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customRadio: sometimes squelch, sometimes no squelch

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I'm using customRadio for dialogue between player and AI.  They are all on the same channel.  Sometimes I hear radio in/out squelch (and static) when unit speaks via customRadio.  Sometimes I don't hear squelch and static.  It doesn't seem random (i.e., the same lines/sounds are either always with squelch, or always without squelch). Is there some way to enable/disable squelch and static with customRadio?  I don't get it...

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Could be related to distance, if within audible range you'd hear the unit itself speaking, if further away he's using the squelching radio.

There was also a bug (maybe still is) that you'll hear direct audio and radio at the same time...



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5 hours ago, Grumpy Old Man said:

Could be related to distance, if within audible range you'd hear the unit itself speaking, if further away he's using the squelching radio.

There was also a bug (maybe still is) that you'll hear direct audio and radio at the same time...

Interesting.  In the case that is bothering me the most, i have player giving a briefing and an AI unit saying a few lines also.  They are only 2 meters apart.  The player unit sounds contain radio squelch/static, and the AI unit does not.  They both are using customRadio command and same channel.  Other scenes I have player and AI speaking using customRadio and there is no radio squelch.

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