoo on one arm and not on the other. There's a textureHL2= but having a different texture on this one doesn't seem to change anything. What is it for then ? Am I missing something?

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you can't, unless you have the source model, and change the arm selections to a different name for each one. 

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That's what I thought, but what's textureHL2= for then ?

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and also, since I have the source model (it's provided in the A3 samples) where are the HL models declared/connected with heads?

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Within the config file, and the model config.

What you need to do is maybe call one HL_Left and the other HL_Right, and assign the textures on the base model, but then the default model will probably over write it.
You also need to add these "selections" to the model.cfg as well, again you need this on your custom model.

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