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The biggest problem(s) of Arma 3, except the ever-popular-and-relevant performance?

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Personally, I care a lot about immersion. Thus, the most immersion-breaking part is the terrible ragdoll physics. The twitching, weightless and unresponsive bodies (twitchy weapons included) with a complete lack of gore makes Arma 3's battlefields, especially infrantry-based firefights, clinically clean.

As an example of what would be a proper approach, I found Brothers in Arms series, especially Brothers in Arms, portraying gore and the horrors of war in a pretty balanced, non-PSTD-inducing way. Some say Red Orchestra 2 is also a great choice, but I liked how BIA series striked the better balance there.

That's all, folks. What's the biggest for you? The AI itself as a whole? Clueless AI driving? Lack of dense and more realistic particle effects? Gore? Physics? Input lag? Speak out.

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Welcome to the forums! For the gore part you can use this:


As for what hits the most, its the AI. Gladly there is this:



but even then the AI is not to be trusted. Especially when it comes to editing...


AI do not even follow simple way-points at times. Whenever you design a mission many things are a no go simply because one AI unit might refuse to follow a way-point and so the mission has to be restarted. The planning and creation of a mission gets way more complicated. Hence many editors have stopped creating missions.

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@MichaeljonesMJ I share your concerns about Arma's ability to rapidly immerse us but then suddenly shatter the suspension of disbelief with janky physics and/or dumb and/or terminator AI.

To reduce (practically eliminate) rag-dolling try TPW's TPWMOD


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